- 13 Nov 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Version 8.5.x Release Notes
- Updated on 13 Nov 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
v6 and v7 are not impacted.
Changes that were made using the Theme Editor will persist upon upgrading.
8.5.0 Enhancements
Viewing Disabled Rules [DT-034461]
Users can now see whether or not Rules in a Rule Set are enabled, disabled, or potentially disabled.
New Encryption Algorithm Step [DT-035720]
Users can now use a new encryption algorithm step called Get HMac-SHA384 Hash.
Encrypt Session ID in Logs [DT-035683]
Users can now use the property ObfuscateSessionIdInLogs in the Settings.xml to encrypt the Session Id in the logs.
Thread Jobs Report Viewable on Scheduled Jobs Page [DT-035400]
Retain File Name When Encrypting File Using PGP Module [DT-035864]
The Encrypt File for the PGP module steps has a new property named Internal File Name.
New Steps for PDFs [DT-035522]
Two new steps have been added for PDFs: Add Watermark Text to PDF and Split PDF into Single Pages.
New GitHub Module: Google Cloud [DT-035196]
Google Cloud has been added to GitHub. It includes integration support for BigQuery and new steps: Raw Legacy SQL Query and Raw SQL Query.
Console Logger for Containers [DT-035541]

Internal URL for Multi-Tenant Tenants [DT-035882]
Users can now specify an internal URL for multi-tenant tenants.
New Method for Volume Mapping Containers [DT-035263]
Users can use a new method for volume mapping in containers that can be mapped map everything at a single location: \opt\decisions\data
Update to Import Resolution Page [DT-034304]
The Import Resolution Page now includes a search box, issue counts are now displayed in red, and default resolutions will automatically populate related issues.
Maximize Report Viewer [DT-035765]
Module Fixes
[DT-035375] GitHub Modules - Newtonsoft.Json < 13.0.1
[DT-035510] Get and Remove does not consumer Azure Service Bus Message
Form Fixes
[DT-035492] CSS on tenants only works when CSS files are also added to the primary
[DT-035496] Data Flow not Triggering in Data Repeater to source Drop Down List
[DT-035852] Module Styles do not load when the form assignment is opened using the link
Flow Fixes
[DT-035474] Significant Performance Difference with LoadFile step Between v5.15.1 and v7.11
[DT-035483] Parent Folder Id Field Is Not Consistently Respected On Fetch Entities
[DT-035591] Download Completed form action does not work with the radio button and auto-complete box on the form
[DT-035627] Memory Leak using PowerShell Steps
[DT-035681] Replace Text with Rich Text in a word document.
Rule Fixes
[DT-035491] Getting Error Running Rule Set: Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.element_configuration_data
[DT-035655] Rule Set: The rule designer does not prompt a save when properties of a matrix rule in a rule set are changed
Report Fixes
[DT-035385] Custom timespan calculated field dissociates itself on any run/save event
[DT-035559] Implement the ability to maximize the Report
[DT-035716] Report - Multiple selections get enabled by pressing the ESC key
[DT-035767] Repository Update
Portal Fixes
[DT-035693] Less files structure refactoring
[DT-035610] Add time to progress.txt
[DT-035675] Remove the Getting Folder and Page from our platform.
[DT-035766] XSS injection in the description of "Use Design Pattern" dialog
[DT-035958] Active Directory - An error is displayed if the group's result count exceeds 500.
Data Structure Fixes
[DT-035339] Cannot Create Table Relationship in a versions 8 Environment
Page Fixes
[DT-035141] Group actions on Report action bars only select the first item
Integration Fixes
[DT-035324] PostgreSQL Tables with Names 50+ Characters Truncated when Interacted with in Decisions
[DT-035407] REST service folders actions missing from the action bar
[DT-035694] Database not using the report. schema for external database views
[DT-035961] Keys.dat are the same for control and tenant instances.
Infrastructure Fixes
[DT-035797] MT tenant-specific user logout and login causes redirect to invalid URL
[DT-035811] Able to add malicious scripts to the tags
[DT-036034] MT Clustering - Tenants appear Offline (IsAlive=false) after a few minutes
Other Fixes
[DT-023632] Rest Service: The folder is not displayed in the folder tree after adding it
[DT-034069] Default CSS Document Cannot Be Updated While in Use
[DT-035406] Upgrade Moment.JS
Unsupported Modules
- MSCRM2011
- SymantecSMP
- Unsupported Modules if Hosting in Containers
- Powershell
- SolaceMQ
- Python
- R