System Settings Overview
  • 27 Feb 2025
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System Settings Overview

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Article summary


The Settings Folder allows an Administrator to alter the settings of the Portal as well as many other entities and processes that the platform supports, such as any Modules, clustering, logging, and much more.

To view and change System Settings, navigate to the folder System > Settings, select the desired setting from the list of Settings in the Folder, then adjust it in its respective editor. 

Alternatively, Settings can be adjusted by right-clicking the entity in the Folder View and then selecting Edit.

System Settings

This article lists all possible System Settings. Users should not expect to see or use all of these.

System settings marked with an asterisk (*) are either uneditable or redirect Administrators to a different location in the System folder.

System Setting NameOrigin
Active Directory SettingsCore
Active MQ SettingsActive MQ Module
*Add Platform FeaturesCore
Amazon WebServices SettingsAmazon WebServices Module
App Store SettingsCore
Archive Entities SettingsCore
Assignment SettingsCore
Auditing SettingsCore
Azure Service Bus SettingsAzure Service Bus Modules
Case Management SettingsCore
Chart SettingsCore
Client Statistics SettingsCore
Clustering Settings
Comment Module SettingsCore
Contact Info SettingsCore
Designer Repository SettingsCore
Designer Studio SettingsCore
Document Module SettingsCore
Docusign SettingsDocusign Module
Equifax SettingsEquifax Module
Experian SettingsExperian Module
Foreign Exchange SettingsForeign Exchange Module
Global Debugger SettingsCore
HL7 Module SettingsHL7 Module
IBM MQ SettingsIBMMQ Module
Import/Export SettingsCore
Integration SettingsCore
Jira SettingsJira Module
Kafka Message Queue SettingsKafka Module
Licensing SettingsCore
Logging SettingsCore
Message Server StartupCore
Messaging: Memory Message QueuesCore
Messaging: MSMQ SettingsMSMQ Module
Okta SettingsOkta Module
OpenID SettingsOpenID Module
*Page Part DataCore
Plaid SettingsPlaid Module
Plivo Settings
Telephony Module
Portal SettingsCore
Proxy SettingsCore, only in v9.8+
Python Module SettingsPython Module
Rabbit MQ SettingsRabbit MQ Module
Remedy SettingsRemedy Module
RModule SettingsR Module 
Salesforce SettingsSalesforce Module
SAML Settings
SAML Module
Support Chat SettingsCore
Symantec Management Platform SettingsSymantecSMP Module
Tags SettingsCore
Telephony SettingsTelephony Module
Twilio SettingsTelephony Module
USPS SettingsUSPS Module

Proxy Settings

The Proxy Settings allows configuration of all external calls made from Decisions to be made through a proxy server. This impact nearly all modules and any steps, such as REST steps, that make outbound calls. Any parts of a build that should not go through the proxy should be added to the Bypass List section under SETTINGS. This feature is only available in v9.8+.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Removed the "Custom Permission Settings".8.13August 2023[DT-013057]
Removed CMDB Settings.
August 2023
Added Proxy Settings.9.8March 2025[DT-043725]

For further information on the Portal, visit the Decisions Forum.

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