- 06 Jun 2022
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Dynamic Form Features Overview
- Updated on 06 Jun 2022
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There are numerous ways in which Form Designer can make a Form dynamic. In other words, it is possible to change Form Components, Visibility, and Behavior based on Form Input Data and Form Rules. This document overviews the variety of such possibilities.
In the Form Designer, locate Form Configurations first. This can be done by navigating to the Form Designer selecting Properties.
The first section that is helpful to add dynamic to the Form is Form Data. Here, we can define any Data for the Form input which can be used by Form Controls. In this way, define Variables of desirable Type and populate them with Values from the Flow.
The next section that is used to add dynamic to our Form is Form Rules. It is found under the Form Data section in the Form configurations that we overview in this tutorial. This section has four blocks: Data Flows, Visibility Rules, Validation Rules, and Outcome Rule Groups.
Data Flows.
In the Data Flows section, we can make our Form dynamic by using a Flow. For instance, we can send user input from our Form (textbox, list selection, etc.) to the Flow, then do some work with this data in the Flow, and populate the Form components with the data that the Flow outputs. To learn more about Data Flows please refer to this document.
Visibility Rules.
With Visibility Rules, we can use Decisions Rule Engine to dynamically decide what Form components should be visible. For example, we can send data from the Form control to the existing Rule and based on the Rule evaluation decide which Form components should be visible.
Validation Rules.
To ensure that a user enters valid data in a form’s required fields, you can configure a form to run validation rules. The rules can run upon submission of the form, upon a field losing focus (i.e. the user clicking out of a field), or upon startup of the form. The startup method of executing a validation rule displays alerts next to the fields when the form first loads. This can be useful for highlighting form fields that must be changed because their default values, or values inherited from a preceding step, are invalid.
Outcome Rule Groups.
It is possible to create a custom Rule that can be used to control the Form’s Outcome behavior. For instance, we can use data Form controls to pass it to the custom Rule. Then, depending on Rule evaluation we can create Form Outcome path and do some work in the Flow (like Send Email or open another Form).
Next, each Form component can be controlled dynamically with Flow Data. We can configure to specify the visibility of the form. To learn more about Form Components Behavior please refer to this document.
Finally, we can add dynamic to our Form by using Flow Data that is available for the Form Step. We can create Labels with Flow Variable names or values. To read more about this way of adding dynamic to the Form please refer to this document.