Version 8.3.x Release Notes
  • 27 Nov 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Version 8.3.x Release Notes

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Article summary

Security Vulnerability
v8.11 and lower have a known security vulnerability. Users are strongly recommended to upgrade to the current version of v8 or v9.

v6 and v7 are not impacted.

Updates 8.3.2 (July 15, 2022)

 Cluster Upgrade Causes Multiple LESS File Notifications [DT-035597]

8.3.1 (July 11, 2022)

Cluster Performance [DT-035540]  

8.3.0 Enhancements (July 8, 2022)

Customize Login with Dual Authentication Option [DT-034848] 

Users now have the ability to customize the login screen to use native and SSO Providers. To learn more, see Login Page Settings.

Upload Files with Double Extensions [DT-035255]

Users are now able to upload files that contain double extensions in the file name.

Override PortalBase URL [DT-035169] 

Users now have the ability to override the PortalBase URL on install.

Select Delimeter for CSV File [DT-034228] 

The Set Value in Row step now includes the option to select the Delimeter for the CSV file.

Merge Outcome Paths for a Run Rule Step in a Simple Flow [DT-034489]

Users can use the MergeOutputs option to merge the True and False paths on a Run Rule step in a Simple Flow.

Get From Email Address From Inputs [DT-032441] 

Row Numbering Added in Truth and Rule Tables [DT-033500] 

New Steps to Generate a Password [DT-035083] 

The new steps Generate Password and Generate Password (Advanced) allow users to create a password based on configurations in Password Settings or customized configurations. To learn more, see Generate Passwords Through a Flow.

Run Mode For Conditional Rule Sets [DT-035071]

Conditional Rules now include an option called Inclusion Rule Control to give them the same Run mode as Intercept and Evaluation Rules.

Add a Custom Message for Studio Header for Maintenance Mode on Login Screen [DT-033818] 

Users can now create a custom Maintenance Mode message to be displayed on the Login Page when in maintenance mode.

Truth Table Headers Being Returned for API [DT-035080] 

With managing a Truth Table through API, users are now able to see the Truth Table Headers.

Get the ID of Designer Elements on Info Panel [DT-034801] 

Users can now see the ID of the current Flow/Form/Report/etc on the Information Panel.

Add Connection Timeout Time for Active Directory [DT-035098] 

Users can specify the time that it takes for Active Directory connection to timeout.

Get Truth Table Rules as Data [DT-034098] 

A new step was added called Get Rule Rows which outputs the Truth Table Rules as data.

Module Fixes

[DT-034643] FR: steps to Resync and Test connection for Rabbit MQ
[DT-035184] Add Cloud Watch and Elastic Load Balancer Steps to the AWS module
[DT-035256] 'No Current User' From Message Queue Handler

Form Fixes

[DT-034731] Horizontal Stack Does Not Resize Grid Layouts Properly If Grid Layout Contains an Advanced Data Grid
[DT-035035] Multi-select Drop-down Type in type configuration outputs only the last item selected
[DT-035073] Data Repeater Add button clears Data Grid on the Form
[DT-035226] No way to define additional inputs for a data repeater

Flow Fixes

[DT-032254] Unit Test: Hide the constant inputs if the Input source is selected as Flow
[DT-033521] Cannot switch a simple flow back to a constrained layout after turning it off
[DT-033522] Adding a step between two steps in a simple flow when a constrained layout is off will remove all steps following the new step
[DT-034516] View Integration Details - API Service/Webhook: Info Tab does not load when calling Flows having inputs starting with digits
[DT-034652] "Object Properties To Data Pairs" step ignores nested fields.
[DT-035044] Flow/Rule Designer: Data Definition - Create Type From Data: 'Rename Mappings' setting is not working when closing the Data Definition dialog before code compiles.
[DT-035081] Improve flow debugger performance
[DT-035112] One more debugger performance improvement
[DT-035192] ConvertFromServerTimeToUTC fails on current DateTime

Rule Fixes

[DT-034784] Confusing Names When Setting Output Data on Truth Table
[DT-035039] Truth Table Designer: Data Definition - Create Type From Data: 'Rename Mappings' setting is missing from the dialog.

Integrations Fixes

[DT-035000] Add the ability to get a JSON description of the flow, steps, and outcomes
[DT-035001] Add the ability to create a flow from a JSON description of the flow
[DT-035197] Procedure Integration for external Postgres DB only Public schema

Page Fixes

[DT-034279] Form header not static in Flow run part

Data Structure Fixes

[DT-030143] Import Data From CSV action: Increase default Max File Size allowed to maximum allowed value instead of current 1MB
[DT-034552] Lookup List (Data Pair) breaks with specific special characters
[DT-035312] Decisions Server crashing when DataStructureService/AddDataStructure Help page is opened

Portal Fixes

[DT-034829] Setting Process Mining user password throws error if Password Complexity has been setup in Portal Settings
[DT-034938] Interval Jobs Missing Page
[DT-034961] Improvements to Names When Copying Objects in the Studio
[DT-035129] Profile FileStorageCleanup Job
[DT-035198] Add Project Health Score Elements to Project Reporting

Infrastructure Fixes

[DT-035100] Introduce default Favorites Category for Create DataTypes/Integration Gallery Dialog

Other Fixes

[DT-027467] Suppress RemoteRepositoryService Logs
[DT-033124] Administration Permissions w/ deleing process folder documents
[DT-033465] Hide title bar setting behavior in the debugger in V7
[DT-034417] New Gallery Dialog
[DT-034938] Interval Jobs Missing Page
[DT-034961] Improvements to Names When Copying Objects in the Studio
[DT-035000] Add the ability to get a JSON description of the flow, steps, and outcomes
[DT-035001] Add the ability to create a flow from a JSON description of the flow
[DT-035100] Introduce default Favorites Category for Create DataTypes/Integration Gallery Dialog
[DT-035128] Processmining@miningagents.internal should have "CanAskForSession" rights
[DT-035178] System > Active Directory - Not able to sync entire domain
[DT-035192] ConvertFromServerTimeToUTC fails on current DateTime
[DT-035197] Procedure Integration for external Postgres DB only Public schema
[DT-035198] Add Project Health Score Elements to Project Reporting
[DT-035312] Decisions Server crashing when DataStructureService/AddDataStructure Help page is opened

Unsupported Modules

  • MSCRM2011
  • OPC
  • SymantecSMP
  • SCCM
  • SCO
  • Unsupported Modules if Hosting in Containers
    • Powershell 
    • SolaceMQ 
    • Python 

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