About Modules
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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About Modules

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Article summary


Modules within the Decisions platform expand and introduce new functionalities and customization options. They facilitate integration with external platforms like Azure, HL7, Message System queues, and many more, enhancing the platform's versatility. Upon installation, many modules offer pre-built Flow Steps and configuration settings, which can be used in a Project. For a detailed list of modules available in the platform, refer to Available Modules.

Decisions have two types of modules ready to install:

Core Modules

These are the core modules that are added to the platform by the installer.

GitHub Modules

These modules are not installed by the installer but are fetched in real-time from Decisions GitHub. These modules are open-source and accessible to all. Users can customize this open-source module and manually install it in Decisions. Each module's repository describes version availability and whether or not a module is considered experimental.

Navigate to the Repositories section of the Decisions GitHub Page to see all the available modules.

Disable the GitHub Modules

Admin users can turn off populating the GitHub Modules in the platform by enabling Disable GitHub Modules in Integration Settings. Doing so, the platform will not send requests to GitHub, and the modules will no longer be visible to install.

If you want to re-enable the modules, service restart is a must to view the GitHub modules after enabling.


  • Disabling will not impact the GitHub module(s) that have already been installed on the server.

  • After re-enabling it in the integration settings, service restart is a must to view the GitHub modules.

What Changed from v8 to v9?


Version 8

Version 9

Modules Location

Modules were accessible at two locations in the platform:

  • Folders → My Apps

  • System → Administration → Features

Modules are now accessible at only one location in the platform:

  • System → Administration → Features


After installation, the modules were available system-wide across the platform.

After installation, users must create a module dependency at the project level to expose it to that specific project. To create a dependency, refer to Project Dependencies.


If a legacy project was dependent on a module, users were manually forced to install the specific module while pulling the project from the repo server.

If a project is dependent on the module, the module will be installed automatically on the client machine upon pulling from the repository server.

Upgrading to v9?

After upgrading from version 8 to version 9, users must create a module dependency at the project level after project conversion.

List of Modules

For a detailed list of modules available in the platform, refer to Available Modules.

Installing a Module

Modules are not installed by default and require manual installation. For more information, refer to Installing Modules.

Create a Custom Module

In addition to pre-built modules, Decisions offers support for developers to create custom modules with defined Designer elements using the Decisions SDK.

Example Use Cases

Automating Sales Team Contact Management: By integrating with Salesforce via API, the sales team can efficiently manage customer contacts, update information in real-time, and streamline their communication processes.

Automating Credit Checks: Utilizing Experian or Equifax APIs enables automated credit checks, allowing businesses to quickly assess customers' creditworthiness and make informed decisions regarding financial transactions.

Recording and Transcription of Twilio Calls: Leveraging Twilio's Telephony capabilities enables automatic recording and transcription of calls, providing a convenient way to archive conversations, extract insights, and ensure compliance with recording regulations.

Data Serialization and Deserialization: Implementing serialization and deserialization logic with MongoDB facilitates seamless reading and writing of complex data structures, optimizing database interactions and enhancing application performance.

Managing Medical Records: Utilizing HL7 or FHIR standards ensures interoperability and secure exchange of medical information between different healthcare systems. This enables comprehensive management of patient records while adhering to industry regulations and standards.

Configuring Messaging Applications: Integrating messaging applications like RabbitMQ, Azure Services, or Apache Kafka provides scalable and reliable messaging infrastructure, facilitating real-time communication, event-driven architectures, and efficient data processing across distributed systems.

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