- 25 Jan 2022
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Version 7.2.x Release Notes
- Updated on 25 Jan 2022
- 15 Minutes to read
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Learn more about V7 Features and Features NOT Available in V7 ahead of Installing Decisions.
- Keep current back-ups of the database(s), Settings.xml file, Keys.dat file, and File Storage
- .NET Core library architecture changes requires an "uninstall" of V6 ahead of installing V7
- Support for Multi-Tenancy (MT) will be introduced in V8
- Running V6 and V7 with the same database is not supported
- Upon upgrading to V7, downgrading to V6 is not supported
- Projects using XML/XSD data structures may require remapping on upgrade due to .NET Core architecture changes
- V5 and V6 LESS files are not compatible with V7
- V7 Web Service Integrations require installation of .NET Core 2.1 SDK
- Clicking Debug in the V7 Flow Designer does not save the Flow
- SignalR (.NET library) is included in V7.3+, requiring customers running V7.x via IIS to enable Websockets before upgrading
7.2.0 Enhancements (Apr 22, 2021)
Migration to .NET 5 [DT-030069]
Version 7.2+ requires .NET 5. This architecture change provides better performance, stability, and futureproofing. On upgrades, all custom libraries will need to be recompiled, custom assemblies will need to be re-written, and modules may require design refactoring between architectures. To learn more, see Installation Requirements.
View Integration Improvements [DT-028770]
Configuring Flows, Rules, Reports, and other Designer Elements to be called as services for data exchange is now done through a visually enhanced interface with expanded functionality and bug fixes. This includes a single screen that contains intuitive Setup options with INFO and TEST tabs, along with download links for jMeter Scripts and Postman collections. Visit View Integration Details to learn more.
Module Changes [DT-029506] [DT-030390][DT-030469]
Modules are like plugins that extend out-of-the-box platform functionality. With the .NET 5 change in version 7.2+, modules no longer require a restart after installation. To add modules in Decisions, visit Installing Modules.
Version 7.2+ will also migrate various open-source modules to Decisions GitHub for futureproofing and reducing the need for an entire platform upgrade. These modules are displayed alongside core modules on the System > Administration > Features page, denoted by the URL in the module description. See the newly introduced Observe module (Monitoring.Observe) as an example.
Login Page Redesign [DT-029990]
Register User Page Login Page
Lock Screen Page
Forgot Password Page
Password Reset Sent Page
Run Powershell Remotely [DT-029582]
A workaround exists for enabling remote PowerShell on the server where Decisions is installed for calling it remotely.
Hide Default Action Bar [DT-030212]
On the Folder Extension and Case Entity Data Structures, the Default Action Bar Visibility has three options (Show, Hide, Collapse). To learn more, see Creating and Using a Case Entity Data Structure.
Option for Entities to Not Add to Entity Header Data [DT-030370]
The Do Not Index property is used when creating data types and is only available on Entity Data Structures. For existing entities, the property can be configured via a query in the database. To learn more, see Creating Entities.
Multi-Tenancy Installer Check [DT-030637]
The installer now includes a check that will fail when MT is detected, preventing upgrades to v7.2+ from proceeding until the feature is supported in future versions (target Dec 2021).
New SharePoint Dialog and Steps Settings Parameters [DT-023276] [DT-023282]
Sharepoint Settings in v7.2+ allow users to input User Agent string, Retry Count, and Retry Delay (in seconds). To learn more, see Sharepoint Basics.
Form Fixes
[DT-024878] Form Control: Multi-Select DropDown: Initial Text Not Restricted to List property not working as expected
Property has been removed.
[DT-026301] Parameters specified on End Form Sessions don't pass between Pages if they are in different Folders
New property called Retain Parameters added on End Form Session step. If the property is checked, the specified parameters will be retained even when navigating to different Folders.
[DT-027296] Form - Data Grid Short Date Format Bug
[DT-028545] Form Designer: Form Rules: Data Flows: An error dialog is displayed when removing it
[DT-028773] Active Form Flow - Clear All Validation - Clears validation from the control but not from the button control.
[DT-029095] Property Grid Editor: Multi Checkbox List View - Implement New Design
Single and Multi Checkbox List Redesigned.
[DT-029134] Show Action function not available on Advance Data grid for User define data type
[DT-029418] Large FileReference File Downloads fail in 7.0 IIS
[DT-029510] Simple Form Control - Button - Run Flow in Dialog - Key Trigger applied to the button does not work if the control has a focus on form load.
