Form Control Comparison
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Form Control Comparison

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Article summary


Below is a comparison of all controls available in both Forms and Simple Forms and which type of form supports which controls. Note that some controls have slightly different names in Simple Forms, but function the same (i.e., Date Picker vs. Date).


The Actions drop-down menu houses different types of Buttons.

Form Control


Forms Supported

Simple Form Supported


Triggers an event that can be used to trigger a data Flow

Available in the following controls: Event Button. Event Image. and Event Link

Go Back

Goes back to the previous Form in the Flow

Available in the following controls: Previous Button, Previous Button Image, Previous Button Link

 Sub Dialog

Runs a sub-dialog Flow that can house a Form to pop up in front of the current Form

Available in the following controls: Sub Dialog Button, Sub Dialog Image Button, Sub Dialog Link


Opens a URL

Available in the following controls: Open URL Button, Open URL Image Button, Open URL Link


Standard button: once this button is selected, the Flow goes to the next step that the button is connected to within the WorkFlow.

Close Button

Closes the Form without ending the process

Copy Text Image/ Image Button/Link

Copies text to the clipboard in a variety of control formats

Drop Down Button

Similar to the standard button but gives multiple outcomes within a drop-down list

Image Button

Similar to a standard button, it allows this button to be an image, either uploaded from a computer, selected from our icon gallery, or from a URL.

Link Button

A URL link to be defined that can be selected and opened

Link List

A list of URL links to be defined that can be selected and opened

Post Back Button

Resets Form to its previous state

Timer Form Exit

With this control, users can set a timer to close the Form after a specified amount of time automatically.

Note: If the user is inactive while the Exit Timer is running, all Flow actions will be paused for the specified duration and an additional 60 seconds. This behavior is a result of Chrome's default settings, which check for user activity every 60 seconds. Therefore, if the user does not become active after the timer ends for the next 60 seconds, the Flow actions will resume automatically.


The Data drop-down menu houses different options to apply data to the Form.

Control Location

Control Name


Form Support

Simple Form Support

Account and Group

Account and Group List

Adds assignee to Form


Current IP Address

Displays the IP address of the initiating user's device

Current Logo/Time/User

Displays the current logo, time, or user

Entity Viewer

Property grid editor of entity

Form Steps

Displays a list of string steps in a vertical position similar to a Timeline

Latitude and Longitude

Produces data for latitude and longitude only on secure contexts like HTTPS

Navigation Tree

Interactive Decisions Navigation Tree

Tag Editor

Allows the user to add tags to the Form

Vertical Timeline

Displays static states vertically


Allows designers to upload a video or input a URL to a video to display on the Form

Data Grid

 Data Grid

Excel-like view of an entity

Data Grid Add/Remove

The ability to add and remove rows from an entity


CSV Editor

Delete/Add Rows, Save Excel File, Load from Excel File

File Download/Upload

Allows users to download/upload a file

File Upload Area

Allows users to easily upload files by performing a drag-and-drop action

 Multiple File Download/Upload/Upload Area

Allows users to download/upload files

Property Grid

 Property Grid

Excel-like view of an entity

Wizard Next/Previous

Navigates users through steps in a Wizard Property Grid

Wizard Property Grid

Allows designers to create a wizard for defining data objects by automatically including all fields in their proper formats for users to fill and submit


All Form Validations Display

Shows all validation messages on the Form

Control Validation Display

Shows the validation message for one control

Validations Display

Shows validation messages for the Form


 Auto Complete Search

Auto Complete Search Bar


Interactive Calendar Image

Check Box/List/List [Sort-able]

The designer can create checkboxes for the user to select a piece of data or pieces of data.

Color Picker

Allows users to be able to select a color and output its hex code

Compact Merge Editor

Adds a Text Merge editor to the Form. This is editable by selecting the pencil icon on the control.

