Version 9.2 Release Notes
  • 30 Aug 2024
  • 14 Minutes to read
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Version 9.2 Release Notes

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Article summary

Breaking Changes

Repository Issue - Servers on v9.2 cannot perform checkins to servers on v9.0 or v9.1. When upgrading to v9.2 upgrade all servers.

DT-041834 - API access is now configurable within the settings.xml file. This new setting, AllowApiDocAccess, is set to False by default, so until it is set to True, services like Swagger will be blocked from functioning. The setting does not appear in the settings.xml file after upgrade and needs to be manually added to the file with a True setting. 

DT-041549 - Builds using the Read JSON And Cast To FHIR Type and/or the Cast FHIR Resource to FHIR Type will need to reconfigure the steps after upgrade. Their outputs will be removed upon upgrade because of a change in types.

DT-041768 - The GetDecisionsSettingInfo method was removed from the platform. Any steps belonging to that method will no longer function.

DT-039064 - v9.2 requires PostgreSQL 14 or above.

DT-042123 - Instances of v9.2 that have the Kafka module installed and are on PostgreSQL 15 or 16 cannot be restarted. Users with PostgreSQL 15 or 16 and the Kafka module are encouraged to skip upgrade to v9.2 and instead upgrade directly to v9.3 or above.

9.2 New Features (8/19/2024)

[DT-039370] Procedure integration RefreshThe Procedure Integration menu has been updated. A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated
[DT-039371] Table integration RefreshThe Table Integration screen has been updated
[DT-040241] Updates to Portal Search UI/UXMany enhancements have been made to the Portal Search including showing the prior searches.
[DT-041332] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/ResourceActivity APIThere are new steps for accessing REST Resource Activities within Process Mining:
  • Get Resource Activities Involvement
  • Get Resources Activities Involvement

[DT-041363] Add "Pad List and Join" Converter Flow To ProductA new Converter Flow has been added: Pad String List and Join. The converter gives the users options to add characters to be used to join strings, pad lists, or both.
[DT-041370] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Costs APIAdded new Process Mining related Steps for REST calls.
  • Get Cost Resources
  • Get Cost Time Units
  • Get Costs
[DT-041568] Flow Steps: List of Dynamic Rows to CSV Excel ConversionAdded a new Step - Convert Dynamic Data Rows to CSV. This step will take in a list of Dynamic Data Rows and write them to a CSV file without the user needing to set up any data mapping.
[DT-041615] Query Editor/Integration: Addition of Maximize icon and splitters to enlarge the Editor and Results tabThe Query Editor and Query Integration screens can now have different elements resized as desired.
[DT-041642] Inbox Dashboard ChangesVarious visual and naming changes to the Inbox Dashboard.
[DT-041657] Add New Calculated Column 'Filter Regex' for Filtering Data Using Regex Pattern.There is a new calculated column on Reports that will take in Regex patterns to be used as filters.
[DT-041738] FR: Project Deployment: An icon or action to 'check-in' should be present in the Project Header itself.There are new icons for Check-in and Check-out in the header of a Project.
[DT-041795] Process Mining: Cost API steps should allow for Time Frame filtering.Cost API steps now have Time Frame filtering.
[DT-041837] Feature Request -> Reports -> Grid View - Add a setting to enable/disable column reordering on gridThere is now the ability to prevent column reordering when looking at a Report in Grid View. When in the Report Editor, select a view, then under the GRID VIEW property menu there is an option called Allow Column Reordering. This is set to enabled on default.
[DT-041744] View Integration UI Refresh
The View Integration UI has been redone.

[DT-041586] Migration Dashboard - Phase 2Several changes were made to the Project Migration Dashboard.


