Page Controls
  • 23 Nov 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Page Controls

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Article summary


The Toolbox of the Page Designer contains all controls used to edit the Page's functionalities and design. 

The following document lists and describes every Page control available in the Toolbox ordered by their location in the Control Tree.


Control LocationControl NameDescription
FlowsRun Flow as Button/Image/LinkAdds a Flow to the Page as a Button/Image/Link.
PortalRun Action as Button/Image/LinkAdds default Portal Actions to the Page.
Run Current Folder ActionRun Current Folder Action as Button/Image/LinkAdds Current Folder Actions to the Page.
Service CatalogN/AProvides access to the Service Catalog including the Administration Service, Default, and General services, on a Page. 
Actions BarContains Buttons that perform an action or open a menu that can either hold primary or secondary actions.
Folder ActionsShows actions associated with tasks performed in the Folder allowing different Button types for styling purposes.
Folder Actions BarShows actions associated with tasks performed in the Folder.


Control LocationControl NameDescription
AdvancedApp StoreDisplays the App Store 
Date Range Filter
Allows users to apply date filters on a Report Viewer
Designer Folder FilterAllows users to search the Designer Project by either name, tags, or type.
Designer Folder ViewerDisplays everything within the Designer Folder in the Tile Layout. Can sort and search through this viewer.
FeaturesDisplays both installed and not installed modules on the instance.
Image Folder ViewerDisplays images in the Image Library.
Image ViewerAllows users to upload and display an image at runtime. The image is then saved to the attached Page's parent Folder.
Service CatalogDisplays the Service Catalog with image links to any nested Designer Projects within the attached Page's parent Folder.
System InformationDisplays System Information of the instance.
CurrentCurrent TimeDisplays current time.
Current UserDisplays current user's email address.
Data ControlsData LabelThis control lets users pick a dynamic data name of a label. This control is useful when the Page is created within a configuration folder of a user-defined data structure. The Data Name field of the control will allow users to pick the parameters of the user-defined data structure as the data name.
Image (Folder Data)Dynamically populate an image using the Data Name
Rich TextboxDynamically populate a Rich Text Box using Data Name
Save ButtonSaves Folder Data
Text BoxDynamically populate a Text Box using Data Name
FolderAssignments ViewerDisplays Assignments
Folder Activity Panel
Gives users an audit trail of the states and comments a folder has gone through. The folder activity panel can only be used with Flow Execution Extensions, Case Entities, Entities with process folders, and folder extensions.
Folder Header DataDisplays the Folder Name and Description.
Folder Horizontal TimelineShows previous states, current states, and future states of a Folder. Can only be used with Flow Execution Extensions, Case Entities, Entities with process folders, and folder extensions.
Folder Timeline GaugeShows the percentage complete of a timeline. Can only be used with Flow Execution Extensions, Case Entities, Entities with process folders, and folder extensions.
Resources ViewCreate and display an Entity Report, add resources/documents to the Folder.
State LabelDisplays Current State
Tag BrowserShows all items with tags.
Tags ViewAdds tags to the current page.
GoogleGoogle Map SearchText box with a Search button that opens Google Map Results in a new window.
Google SearchText box with a Search button that opens Google Search Results of the typed text in a new window.
PagePage Data ViewerDisplays a Page within a Page via Page Name or Page ID.
Property GridProperty Grid EditorProvides a Property Grid Editor for the Page.
RootAdd CommentAdds a Comment to the Folder the Page is on.
Add DocumentAdds a Document to the Folder the Page is on.
Display HTMLA way to view HTML on a Page.
Document ViewerShows all files except Microsoft file types (doc, docx, excel, etc).
Folder ViewerDisplays Reports within a Folder.
LabelA way to put information on a Form that is not interactive.
Rich Text DisplayGives the designer the opportunity to change font type, color, size, alignment, copy, paste, insert an image, create a table.
Scratch PadGives the end-user the opportunity to change font type, color, size, alignment, copy, paste, insert an image, create a table. Saves as a Comment.

Data Types

Control NameDescription
Case EditorConfigure states and Flows for the Case Entity process.
Rule/Flow Sets Designer PartN/A
Runtime CaseShows all history of the Folder the Page is attached to, also able to add comments to the folder.

