Calculated Column Overview
  • 12 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Calculated Column Overview

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Article summary

Calculated Columns are Data Fields used to extend data on a Report by allowing the ability to incorporate other Designer Elements (e.g. Flows), get specific calculated DateTime values, to decrypt sensitive Report Data, and more.

The table below displays each possible Calculated Column as well as its function.

Calculated ColumnFunction
AddFieldByValueUsed to add value to selected Data Field
AddFieldsAllows the ability to add two Data Fields together
CombineTextFieldsProvides function user to combine two Data Fields into one column

Allows the user to define Constant values according to the DataTypes of values such as String, Int, Decimal, Boolean, and the DateTime type 

Useful with the External Truth Table to compare values

DivideFieldByValueDivides a Data Field by the desired value
DivideFieldUsed to split up two Data Fields
EncryptedOrPIIDataFieldDecrypts encoded data defined when creating a Data Structure
FilterRegex (v9.2+)This column will take a Regex pattern and filter the data.
FlowInlineFieldDefines and runs a Flow to perform lookups by displaying strings in a Report
GetDateAgeShows duration in the year, month, and days between the selected column date to the current
GetDateOutputs the current Date
GetDayofWeekGets the day of the week from the selected Data Field
GetDaysBetweenCalculates the difference in days between two dates
GetHoursBetweenGets hours difference between two dates
GetMilliSecondsBetweenDisplays milliseconds difference between two dates

Works out the difference between the two dates

GetMonthGets month number without year from selected Data Field

To use this, change Data Field Format to Other and define Properties > Formatting > Format as MMMM. 
GetRemainderFromFieldsDetermines remainder from two Data Fields
GetSecondsBetweenGets seconds difference between two dates
GetTimesBetweenEvaluates the time difference between the two dates

Pulls year from selected Data Field

HideOldDatesHides or displays null values from a Data Field based on the value provided in Hide Dates Older Than field
ImageDocumentInlineFieldDisplays a Document as an inline field on the Report
ImageUrlInlineFieldAllows displaying of an Image as a column in a Report
LiveUpdateColumnInlineFieldDisplays the number of days, hours, or minutes that have passed based on a DateTime column. The Background and Foreground colors can be set based on a positive or negative value. Positive means time until, and negative means time that has passed.
MatchInlineFieldAdds column where the user can put conditions to show different values on each row as desired
MatchRegexFilters RegexPattern provided by the user for a Data Field and displays only the rows where RegexPattern is matched
MergeTextInlineFieldProvides the Text Merge Editor where multiple Data Fields can be grouped together
MultiplyFieldByValueMultiplies the value with the selected Data Field
MultiplyFieldsAllows the option to multiply two Data Fields
OpenURLInlineFieldConstructs a URL and provides a link at runtime to open that URL
PercentFieldCalculates a percentage using two Data Fields
RunFlowInlineFieldRuns a Flow from a Report
SplitCamelCaseInlineFieldReturns column data in Camel Case form
SubtractFieldByValueSubtracts value from selected Data Field
SubtractFieldsSubtracts two Data Fields
TimespanTotalSecondsFieldDisplays timespan in seconds
TimespanTotalMinutesFieldOutputs timespan in minutes
TimespanConstantFormatFieldProvides timespan in a Constant defined format: hh\:mm\:ss
TimespanCustomFormatFieldDisplays timespan in a custom-defined format; the default format is hh\:mm\:ss 
TruncateTextInlineFieldShortens the value of another Data Field
YesNoInlineFieldDisplays Yes or No values and can be used with a Boolean column

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Added the Regex Pattern filter9.2August 14, 2024[DT-041657]

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