[DT-039734] Improvements needed in Okta Module.The Okta Module has had performance enhancements around User and Group Syncs.
[DT-041288] Refactor the Index Item in List StepThe Index Items for List Step will now perform much faster.
[DT-041386] SSO Lockout FeatureIdle lockout is now possible with SSO configured.
[DT-041444] Account Service - JWT Authentication in HeaderMethod GetJWTTokenForSession can now work for all authentication methods like any other service endpoint.
[DT-041463] Database schema/user for Decisions installationPostgreSQL database schemas can now be used when installing Decisions.
[DT-041536] Query Editor: Error occurs when trying to run multiple queries on postgresMultiple queries can be run simultaneously when using PostgreSQL
[DT-041742] Add Flow Tracking ID to Work Queue ReportThe Threads Jobs Report now has the Flow ID and Flow Tracking ID to make it easier to tell which Flows are running.
[DT-041754] Unit Tests/Samples tree redesignThe tree for Unit Tests and Sample data within the debugger has been redesigned.
[DT-041862] JWT feature makes unnecessary database callsRemoved unneeded database calls that would occur when using JWT.
[DT-040955] Projects Hub: Work Queue Folders need icons
Work Queue Folders have new icons.



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[DT-041321] Repository - Updates Not Recognized When Setting the Look and Feel of a Folder After CheckinFolders can now have their Look and Feel updated correctly after a check-in.9.0, 9.1


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[DT-039064] Function update_folder_access_entity() not creating during Postgres Container InstallPostgreSQL 14 or higher is required for v9.2 and above.9.2
[DT-040998] Postgres startup errors when creating databaseInstallation will now fail properly if the user is installing to a PostgreSQL system and the username given to the installer does not match with the pgadmin application database.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041731] Installer: PostgreSQL: Basic Connection Type should exclude DB Schema input, as it should be provided via Custom Connection StringThe DB Schema option that appeared under Basic Connection Type for PostgreSQL installs is now under the Custom Connection String option.9.0, 9.1


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[DT-040829] Projects Hub: Some SystemFolders should be allowed to be deleted.Several folders at the System level that now have functionality within Projects are now deletable.9.2
[DT-041160] Module Icons are not properly displayed on the Dependencies pageFixed the icons for several Modules on the Dependency page of a Project so that they will display properly.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041549] FHIR Steps are not loading properties from correct AssembliesFHIR Steps that had an option for choosing the version of FHIR were not loading correctly. This has been fixed. The steps Read JSON And Cast To FHIR Type and Cast FHIR Resource to FHIR Type have had their outputs changed and these will need to be reconfigured upon upgrade.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041670] Modules - Flow Steps: Step icons are broken for a few of the Modules.Fixed a bug that prevented Module steps from having working icons in the Toolbox.9.1
[DT-041694] Single Logout does not work for OpenIDSingle Logout will now work properly when OpenID is configured.9.x
[DT-041746] PowerShell Script Dashboard Issue in v9.0 and v9.1 Container setupPowershell scripts are now being imported correctly into Containers and will appear in the appropriate dashboards.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041748] New AWS Module install not working - Broken DLL filesThe AWS module will now install properly on v9.9.0, 9.1


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[DT-031807] Normal/Simple Forms: Validation Warning Not Populating In the Form For A DataName Using A CommaValidations for Data Names containing commas (,) or forward slashes (\) will now properly appear.9.0, 9.1
[DT-039686] Simple Form control: Multi Select Combo Box - 'Allow External Values' property to True: Isn't allowing to add external values.The "Allow External Values" setting will now properly function when used on a Combo Box (Multi Select) control for Simple Forms.8.x,9.0, 9.1
[DT-041438] Form-NumberBox-Numer value '0' coming by default for NumberBoxThe Form Control "Number Box" would show '0' even when "Allow Null" was set to true. Number Boxes will now properly display Null instead of 0.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041625] Rich Text Box/ Rich Text Display: Color of hyperlinks is not displayed in blue color when they are applied for copy-pasted texts.When using any element that uses Rich Text the color of hyperlinks was not blue if the link had been copy and pasted. This fix will not apply retroactively. Links that already exist on upgrade will need to be manually replaced by copy and pasting to get the blue color.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041705] "Your Form Cannot Be Processed" Error is Thrown on a Page with a Form Tile and a Sub-dialog FormFixed an error that would occur when trying to exit a Subdialog Form with the close button from within a Form Tile.8.x, 9.0, 9.1
[DT-041725] Active form flow with Mixed Type Repeater is not working properlyMultiple Active Form Flows will now function correctly if Mixed-Type Repeaters are being used on a Form.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041818] Special Characters no longer accepted in Form Label NamesForm Label names were giving validation warnings if the text included a special character. This has been fixed.8.21, 9.1