Designer Entities

Control NameDescription
Flow Run PartAllows the user to run a Flow from within the allotted Page space.
Run AssignmentsRuns and displays Assignments from a selected Report.
View FlowCan only be used on Flow Tracking Folders


Control LocationControl NameDescription
Any selected preexisting imageAs ImageDisplays the image in the Page.
As Open URL Image ButtonDisplays the image that opens a URL in a new browser tab once the user clicks on it.
As Run FlowDisplays an image that runs a Flow once the user clicks on it.
As Run ReportDisplays an image that runs a Report once the user clicks on it.
RootImageAllows users to add images from the Decisions Image library,  from a File, or via URL.

JS controls

Control NameDescription
Custom JavaScript Control NameCustom Page Controls using JavaScript can be created and then loaded into Decisions.


Control NameDescription
CanvasBlank Layout, free to place controls on the Page in any place.
Grid LayoutFixed containers to house controls that can be stacked upon each other.
Header Container
A grid with a header section and a content section is separated by a border.
Horizontal/Vertical Split PanelResizable control that users can manually adjust the size of its two columns/rows.
Horizontal/Vertical StackResizable control that preserves empty space and can hide nested controls.
Responsive GridResizable control that can define the specific dimensions of its nested controls and can automatically resize.
Scroll PanelCreates a scroll bar if the controls on the Page are larger than the Page itself.
Side Menu Container
Creates two columns that the selection of the first column affects the contents of the second.
Tab ContainerCreates tabs that open multiple Pages in one.

Control LocationControl NameDescription
Any selected preexisting FolderNavigate To as Button/Image/LinkFolder Navigation buttons are interactive actions that will navigate the end-user to the configured Folder contents once selected on a Page/Dashboard.

Back ButtonAllows users to navigate to the previous page 
Folders BarAllows the ability to add a custom Folders Bar to a Page. 
Incremental Search Provides an incremental search bar allowing users to dictate which DataTypes are searchable on the Page. 
Navigate To Folder Navigates to the user-designated Folder. 
Navigate To Parent Folder Navigates to the Parent Folder of the current Page. 
Navigate To Parent Process Navigates to the Parent Process Folder of the current Page. 
Navigation Tree PartProvides a copy of the Studio's Folder Tree. 
Open Child Tab Button Provides a Button that opens the Page in separate tab. 
Open URLProvides a clickable Button, Link, or Image that opens a designated URL; this URL can be configured to open in a new tab. 
Refresh Page Provides a clickable Button, Link, or Image that refreshes the Page containing the control. 
Run FlowProvides a clickable Button, Link, or Image that runs a Flow on selection. 


Control LocationControl NameDescription
Any Existing ReportRun Report as Button/Image/LinkCreates Button/Image/Link that runs the Report when selected.
Data View - Can't ChangeAdds an interactive view of the Report and the user cannot change it.
Data View - Current FolderAdds an interactive view of the Report as it is shown in its current Folder
AreasAdds an Area Chart based on a Grouped Report.
BarsAdds a Bar Chart based on a Grouped Report.
BubblesAdds a Bubble Chart based on a Grouped Report.
Chart LegendAdds a Bullet Chart based on a Grouped Report.
ColumnsAdds a Chart Legend based on a Chart added to the Page.
DotsAdds a Columns Chart based on a Grouped Report.
LinesAdds a Line Chart based on a Grouped Report.
Mixed BarsAdds a Mixed Bar Chart based on a Grouped Report.
PieAdds a Pie Chart based on a Grouped Report.
RingAdds a Ring Chart based on a Grouped Report.
Simple BarsAdds a Simple Bar Chart based on a Grouped Report.
Stacked BarsAdds a Stacked Bar Chart based on a Grouped Report.

LegacyWinLoss BarsAdds a WinLoss Chart based on a Grouped Report.
RootEntity Scroller
Scrolls through a tile view of the selected Report.
MatrixAdds a Matrix view of a Report.
Report Actions BarAdds the Report Actions Bar of the Report onto the Page.
Report ViewerShows a Report.
Rich Text Report ViewShows the Rich Text view of a Report.
Text Report ViewShows the Text view of a Report.


Diagram TileDiagram Tiles are a way to capture data and present it attractively using infographics.
Form TileForm Tiles are utilized to leverage Forms onto a dashboard.
Simple TileDisplays mapped data on a Page with background color and styling.
Simple TilesDisplays mapped data on a Page with background color and styling; this control uses multiple Simple Tiles. 

For further information on Pages, visit the Decisions Forum.