[DT-029662] SimpleFormControl - MaskedTextBox - Max Length property is not obeyed for Currency, Decimal, and Number value type.
[DT-029679] SimpleFormControl - MaskedTextBox - Value Type as PhoneNumber and SSN - Rule gets trigger on startup even when the trigger event is set as control value change.
[DT-029874] Simple Form: Showing the preview form shows extremely zoomed in form components.
[DT-029962] Form Control - Toggle Button - Form rules do not get trigger via Exit event.
[DT-030006] Translation does not work on Sub-Dialog or Data Repeater ADD and REMOVE Buttons.
[DT-030020] Form Designer: Form Rules: Legacy: Flow Inputs: Input Type displayed as 'Form Input Data' even after changing it to 'Form Component'
[DT-030044] Form Designers: Active Form Flows: Validation is not displayed on the steps after renaming the control from the form. / add tests for task
[DT-030045] AdvancedDataGrid - Pagination bar result text breaks down at smaller space.
Show Action is visible for Entity and External Entity only.
[DT-030060] Form Designer: File Upload Area/Multi File Upload Area: Unable to apply Css to the dialog body.
[DT-030122] Form Designer: Form Rules: An error dialog is displayed when removing the outcome rule.
[DT-030166] Property Grid - Date Time Editor: Time slider gets reset each time after selecting a new date.
[DT-030191] Property Grid : Update Array Editor Design.
[DT-030216] Property Grid - Update Checkbox List design.
[DT-030217] Form Controls: NumberBox and CurrencyBox: Does not have a 'Translate Text' property
Property changed to Translate Watermark Text.
[DT-030226] Property Grid - Update Radio List Editor Design.
[DT-030236] Simple Form Designer:- CheckBox:- Clickable at design time.
[DT-030242] Visibility Rules on Data Grids Prevent Mobile Form from Loading
[DT-030270] Simple Form:- File Upload Control:- Key trigger is not working.
[DT-030278] Simple Form:- File Upload Control:- 'Use Full Size' property is not working.
Property now hidden as it is not applicable for Simple Form File upload.
[DT-030321] Simple Form: Number Box/Currency Box: Watermark is not translated even after enabling 'Translate Text'.
[DT-030333] Form Designer: Outcome Rules: Legacy: Unnecessary RuleInputs(LinkArrayEditor) is displayed and an error is displayed in the console after clicking on Add button
[DT-030499] Form Designer: Override Validation Settings- True: Changes made under 'No Issue' property does not update on the 'Data Repeater' control after running the flow.
Flow Fixes
[DT-028752] Email Appointment Invite/Email Calendar File Invite Issue
[DT-029563] Flow Designer: Output data of 'Design Pattern' is displayed even after clicking on 'Remove Design Pattern'.
[DT-029726] Flow Designer: External Form step: Multiple tabs are opened, if we remove the existing 'URL' and run the flow.
[DT-029937] Pick or Create Dialog is not resizing properly
[DT-030031] DBLocalQueue can't retrieve its own messages
[DT-030032][DT-030079] HookEditingEvents on step paste
[DT-030039] Data Designer: Diagram View: IsList checkbox on the input layer is not working
[DT-030073] Create Data step has a visible Star icon in the toolbox, but missing in the list of Favorites
[DT-030089] Run Flows for List step will return no data SOMETIMES if there is a null item in the list
[DT-030105] add autoCompleteTimeSpan config
Added Warning message that A timespan less than 5 seconds could affect system performance. Exact timing will depend on system load.
[DT-030123] RemoveDesignPatternWarningMessageDialog: Multiple id's are displaying in the DOM for the 'Remove Design Pattern' button
[DT-030129] Set PDF Form Fields step not recognizing field definitions
[DT-030131] SQL Insert Integration change request from @@identify to SCOPE_IDENTITY
[DT-030137] Flow Designer: Flow Steps: Output Mapping: User is unable to use converter flow output value
[DT-030174] Flow Designer: Run Report step: User can edit the report even if we set 'CanEdit' permission as 'False' for any designer folder.