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[DT-041429] Flows - Error is Thrown When Using "Fetch By Process Folder ID" On a Postgres InstallFixed an error when using the Fetch By Process Folder ID step on a PostgreSQL database.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041441] QueryTableWithVectorData Step - Duplicate Fields in Vector Storage InfoDuplicate fields will no longer appear on certain property screens.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041503] Data Designer: Validation popup does not clear and can not tab to next inputFixed an issue with Data Designers where validation pop-up messages would not disappear. Also fixed problems with tabbing between fields in a Data Designer.9.1
[DT-041608] Steps using PDF Aspose are setting PDF title to AsposeNewly created PDF steps will no longer be titled Aspose by default. The title will now match the file name.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041609] Inline images in Send Email HTML Merge Text mapping do not appear when email recipient opens the emailImages used for Send Email HTML Merge Text mapping were not sending correctly and would not appear in emails. This has been fixed.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041770] Flows | Steps | Combine Pdf Files Step No Longer Outputs a Pdf FileFixed a regression that caused the Combine Pdf Files step to not function.9.1


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[DT-041421] Rule Set Design changesVarious design changes were made to Rule Sets.9.2
[DT-041479] RuleSet: Getting an error when clicking the debug button.The debug button on Rule Sets will now properly work on slow networks.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041897] Truth Table Textual Comparison Thrown ExceptionsThe Textual Comparison utility will no longer throw errors when comparing two Truth Tables.9.1
[DT-041909] Certain scenarios will thrown exceptions in the Statement Rule Textual Comparison ToolThe Textual Comparison utility will no longer throw errors when comparing two Statement Rules.9.1


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[DT-040372] Continued Selection of Rows in Parent Report Causes Blank Results on Child Report is Chrome=Small or Chrome=OffCertain Chrome= settings could cause Rich Text child reports to turn blank if it is on the same page as its parent report. This will no longer occur.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041650] This Year Report Filter Includes First Day of Next Year 1/1/2025The "This Year" filter for Reports will no longer include the first date of the next year. For example a Report filtered to show all of 2024 will no longer include January 1, 2025.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041704] Negative Currency values in quotes when report is exported to excelDownloaded Reports with currency values in the negative will now currently show currency symbols ($, etc). This will work for all file formats.8.x, 9.0, 9.1
[DT-041709] Report Viewer: Pagination shows NaNThe Report Viewer will no longer show "NaN" on the pagination bar in rare cases.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041832] Report Designer: Icons are not aligned vertically in tree controlsFixed a visual glitch on the folder tree for Reports.9.0, 9.1

Data Structures

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[DT-041310] Unable to move entity configuration for entities imported from v8The "Move To" action is now available on Configuration Folders.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041361] Default Name Space for Data Types Should Be ChangedMade changes to how the default namespaces for Datatypes are created to prevent them from being excessively long. The default will now be [ProjectName].[FolderName].9.2
[DT-041572] Data Structures created by JSON, XML, or XSD do not show a State in the Data Structure report and be accounted for in the Valid/Invalid tilesSimple Flow Structure objects created from JSON were not getting appropriate States set to them.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041751] Modified By field never updates on a Case EntityThe Selective Update step, and other similar steps, will now properly update the Modified By field on a Case Entity when an update is made.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041791] An error is displayed after creating a 'Value List' structure when there are no existing data structures in the project.Creating a value list in a new Project that does not contain Data Structures will no longer cause an error to be displayed.9.0, 9.1


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[DT-040272] System - Integrations - OAuth Tokens: Buttons are overlapping over the 'Authorize URL' field after clicking on the 'Set Access Token Manually' link.Fixed the Create and Store Oauth Credentials menu so that buttons will not overlap text boxes.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041540] Procedure Integration Name stops populating if we remove the name and select another procedure list too fastProcedure Integration Names will no longer stop populating after removing their names and selecting another from a list too fast.9.1
[DT-041708] Upload SDK Files - but only allows single Item"Upload SDK Files" is now correctly labeled as "Upload SDK File".9.1
[DT-041743] External DB Integration: Database Connection Strings are not Encrypted in Containers.Connection Strings for databases will now be stored encrypted in Container environments.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041890] Database Integration - Flows configured using the output of Table/Query/Procedure/Views steps get broken after importing a project created in 9.0.Fixed a code compile issue that would cause Flows using Database Integration steps to break after being imported into v9.9.0, 9.1

