- 27 Nov 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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Version 8.3.x Release Notes
- Updated on 27 Nov 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
v6 and v7 are not impacted.
Updates 8.3.2 (July 15, 2022)
Cluster Upgrade Causes Multiple LESS File Notifications [DT-035597]
8.3.1 (July 11, 2022)
Cluster Performance [DT-035540]
8.3.0 Enhancements (July 8, 2022)
Customize Login with Dual Authentication Option [DT-034848]
Users now have the ability to customize the login screen to use native and SSO Providers. To learn more, see Login Page Settings.
Upload Files with Double Extensions [DT-035255]
Users are now able to upload files that contain double extensions in the file name.
Override PortalBase URL [DT-035169]
Users now have the ability to override the PortalBase URL on install.
Select Delimeter for CSV File [DT-034228]
The Set Value in Row step now includes the option to select the Delimeter for the CSV file.
Merge Outcome Paths for a Run Rule Step in a Simple Flow [DT-034489]
Users can use the MergeOutputs option to merge the True and False paths on a Run Rule step in a Simple Flow.
Get From Email Address From Inputs [DT-032441]
Row Numbering Added in Truth and Rule Tables [DT-033500]
New Steps to Generate a Password [DT-035083]
The new steps Generate Password and Generate Password (Advanced) allow users to create a password based on configurations in Password Settings or customized configurations. To learn more, see Generate Passwords Through a Flow.
Run Mode For Conditional Rule Sets [DT-035071]
Conditional Rules now include an option called Inclusion Rule Control to give them the same Run mode as Intercept and Evaluation Rules.
Add a Custom Message for Studio Header for Maintenance Mode on Login Screen [DT-033818]
Users can now create a custom Maintenance Mode message to be displayed on the Login Page when in maintenance mode.
Truth Table Headers Being Returned for API [DT-035080]
With managing a Truth Table through API, users are now able to see the Truth Table Headers.
Get the ID of Designer Elements on Info Panel [DT-034801]
Users can now see the ID of the current Flow/Form/Report/etc on the Information Panel.
Add Connection Timeout Time for Active Directory [DT-035098]
Users can specify the time that it takes for Active Directory connection to timeout.
Get Truth Table Rules as Data [DT-034098]
A new step was added called Get Rule Rows which outputs the Truth Table Rules as data.
Module Fixes
[DT-034643] FR: steps to Resync and Test connection for Rabbit MQ
[DT-035184] Add Cloud Watch and Elastic Load Balancer Steps to the AWS module
[DT-035256] 'No Current User' From Message Queue Handler
Form Fixes
[DT-034731] Horizontal Stack Does Not Resize Grid Layouts Properly If Grid Layout Contains an Advanced Data Grid
[DT-035035] Multi-select Drop-down Type in type configuration outputs only the last item selected
[DT-035073] Data Repeater Add button clears Data Grid on the Form
[DT-035226] No way to define additional inputs for a data repeater
Flow Fixes
[DT-032254] Unit Test: Hide the constant inputs if the Input source is selected as Flow
[DT-033521] Cannot switch a simple flow back to a constrained layout after turning it off
[DT-033522] Adding a step between two steps in a simple flow when a constrained layout is off will remove all steps following the new step
[DT-034516] View Integration Details - API Service/Webhook: Info Tab does not load when calling Flows having inputs starting with digits
[DT-034652] "Object Properties To Data Pairs" step ignores nested fields.
[DT-035044] Flow/Rule Designer: Data Definition - Create Type From Data: 'Rename Mappings' setting is not working when closing the Data Definition dialog before code compiles.
[DT-035081] Improve flow debugger performance
[DT-035112] One more debugger performance improvement
[DT-035192] ConvertFromServerTimeToUTC fails on current DateTime
Rule Fixes
[DT-034784] Confusing Names When Setting Output Data on Truth Table
[DT-035039] Truth Table Designer: Data Definition - Create Type From Data: 'Rename Mappings' setting is missing from the dialog.
Integrations Fixes
[DT-035000] Add the ability to get a JSON description of the flow, steps, and outcomes
[DT-035001] Add the ability to create a flow from a JSON description of the flow
[DT-035197] Procedure Integration for external Postgres DB only Public schema
Page Fixes
[DT-034279] Form header not static in Flow run part
Data Structure Fixes
[DT-030143] Import Data From CSV action: Increase default Max File Size allowed to maximum allowed value instead of current 1MB
[DT-034552] Lookup List (Data Pair) breaks with specific special characters
[DT-035312] Decisions Server crashing when DataStructureService/AddDataStructure Help page is opened
Portal Fixes
[DT-034829] Setting Process Mining user password throws error if Password Complexity has been setup in Portal Settings
[DT-034938] Interval Jobs Missing Page
[DT-034961] Improvements to Names When Copying Objects in the Studio
[DT-035129] Profile FileStorageCleanup Job
[DT-035198] Add Project Health Score Elements to Project Reporting
Infrastructure Fixes
[DT-035100] Introduce default Favorites Category for Create DataTypes/Integration Gallery Dialog
Other Fixes
[DT-027467] Suppress RemoteRepositoryService Logs
[DT-033124] Administration Permissions w/ deleing process folder documents
[DT-033465] Hide title bar setting behavior in the debugger in V7
[DT-034417] New Gallery Dialog
[DT-034938] Interval Jobs Missing Page
[DT-034961] Improvements to Names When Copying Objects in the Studio
[DT-035000] Add the ability to get a JSON description of the flow, steps, and outcomes
[DT-035001] Add the ability to create a flow from a JSON description of the flow
[DT-035100] Introduce default Favorites Category for Create DataTypes/Integration Gallery Dialog
[DT-035128] Processmining@miningagents.internal should have "CanAskForSession" rights
[DT-035178] System > Active Directory - Not able to sync entire domain
[DT-035192] ConvertFromServerTimeToUTC fails on current DateTime
[DT-035197] Procedure Integration for external Postgres DB only Public schema
[DT-035198] Add Project Health Score Elements to Project Reporting
[DT-035312] Decisions Server crashing when DataStructureService/AddDataStructure Help page is opened
Unsupported Modules
- MSCRM2011
- SymantecSMP
- Unsupported Modules if Hosting in Containers
- Powershell
- SolaceMQ
- Python
- R