[DT-030176] Assignments getting created with 'Flow Completed' state instead of 'Current'
[DT-030196] Send Email Step: Error Popup shown when running flow
[DT-030199] Fix Expose Properties mapping
[DT-030200] Fetch entites race condition causing this error in all environments [Exception]:System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
[DT-030291] Salesforce default api version make configurable
[DT-030406] Flow Designer: Sub Dialog Data Flow: cannot edit outputs of "ChageData" end step
[DT-030427] Flow Designer - Entities steps: Fields in Fetch Criteria dialog doesn't get updated on changing the selected Type Name or Extension.
[DT-030443] Designers - Service Settings: Reference Type as 'Id or Path' cannot be selected if either 'Id' or 'Path' option was selected before.
[DT-030445] Flow Designer: Start Step Property Grid displayes property Editors of End Step
Rule Fixes
[DT-029270] Cannot Set Output Data When Creating Rule Table Based on Design Pattern / fix validation message
Validation displays when data has not been added to the Output Data tab when using a Design Pattern.
[DT-029698] Matrix Rule Designer: 'Edit Intersection' dialog: Mapping Type- Select From Flow: Drop-down for 'Data' is not closed even after picking the variable name.
[DT-029863] Rule Set Designer: Flow/Rule Set Visualization page appears blank for a few seconds without any loading indicator.
[DT-029884] Rule Set: Designer: Duplicate actions are displayed on the header
[DT-029918] Rule Designer: Sample Set: Unnecessary SyncInputDataMessage is displayed after picking sample set with CSV Data Source
[DT-029938] 'Rule Set not found' warning is displayed when trying to create flow/rule after creating Rule Set
[DT-029955] Rule Set: Interceptor Rules: Rule Breaks report is not updating
[DT-030018] No Plain Text Version of HTML Text Field on Rule Audit History Report
[DT-030297] Matrix Rule Designer: Edit Intersection Dialog: Unable to change mapping type to Clear
[DT-030298] Matrix Rule Designer: Save dialog is not displayed when closing designer after removing Rule
[DT-030335] TruthTable Designer: get rid of "Show Mappings" checkbox on editing row columns
[DT-030363] Matrix Rule Designer: Unable to close Edit Rule dialog if there is any validation
Report Fixes
[DT-023526] Clear All Filters Action on a Report Using Reset Action
New action called Clear applied to runtime filters that can reset the filter value to its default for the respective type.
[DT-023957] Refreshing Report Viewer
[DT-028046] Report Designer:- Column properties are displayed even after deleting it
[DT-028063] Report: Inaccurate Column Filtering on Number Formatted Columns
[DT-028501] Report: Rich Text/Text List Views: Downloaded data is not matching with the drilldown report data
[DT-029734] Search Function on Reports do not Properly Search Merge Text Report Fields
[DT-029758] Don't clear FieldName as eagerly
[DT-029759] set chart StackDisplay in MVC layer too
[DT-029857] Report Designer: Filter Layer: Changes made on 'Edit Column' dialog retains, even if we click on 'Close' button
[DT-029944] Report - Hierarchical View: A continuous spinner is displayed along with an error in console as 'RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded' when loading the large data.
[DT-029971] Can't Sum In Report Results
Users can sum in Sub Totals.
[DT-030138] Report:- Hierarchical View:- Duplicate values are displayed when expanding the row and getting values from the parent report.
[DT-030152] No Data To Display being shown on Reports that are being updated via a Runtime Filter and the value of the Runtime Filter is being sent via a different Form/Flow.
[DT-030184] Report Designer - Date Range Filter: An error is displayed in the console on changing the Date Range.
[DT-030265] Report Designer - Filters: An error is displayed on deleting the Data Source when 'Infrastructure Filters
[DT-030296] Report Designer - Integration Setting Layer: 'No Results' is displayed on it after selecting any Field/Filter of the report.
[DT-030313] Drill Down Report Dialog - Clicking on the search icon does not open the search panel on all other views except Grid View.
[DT-030372] Report Chart Title and Data do not get translated
[DT-030403] Report Viewer: Clicking clear filters will not clear any entity filters.
[DT-030448] Designers - Service Settings: Webhook Integration should not be displayed for Rules and Report.
Rules can only run as an API Service.
[DT-030568] Run Report: Tiles View: Data in the drilldown report becomes blank, after moving any column from 'Filter layer' and then we 'Reset Settings'.
