App Store Settings
  • 03 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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App Store Settings

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Article summary


The App Store System Settings configure the App Store. Changing these settings may allow users to customize their App Store to contain additional, username projects.


Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
App Store NameDecisions Apps and TemplatesPrompts for the name of the App Store
URL for the URL of the repository with the App Store. For custom App Stores, enter the URL of the Repository containing the custom Apps.
Named Session KeyNS-dc6611c9-9d3b-11e6-80b8-00155d0a2d06Prompts for the Named Session ID. This is necessary to connect to the App Store especially custom ones.

Creating Custom Apps from Repository

After providing a repository's URL in the App Store Settings, projects in the repository will need to be configured to appear in the App Store.

  1. In the repository, right-click on a project and select Edit[Advanced].

For further information on the Portal, visit the Decisions Forum.

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