Decisions Container
  • 22 Oct 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Decisions Container

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Article summary



Decisions can be hosted in containers only with version 8.0 and later.

This article provides comprehensive information on the hosting architecture, system prerequisites, platform restrictions, and any additional configurations needed when hosting a container.


Users upgrading from an earlier version of v8 to v8.17 or above should be aware that the default emails address has been removed and must be specified on installation. In earlier versions this was, but that has been removed.

New Container variables were added in v8.17 and must be filled out.



Architecture Diagram

System Specifications

To ensure the platform runs smoothly in containers, the following system specifications must be met.





4 core

16 GB


4 core

16 GB


4 core

16 GB

Container Image

Container images of version 8.0 and above have been published to Docker Hub and are publicly available.

For example, to pull the latest container image, use the following tag - decisionscore/platform:latest

Environment Variables

Decisions have predefined environment variables to configure the settings while running the container. Some of them are required, and some of them are optional. Refer to the Decisions Environment Variables article to configure all the environment variable lists.

Volume Mapping

The default file storage location of the Decisions container is at /opt/decisions/data. Users must volume map this location with a physical file path to maintain persistent file storage. To override the default storage location (/opt/decisions/data) via an environment variable, refer to Changing the default file storage location.

Unsupported Modules

Decisions Container currently does not support the following modules or their features.

Additional configurations

Below are changes needed for specific modules or features to utilize them for a container.

SAML Module

While configuring the SAML settings, it is important to add an X.509 Certificate in PEM format. If not added, an invalid certificate error will be thrown.

Convert Document Steps and WordToPdf module

The Convert Document Steps and the WordToPdf module use TrueType fonts to convert the fonts within the documents. TrueType Fonts are not loaded by default in containers. Thus, users have to volume map the font location to the /customfont folder. 

The Windows font can be found at C:\Windows\Fonts, and an easy and quick way to get TrueType fonts on a Linux system is to copy .TTF and .TTC files from the C:\Windows\Fonts to a new directory on the Linux environment and map the directory with /customfont.


Kindly verify whether font licensing is required, and read the EULA carefully before using the MS Font on the Linux environment.

Feature Details

Introduced in Version


Modified in Version



System > Settings > Python Module Settings

Python Module

In order to use the Python module in containers, Decisions has included Python in the container image. The container will have the most up-to-date version of Python installed. The default path for Python in containers is at /usr/bin/python3.

After installing the Python module, users need to point to the Python Module Settings path to /usr/bin/python3.

External Form

Since the file path for a Linux operating system is case-sensitive, ensure that the JavaScript paths for the external Form have the correct casing.

Decisions Agents

The Download Agent button will not download the DecisionsAgent.msi in the container. To retrieve the .msi, it must be downloaded from the release site.

HL7 Module

The HL7 module requires extra ports to be opened and exposed. This can be done by running the Docker expose commands. Ports can be opened using the following command:


Afterward, the port can be published and mapped to the container. The following command does this.

-p portnumber:portnumber

Active Directory

Active Directory module might fail to pass authentication via LDAP to the Active Directory domain when run from Decisions Container (Linux Environment). To prevent authentication failure, follow these steps while setting up an AD server.

  • Currently, containers can access all steps in the active directory module except for the Create user advanced and Set Password steps. For logging into a container using an AD account. The user must enter the domain name along with the username (domainName\userName).

  • Ensure that you disable "Use No Login Prefix" in the server settings while adding the servers. Refer to the following image.

Related Articles

For further information on Installation, visit the Decisions Forum.

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