- 13 Nov 2024
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Version 8.4.x Release Notes
- Updated on 13 Nov 2024
- 5 Minutes to read
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v6 and v7 are not impacted.
8.4.0 Enhancements
Report Viewer Enhancements [DT-034403]
Reports columns can have a drag and drop feature to organize the layout. Report Rows at runtime are also more compact. The Report filter layer is now located above the report for quicker access.
Repository Enhancements [DT-035513]
Check-In Resource Progress Form, Check-Out Download Progress Form, Import Progress Form, and Check Out Project Form has been updated for a better user experience.
New Properties for Put String/Bytes steps Azure Queue [DT-035275]
The Put String and Put Bytes steps now have additional properties to configure: Correlation ID, Label, Partition Key, Reply To, Reply To Session ID, Scheduled Enqueue Time UTC, Time to Live, To, Via Partition Key.
Get the Number of Messages in a Message Queue [DT-035055]
Open Links in New Window in Rich Text Box Editors [DT-035180]
Post Message and Post String Message for Kafka Queues [DT-034788]
The Kafka module can utilize Past Message and Post String Message steps.
Passthrough on HL7 Messages [DT-035402]
Users now have the ability to configure messages to pass through when sending a raw message to the interface.
Specify Data Points Threshold for Specific Charts [DT-035137]
Users can enable the Large Data Render Threshold to specify the number of data points that will switch a Chart from SVG to Canvas.
Retain Authorization Header on REST Service method Redirect [DT-035380]
A new option called Preserve All Headers On Redirect was added, allowing users to allow the Authorization Header to be present when the REST method is redirected.
Back Button Page Component [DT-032652]
Temporary Credentials for AWS SQS [DT-035386]
Users can now specify an id for temporary credentials for AWS SQS.
Update UI for Login Page [DT-035313]
The Login Page has been updated to include a Register and Login as Guest links.
Cloud Watch and Elastic Load Balancer Steps added to AWS Module [DT-035184]
SERIAL Primary Key Column Support Added for Postgres Insert and Update Steps [DT-035437]
The Postgres Insert, Update, and Insert and Update steps now include support for generating auto-increment SERIAL Primary Key column.
MT V8 Connection String concerns [DT-035511]
The Use Default Connection setting pulls from the variable <InstanceDatabaseConnectionStringTemplate> in the control's settings.xml.
Current Active Tab Available in Form Data for Tab Containers [DT-035498]

Confirm Deletion of Elements in Designer Folders [DT-035115]
Users are now presented with a Confirm Delete dialog window that will display the name of the element to ensure the correct element is being deleted.
Copy Text Action Controls in the Data Repeater Control Designer [DT-031435]
Users are now able to use the Copy Text/Image/Link Buttons in the Data Repeater Control Designer.
[DT-035055] Test Message/Get Number of Message Queue Step for All Message Queue Providers
[DT-035241] Upgrade Aspose Library
[DT-035297] USPS Module Addition - City and State from Zip
[DT-035362] RabbitMQ connections do not close and cause errors on future handler flow runs
[DT-035519] Can't disable SSO via module
Form Fixes
[DT-028755] Advanced Data Grid Auto-Naming Convention
[DT-034479] Simple Form Designer - Files Download Control: Provided static inputs are displayed even if the 'Static Input' property is unchecked.
[DT-034507] Advanced and Dynamic Data Grid - Changes made on the control are not reflected on the View Completed Form.
[DT-034964] CSS Class Regression and unable to see classes on media screens
[DT-035143] Datagrids contained within Data Repeaters on simple forms don't process data correctly
[DT-035180] Add Options to Add Targets for Regular Text Hyperlinks on Rich Text Box Editors
[DT-035436] Tabbing in a repeater does not skip a UC where tabbing is not defined
[DT-035592] Form Control: Advanced Data Grid: Loading spinner is not displayed, and control is displayed as blank on startup
[DT-035630] AdvancedDataGrid - Multiselect - Select All Items as True: Clicking on Reset, deselect all rows when the control gets data from dataflow on Startup
[DT-035661] Simple Form Control:- Data Grid as MultipleSelect:- Rows are not selected when the 'Select All Items' property is set to True and getting data via Dataflow at startup.
