- 27 Jul 2022
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Available Modules
- Updated on 27 Jul 2022
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The following list consists of all the Decisions-built modules as well as those on GitHub available for installation. Before installing, read the description of the desired module, and ensure all prerequisites are met to meet intended functionalities.
Active Directory Module
The Active Directory module introduces new Flow steps that allow users to build Flows centered around managing the Active Directory such as creating users, groups, associations, and more.
Approvals Module
The Approvals module offers several pre-built Flows that are primarily used for tracking request and approval activity within an organization. Approvals offer both basic and comprehensive Flows that scale from simple approvals to handling multi-level, parallel, or tracked approvals, and more. Designers can use the Approval Flows in their own workflow directly, as a subflow, or simply as a model to base a new design on. After installing the Approvals Module, a suite of new pre-built Flow options will become available.
For additional information or help on getting started with Approvals in Decisions, please refer to the documents listed below.
AWS Module
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) module offers additional Flow steps for communicating with Amazon Web Services Kinesis and RedShift.
Azure Service Bus Module
Azure Service Bus is a .NET messaging system for application-to-application communication. This module adds capabilities to the Decisions messaging service. Flows that were built in Decisions can connect to the Azure Service Bus queues as subscribers in order to work messages. Users can also push messages to queues using Flow steps.
The Azure Services module introduces Flow steps that assist with connecting and using services available in Microsoft Azure.
Docker Module
The Docker module allows certain Rules and Flows to run in managed containers. This feature is currently limited and only compatible with certain parts of Decisions. Specifically, the current Docker can only run containerized Rules or Flows with no UI elements, such as Forms, within AWS containers.
Docusign Module
The Docusign module introduces new Flow steps to send documents to Docusign that capture electronic signatures and initials. The steps are limited to using X,Y positioning on the document for marking signature locations. Additionally, Docusign’s “Tag” feature indicates areas in the document that require signatures.
Once a document is sent to Docusign through a Decisions workflow, the Wait On External Event step monitors Docusign to pull the document back to the Flow once it completes.
Enterprise Module
The Enterprise module adds functionality for processing large amounts of batch data, persistent work queues, and data sharing in active/active clusters.
Exchange Module
The Exchange module allows the use of Microsoft Exchange services.
FHIR Module
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a healthcare messaging format that allows and standardizes systems communication for any organization handling digital healthcare data. This module adds support for HL7, FHIR, and JSON using steps and datatypes.
Flow Sets and Rule Sets
Flow Sets and Rule Sets allow for the construction of complex Rules and similar Flows that share common patterns. The Rules and Flows are either executed with one service call or as a step in a calling Flow where each Flow or Rule is evaluated then runs a composite result.
Foreign Exchange Module
The Foreign Exchange module offers Flow steps for getting real-time exchange rates between currencies.
HL7 Module
The HL7 Module is the core of the HL7Flow product found at HL7's website. This module adds a full HL7 Engine to combine the power of the Flow, Form, Rule, and Report Designers with HL7 data and common HL7 connection types for managing medical data streams. The HL7 module includes data types for all standard messages, as well as interfaces.
Decisions Hosting houses the process of handling multi-tenant functionality and is installed by the system when a Multi-Tenant server is present.
HubSpot Module
The HubSpot module introduces new steps for working with the HubSpot Contact and Companies API.
IBMMQ Module
The IBM Messaging Queue (IBMMQ) module allows the use of IBM MQ as a messaging system.
ICal Module
The ICal Module allows for the creation of ICal invites and calendar events.
Kafka Module
The Kafka module allows the use of Apache Kafka as a messaging system.
MongoDB Module
The MongoDB module is a cross-platform document-oriented database program that allows for the integration of the MongoDB database service.
MSCRM Module
The Microsoft Customer Relationship Management (MSCRM) module allows for integration with Microsoft's CRM services.
MSMQ Module
Microsoft Messaging Queue (MSMQ) is a .NET messaging system for application-to-application communication. To use this module, MSMQ capabilities must be installed on the application server.
Okta Module
The Okta module allows for integration with Okta identity and access management services.