Page Fixes
[DT-022358] Diagram Tile Chart Y Axis Label is always snipped
[DT-024142] Page Control:- RunAssingmentSilverPart:- Control gets cut and the start button is not displayed if given a fixed size to the control
Control displays vertical scrollbar and header includes ellipses with tooltip when hovered.
[DT-029782] prevent too many step value axis ticks
[DT-029788] disable checkbox for chart filter groups
After grouping labels on charts, the group header checkbox is disabled (greyed out) compared to an enabled check box (dark border).
[DT-029981] flow-backed charts:no show data button
When supplying chart data from a Flow, the Show Data Button no longer shows.
[DT-030175] Fix chart format getter; code tests
[DT-030259] Tile Part: Error dialog displayed on page load when tile having image icon from the icon library
Data Structure Fixes
[DT-025842] Modified AllCaseFolderBehavior.cs so that the list of states is obtained by the case configuration folder instead of the individual case folders. This allows for newly added states to be accessible from already existing case folders.
[DT-029900] Data Structures - Requesting DEV To Review Customer's Error Using 'Create Database Index" on Decimal List Property in Data Structure
Create Database Index property is hidden when Is List is set as True.
[DT-029907] Fields in Generated Data Structures From JSON Types Don't Allow Null Values By Default
Option added to Allow Nullable Values.
[DT-029953] Deleting the query hard deletes its defined data structure
[DT-029977] Inconsistent DataType length validation error messages
Other Fixes
[DT-024407] Studio/Flow Designer Searchbar Respecting Permissions
[DT-025063] Translation Service - Add a Field for an Identifier to the Languages For Easier Sorting
Two steps added for translation service called GetTranslationsForTag and GetTranslationsForTagAllLanguages.
[DT-026449] Modify the MergeToBranch Flow for Repository Server
The MergeToBranch Flow no longer calls the CheckRepositoryCredentials subflow. The steps now have DesignerRepositoryService as the Service Name.
[DT-027580] JS control imported to a node does not get unpacked on other nodes in a cluster
[DT-027807] AD Module - Add step 'Find User By SamAccountName Enhanced'
AD Account data is returned in JSON string.
[DT-027997] Catch Exception step treats exceptions thrown by Throw APIException step as regular exceptions, preventing the ability to output a specified HTTP Status Code
[DT-028508] Create Or Pick Rule Dialog: Pick Existing: Recent tab is not getting updated
[DT-028582] Decisions Administrators not seeing portal folders were top level folder is a designer folder
[DT-029066] Create Element Registration from gallery
[DT-029144] SQS Message Subscriber Stops Consuming until Handler is Resaved
[DT-029504] Include Only My Changes Repository action has no effect on imported objects or datagrid.
[DT-029512] Design Pattern: There is no way to undo 'Default for Folder' that located outside of the current folder
Set Design Pattern has been replaced with Manage Design Patterns action. This will allow user to Add/Remove Design Patterns with a Folder.
[DT-029554] Current inbox query is not performant when working with large data sets
[DT-029573] Reformat the wording on the export dialog window indicating that the object is part of the Project.
[DT-029626] Designer Folder: See Entity Details: Nothing happens when we click on 'Open Column/Open Designer Folder/Open Folder View/Open List/Open Tiles/Open Unit Test Results' actions.
[DT-029657] Redesign Create Design Pattern action
[DT-029747] Multiple Decisions 6.16.0 Installer Issues
Installer no longer crashs when clicking Start Over after failure. A validation message is displayed if no website or no application pool is present on IIS.
[DT-029796] Setting the FileStorageLocation in Settings.xml to a Network Share Causes Delay.
[DT-029862] Create or Pick Dialog: Pick Existing: 'No Result Found' message is not displayed after performing search.
[DT-029875] Better logging for a misspelled branch error on a start checkout step
Error Message is displayed when Module name or Project name is incorrect.
[DT-029906] Integrations - Add Procedure: An error is displayed on entering 'Procedure Name' which is not present in the drop-down.
[DT-029943] Folder Tree: After deleting the child folder it does not refresh in the Recent node
[DT-029961] Named Sessions page does not get auto-refresh after adding/deleting Named Session
[DT-029985] QR Codes Module Performance Issue
[DT-029999] Decisions Containers - Code Buckets not working
[DT-030003] Floating Seacrh Bar Follows - Customer Facing
[DT-030013] User Action Names "Turn Off Translation/"Turn on Translation" on the strings to translate in the Master Translation Folder is contradicting to their functionality.