[DT-035662] Advanced-Data Grid as MultipleSelect:- On reset selection change event is not triggered when the 'Select All Items' property is set to True.
Flow Fixes
[DT-034854] Listed Flow Structure Data Added In A Flow Is Not Visible On End Step To Be Picked
[DT-035136] Query Steps in Flow not Showing Expected Data
[DT-034999] "Add New Account" step allows invalid accounts creation
[DT-035253] Long-running flows with multiple Pause steps set over larger durations do not progress the flow
[DT-035285] XML Deserialize not processing string correctly
[DT-035358] Data coming into an Enabled Rule is Null
[DT-035471] Add steps for HmacSHA256 Hashing
[DT-035527] Upgrading Decisions unmapped inputs when using inputs from an XML data structure
[DT-035542] Sample Data is not populated from flow runs in RabbitMQ handler flows
[DT-035750] Runtime Selection ignored by Rule Sets and Forms
Rule Fixes
[DT-035508] Unable to connect to input data step by using magnetic lines from any step.
[DT-035695] Version 8 started removing spaces from lookup list properties
Report Fixes
[DT-035137] Report Graphs: Graphs are VERY slow when displaying 100s of records
[DT-035360] Report - Structures marked as Invalid Data Sources don't log why they are invalid
Integration Fixes
[DT-034788] Add support for Kafka Queues on the 'Post String Message' step
[DT-035428] SonarQube: Non-async "Task/Task" methods should not return null
[DT-035574] Active Directory Sync: Unable to sync user if its mail is empty, and SamAccountName contains space
[DT-035000] Add the ability to get a JSON description of the flow, steps, and outcomes
[DT-035001] Add the ability to create a flow from a JSON description of the flow
[DT-035184] Add Cloud Watch and Elastic Load Balancer Steps to the AWS module
[DT-035275] Add additional property customization options for outbound Azure service bus calls.
[DT-035362] RabbitMQ connections do not close and cause errors on future handler flow runs
[DT-035380] REST Services don't preserve Auth Headers over redirects
[DT-035386] AWS Temp Credentials do not work with sts: ExternalId
Data Structure Fixes
[DT-033772] Page Visibility Rule Action Missing from Case Entity Configuration Folder
[DT-034552] Lookup List (Data Pair) breaks with specific special characters
[DT-035034] JSON structures append a 2 to data structure names
[DT-035114] Error when changing state name
[DT-034796] Custom Data Type "belongs or references an unloaded assembly"
Infrastructure Fixes
[DT-035415] React Dialogs do not work in Safari
[DT-035585] MTv8 -logging out of the tenant and logging back in takes us back into the tenant rather than the selection screen
[DT-035668] Redirected to a Tenant Selection screen
Portal Fixes
[DT-034936] Designer Studio Setting:- There are two settings with the same name as 'Default Simple Form Template'
[DT-035473] Custom images folder disappears on upgrade from v7 to v8
[DT-035613] Introduce Feature Flags at Settings
Studio Fixes
[DT-035321] New Element Registration Dialog - 2 Typos In Flow/Converters Category
Installer Fixes
[DT-035668] Redirected to a Tenant Selection screen
[DT-035521] Unquoted Service Path On Installer
[DT-035205] Update Decisions EULA Acceptance
Other Fixes
[DT-033598] Excluding items from checkout causes an unexpected validation warning on the next checkout
[DT-034595] Decisions Repo: sometimes, checking out doesn't pull the latest changes from the repo
[DT-035012] Allow all Logs to be sent to stdout
[DT-035063] Update Check-In Resource Progress Form
[DT-035178] System > Active Directory - Not able to sync entire domain
[DT-035254] Repository - Checkout: Unable to check out the project when the modified date of items is greater than the modified date of the same items in the Repository
[DT-035472] Get Merge Info on Repository Returns Null Data Fields
[DT-035507] Repository Server Check-In Issues
[DT-035513] Repository Squad Phase III
Unsupported Modules
- MSCRM2011
- SymantecSMP
- Unsupported Modules if Hosting in Containers
- Powershell
- SolaceMQ
- Python
- R