OPC Module
The OPC module is used as an Open Platform Communications (OPC) connector.
OpenId Module
The OpenId module allows OpenId to connect with Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality.
PGP Module
The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) module offers integration with PGP document encryption.
Powershell Module
The Powershell module allows for the execution of Powershell scripts from Flows.
Python Module
The Python module supports the storage and execution of scripts written in the Python coding language.
QR Codes Module
The QR Codes module adds steps that create QR Codes and allows QR Coded images to be interpreted within a Flow.
R Module
The R module adds support for the storage and execution of scripts written in the statistical and graphing coding language: R.
RabbitMQ Module
RabbitMQ is a .NET messaging system for application-to-application communication. The RabbitMQ Module adds RabbitMQ capability into the Decisions messaging service thus allowing the Designer to connect Flows to RabbitMQ queues as subscribers so the Flows can work messages. Designers can also push messages to queues using the provided steps.
For more information about the benefits of the RabbitMQ Module in Decisions, please visit our Setting Messaging Overview document.
Remedy Module
Remedy is an enterprise-grade help desk ticketing system for IT and System Management needs. This Module offers Flow steps that allow a user to receive, create, and
Salesforce Module
For most Salesforce interactions, this web service integration in Decisions Studio will generate steps that run against the Salesforce Enterprise WSDL, including all custom datatypes and functionality. This module adds some specific help steps to troubleshoot certain integration difficulties that may occur with Salesforce Web Services document handling.
SAML Module
SAML, Security Assertion Markup Language is a standard Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanism for sharing user authentications. Google, Facebook, and other services allow authentication to be shared using this mechanism. Decisions can use SAML to provide user authentication, although an additional setup is required for integration to a SAML provider.
SCCM Module
The SCCM Module offers settings and Flow steps used to integrate with Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager for automating IT management tasks. These additional features can be used in Flows to send Task Sequences to machine collections in order to automate common system management functions. An example of this would be an IT person installing software updates for company computers after a manager approves the updates using the Decisions Flow engine. These additional steps can be found in the Step Catalog under the SCCM Steps section.
Sharepoint Module
The Sharepoint module offers steps for handling lists and documents in Sharepoint. This module is not required to embed Decisions Forms, Flows, and user-driven Workflows into Sharepoint; however, it is necessary if wishing to grant the Flow Engine the ability to access, update, and modify lists or documents in Microsoft Sharepoint.
SymantecSMP Module
The Symantec Management Platform is a system for central IT administration and system management activity like software deployment, or updating computer configurations across an enterprise. Decisions offers Flow steps that allows the Designer to add workflows based around the Symantec Management Platform. An example of this would be if a user assigned tasks to a manager using our workflow; once approved, the user could activate a management activity in Symantec Management Platform to deliver software or update a computer.
Telephony Module
The Telephony Module offers integration options for use with Twillio. This Module also offers steps for automating Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) and Short Message Service (SMS) interactions.
Unit Tests Module
The Unit Tests Module is the Unit Test framework used exclusively by the Decisions Quality Assurance team to validate the functionality of the Decisions platform. It is included only to allow Decisions QA to run tests on servers for ensuring that the server infrastructure is properly functioning.
USPS Module
This module includes steps that work with the US Postal Service API.
Utilities Module
The Decisions Utilities Module holds the base functionality for project importing from other formats. For example, if the Designer has a large number of workflows that need to be imported from another system, Decisions Support would need to be contacted to discuss the implementation of this module.
Word To PDF Module
The Word-To-PDF Module offers the Designer additional Flow steps for converting Microsoft Word documents into PDF documents.
Github Modules
Adobe Sign
This module allows integration with the Adobe Sign API.
This module allows integration with Dropbox file storage.
This module offers steps to integrate with requests of the Equifax API.
This module provides a step library for Excel FInancial functions.
Google Drive
This module offers integration with Google Drive storage.
This module offers steps to integration with Jira API.
This module offers steps to integrate with sending logs and metrics to Logz.io.
This module offers integration with Microsoft OneDrive storage.
This module offers integration to SCO.
This module offers integration steps to the Slack platform.
This module offers integration steps to UIPath.