Currency Box

Number box that inputs and outputs currency

 Data Grid (Advanced)

Displays a list of data objects sourced from a Report

Date Picker

Allows the user to choose a date. Named Date in Simple Forms

Date Time Picker

Allows the user to choose a date and time. Named Date Time in Simple Forms

 Document Viewer

Shows all files except Microsoft file types (doc, docx, excel, etc.)

Drop Down List

A list that can be generated with static information or dynamically

 Horizontal Timeline

Displays static states or states provided with a folder ID in a horizontal position

 HTML Display

A way to view HTML on a Form

Image Picker

Allows users to be able to select and output an image


Allows constant text to be shown in the Form for the end users. This Form Control is used to show the meta-data of the other Form Controls. It is mostly used to show constant data within the Forms, but users can configure it to send the data dynamically to the Label.

List Box

Outputs text as a list

 Masked Text Box

Allows the designer to give the text a value type: General, Number, Decimal, Currency, Email Address, SSN, Custom, or Phone Number.

Merge Editor

Adds a Text Merge editor to the Form that can be edited directly on the Form.

 Multi Select Drop Down

A list that can be generated with static information or dynamically, the user can select multiple items on this list.

Number Box/Spinner

Only takes in and outputs a number.

Password Text Box

Hides text with bullet points and allows the designer to create a minimum and maximum length.

Progress Bar

Shows the progress of data being input and allows the designer to set a minimum and maximum number for the bar.

Radio Button List

Creates a list with the ability for users to make a selection via radio buttons.

Rich Text Box/Display

Gives the user the opportunity to change font type, color, size, alignment, copy, and paste, insert an image, create a table, and highlight text.


Number input on a slider.

Text Box/Text Box Multi-Line

Users can input string values. Multi-Line should be used if a large number of characters will be used.

Time Picker

Allows the user to pick a time.

Toggle Button

Creates an interactable Boolean switch.

 Tree View

Create a nested list.


The Images drop-down contains the Decisions Image Library.

Form Control


Forms Support

Simple Forms Support

Icon Folders

Various folders containing different built-in icons to use on Forms. Starts with 'Adventure' and ends with 'Type Images'.

Capture Image Panel

Uses a webcam and allows users to capture images.


Upload an image to show on the Form or save.

Image Gallery

If any images are uploaded throughout the process, they can be viewed through this control.

Signature Pad

A signature can be drawn with a mouse or touch screen if applicable.


 Layouts are used to help the user design the Form in a manner that fits their needs. 

Form Control


Forms Support

Simple Forms Support


Blank Form, free to place Form controls on the Form in any place.

 Grid Layout

Fixed containers to house Form controls can be stacked upon each other.

Header Container

A grid with a header section and a content section separated by a border.

 Horizontal Split Panel

Re-sizable control allows you to adjust the size of two columns.

 Horizontal Stack

Preserve white space but hide controls if necessary, can stack controls horizontally.

 Responsive Grid

Allows you to define max and min widths, mobile to normal Form.

Scroll Panel

Creates a scroll bar if the controls on the Form are larger than the Form itself.

 Side Menu Container

Creates a column of tabs with another column displaying control dependent on tab selection.

 Tab Container

Creates tabs to allow multiple forms within one.

 Vertical Split Panel

Re-sizable control allows you to adjust the size of two rows.

 Vertical Stack

Preserve white space but hide controls if necessary, can stack controls vertically.


Form Control


Forms Support

Simple Forms Support

[Select Tiles]

Selects existing built-in and/or user-created Tiles from the Studio

 Diagram Tile

Captures and presents data using infographics.

User Controls

Form Control


Forms Support

Simple Forms Support

[Existing User Controls]

Selected already created controls from other Forms in the Studio

 Data Repeater

Places a Form that acts as a table listing objects of the same data type within a Form.

Data Repeater Add/Remove Button

Data Repeater forms can be replicated multiple times by using the add/remove button.

 Mixed Type Repeater Control

Places a  Form to show multiple data types in one control. Users can display different custom data types, strings, Booleans, etc.

User Defined

A single version of the data repeater.

For further information on Forms, visit the Decisions Forum.

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