System / Portal Administration

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[DT-033384] shows up in clean install of DecisionsRemoved an unneeded email address that appeared in certain element registrations.7.x, 8.x, 9.0, 9.1
[DT-040171] Delete Dialog: Text and buttons are overlapping when long text for entity name is provided also no tooltip is displayed.Very long Designer Entity names will no longer be covered up by buttons in the delete dialog.9.0, 9.1
[DT-040781] Projects - Catalog: Icons on sub folders are not displayed to the end users.Fixed a bug that prevented end users from seeing subfolder icons in the Workflow Catalog.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041204] Design updates to the System PageThe System page has been redesigned.9.2
[DT-041387] System Tab: The 'Create Folder' action is displayed on the Workflow Catalog.The Create Folder action will no longer be available within the Workflow Catalog.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041434] Portal Searchbar: Designer users can move entities for which they do not have permission after search.Users without proper permissions were able to see and interact with entities they should not be able to. This has been fixed.9.1
[DT-041459] Folders Tab: After importing a project, its public folders are not displayed until the browser is refreshed.After importing a Project, public folders were not appearing correctly until a refresh. This has been fixed.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041477] System - CSS Viewer Page: An error 'Document with Name already exists' is displayed when adding a CSS document with the same title.A validation will now appear when attempting to add a CSS document when one with the same name already exists.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041512] Query Editor doesn't show 'Selected Rows' count when using a PostGreSQL DBInstalls using a PostgreSQL database will no longer experience a bug with the Query Editor that prevented the Selected Rows count from showing.9.0,9.1
[DT-041570] File Storage Reorganization Job is fully running even though there aren't old directoriesEnhanced performance of the File Storage Reorganization Job.9.2
[DT-041616] System - Event Viewer: The 'Code Buckets Install History' report missing the 'Assembly Name' column.The Code Buckets Install History report now has the Assembly Name column.9.2
[DT-041681] Entity: Users having the 'Can View' permission can move entities.Users with only Can View permissions will no longer be able to move entities within a Project.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041737] Temp Files are not recreated when running form with MultiFile Download Control set to Build Array then Constant Mapping for FileDataChange the way file searches work to keep from pulling unneeded files.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041834] Add apidoc API behind the settings.A new setting has been added to the Settings.xml file. <AllowApiDocAccess> which is set to False by default, allows API calls to be made against both System Services and Flow Services when set to True. When set to False, only Flow Services may be called. The setting does not appear in the settings.xml file after upgrade and needs to be manually added to the file with a True setting. The setting will appear for users making a clean install of v9.2.9.2
[DT-041855] Portal Search: Getting error when search term is 'TestFlow search:all'.Fixed a regression that caused the search:all function to error.9.x

Project Deployment

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[DT-039688] decObj's are getting created in the temp folder of the system when we import a zip fileProject files will no longer create unneeded duplicates in the System Temp folder when being imported via Zip file.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041730] Repository: Duplicate folders are displayed when a converted project is checked in and a new branch is created.Unnecessary duplicate folders will no longer be created after a Legacy Project ahs been converted, checked into a Repository server and a new branch is created.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041732] Project Deployment: Default folders are getting created in the checked out project even though they are not present on the Repo.Default folders will no longer appear in Projects that are checked out of a Repository Server, if they were not already present.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041745] Project Deployment: An error is displayed while checking out any orphan entities if its project default folder is deleted.Users can now check-out entities that were orphaned when the default folder in their originating Project is deleted.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041766] Project Deployment: An error 'Resource Already Exists' is displayed on check-in a Project that has a Legacy Project moved into it, and the same legacy project is already present in the Repository.An error would occur when creating a new branch after moving an Entity from one Project to another.9.0, 9.1
[DT-041826] Project Deployment: A converted project having a group throws an error when performing check-in to the repo if the group is deleted from the System level.Deleting groups that existed in older versions on both a development and repository environment will no longer cause an error upon check-in for Projects that had used that group.9.0, 9.1

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