[DT-030027] Design Patterns: Changes in the Properties do not respect the 'Don't Save' response on the Save Inputs dialog
[DT-030030] Integrations - OData - DynamicsAX Integration Throwing "Secure binary serialization is not supported on this platform" Exception After Upgrade to Version 7
[DT-030033] Exception Message for Drop-Down Components does not get translated.
[DT-030042] GridPopupEditor - Provided input is not displayed on the editor
[DT-030053] Unable to use Skip Certificate Revocation Check in Mail Settings
[DT-030074] Message Server Setup - Show Primary Actions in Header
[DT-030081] Import: Resolve Import Issues dialog - Download Issues: 'tmp' is mentioned in the name of downloaded csv file creates ambiguity.
[DT-030088] Unable to export location folders
[DT-030092] Help Center - Validations: Scroll bar is missing and text goes out of the Layer, overlapping on the Help Center.
[DT-030107] View Video cannot more forward or backwords
In 7.2, clicking the View Video option on Process View pages now offers the ability to scrub forwards and backwords during playback.
[DT-030119] Remove log4net from SHMDynamicCompiler project and use Serilog.
There will be 5 backup files and 1 main file that is saved. Log will be captured in new file if max size is reached.
[DT-030120] Unit Test Management: Run By Flow/Rule or By Project Dialog: Changes made on 'Tests Names'/'Project' are not reflected on "Select/Deselect All" checkbox.
[DT-030130] In 7.x, Horizontal Split Panel Render Slide Properly When Sliding it & Folder Tree is Collapsed
[DT-030135] Process View [New Tab]: An error is displayed in console when assigning via To Do (Assigned To Me) action.
[DT-030145] Wrong order for Create actions on Design Pattern
[DT-030171] Installation - IIS Hosted: 'Emergency Password Reset Tool' does not reset the password as IIS is not restarted.
Message added to console "Please run 'iisreset' as an Administrator for the new password to be applied."
[DT-030172] AD Settings: 'Auto Sign In' and 'Use Chrome SSO' options need to be removed from v7 as they are no more relevant.
[DT-030177] Database Connection: There Is No Validation Preventing The Creation Of A Connection Using Digits
[DT-030220] Create Or Pick Dialog: Pick Existing: Item name is getting cut in Recent Tab
[DT-030228] Export Wizard - Select Project Form - Support Chat project available for additions
[DT-030244] Installer - SMTP Server Settings: Unable to configure SMTP as Server fails to send 'Test Email'.
[DT-030247] Entity Details Layer: Incorrect chevron colors for actions
[DT-030256] Children_have_security value set to null upon version 6 upgrade
No support for upgrading from Version 5 to Version 7 without first upgrading to version 6.
[DT-030284] Auditing Settings: Types To Audit: LinkArrayEditor: List item is still displayed even after removing it.
[DT-030291] Salesforce Default API Version is currently hardcoded
[DT-030293] Error Message when Handler Flow Runs for Azure Topics
[DT-030348] Create from Design Pattern action should identify default patterns for the folder it is invoked on
[DT-030355] Bug in CSS parser
When a custom CSS file is applied, an !important flag is added to all CSS properties. When syntax is nested in Media Query blocks, the flag is also added to properties.
[DT-030374] Folder Activity Panel component do not get translated
[DT-030377] Create Element Registration from the gallery: Too many calls for GetNewRegistrationItemIssues when providing name
[DT-030435] 7.x - Remove 'Restart Instance' action from the 'System Validations' folder
[DT-030452] Kafka Module Does Not Work in Version 7
[DT-030463] Inbox Folder - Assignments - Actions are not displayed.
[DT-030481] Force Base URI not working for Login Page
[DT-030482] OpenID Module does not work if we have a Login Flow Configured in version 7.1
Supported Modules
- ActiveMQ
- AmazonWebServices
- AzureServices
- Equifax
- Exchange (2019+ versions)
- Experian
- Foreign Exchange
- HL7
- HubSpot
- iCal
- Kafka
- Office365
- Okta
- Powershell (via remote connection)
- QRCodes
- R
- Sharepoint ("online" version)
- Salesforce
- Sharepoint
- Slack
- Telephony
Unsupported Modules
- MSCRM2011
- SymantecSMP