Version 9.1 Release Notes
  • 02 Aug 2024
  • 15 Minutes to read
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Version 9.1 Release Notes

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Article summary

Breaking Change

DT-041764 - List Builder Steps do not compile correctly. Anyone using these steps should not upgrade to v9.1. This issue is resolved in v9.2.

9.1 New Features (7/9/2024)

[DT-039370] Procedure integration RefreshThe Procedure Integration menu found under Create Datatypes/Integration > Database Integration has been redesigned.
[DT-040239] Add Flow Setting for Default Debug TypeThere is a new setting called Default Debug Type. Users supply a default selection for their Project or it can be set per Flow. This sets the default value when testing a Flow or Rule.
[DT-040240] Fast Rule Collection FilteringAdded a new Filter List Step. This step is much faster than the Rule Collection Filtering Step and is intended for large volumes of records.
[DT-040452] Textual Comparison for FlowsAdded a new Textual Comparison option for Flows so that different versions can be compared against each other to see changes, deletions, and additions to the Flow. View the documentation for more detail.
[DT-040487] Rule Set Phase IISeveral changes to Rule Sets including updates to the History page, Sample Data and viewing Sample Data results.
[DT-040563] Projects Migration DashboardAdded in a new migration dashboard to help managers track the progress of projects being converted from legacy versions to v9. All missing dependencies and entities are easily identifiable.
[DT-040604] Update Inbox DashboardAssignment Inbox has been updated.
[DT-040610] Ability to create a Design Pattern from a service callDesign Patterns can now be created via a new Step, Create Design Pattern. A DesignerFolderId is required.
[DT-041006] Projects - To DOs: No notification is displayed to the user on adding To-DOs on the designer entities or folders.A new message appears confirming that a To-Do has been saved when one is created.
[DT-041326] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Activity APIAdding new Process Mining Steps: GetActivity Insights, Get ActiviyInsight, GetActivityInfoTypes, GetactivitiesInsights, GetActivitiesInsight
[DT-041327] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/ActivityResource APIAdded new steps for Process Mining.GetActivityResourcesInvolvement, GetActivieisResourcesInvolvement
[DT-041329] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Platform APIAdded in new Process Mining Steps: GetItemsinFolder, GetHomeFolder, GetFoldersInFolder.
[DT-041331] Process Mining: Decisions should provide Step for each /REST/Resource APIAdded new steps for Process Mining. GetResourceInfoTypes, GetResourcesInsights. These match up to the APIs offered within Process Mining.
[DT-041336] Query Editor Tool RefreshThe Query Editor has gotten a major visual redesign.


[DT-039369] Query Integration RefreshThe Integration screen of the Query Editor has been redone.
[DT-039466] Configurable Default Type SelectedThere is a new Project setting that allows users to set the default input type.
[DT-039483] Assignment Step should output assignment_idThere is a new setting "Output Assignment ID" for Forms under "On Step Run". This allows for AssignmentIds to be captured when a Form is completed. 
[DT-040052] add maximize action to chart partsCharts now have the Maximize action.
[DT-040285] Context Menu Update v2Made several changes to the Context Menu throughout the platform.
[DT-040505] Projects: Settings - Health - Logs: Add an action to zip up all log files and present them to user for download on the folder.Added a new action under Health > Logs that will download all logs into a Zip file. This will have all the Web.Core and shmcc logs. It does not include the settings.xml file.
[DT-040537] HL7: The enable/disable receiver/emitter steps produce an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when the wrong id is usedUpdated the error message for when an incorrect ID is entered into the Enable/Disable Receiver/Emitter steps to make it easier to determine why the error occurred.
[DT-040930] Health Score UI, missing feedback for userAdded a pop-up message on the Health Score page to show when Rerun Validation and Recalculate Project Health have completed.
[DT-041202] RVSP update - borders, cornersMade some design changes to the Report Viewer.
[DT-041297] Project Folder Page UpdatesVarious changes have been made to the folder structure of Projects. Please review the documentation for more detail. The Databases page now auto-refreshes after creating a connection.
[DT-041481] Create Project: no feedbackThere is now a screen confirming when a Project has finished completing.



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[DT-041283] MT Has bad URLThe tenant URL when IIS hosting would break the portal. This has been fixed.9.0
[DT-041298] Navigating the portal is broken in Self Hosted MT TenantsSelf-hosted MT environments would be shown a blank page while navigating due to a URL issue. This has been resolved.9.0
[DT-041302] Project Deployment: When checking in Project B, entities moved from Project A are being checked in multiple times despite no changes being made.Entities that were moved from one Project to another will no longer try to repeatably check themselves into a Repository if no changes have been made to them.9.0
[DT-041307] Error "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" is thrown by the "Create" Step When Using a Type with a Nullable Date Field in PG15 and PG16Null Date datatypes would throw errors with Create Steps if used on PostgreSQL 15 or 16 databases. The Allow Null field has been removed from Date data types when creating new Data Structures.8.20, 9.0
[DT-041658] GIthub modules upgrade issueFixed an issue that would prevent the second node in a cluster from upgrading if there was a GitHub Module installed before upgrading.8.x, 9.0


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[DT-038547] Remove "SQL Full Text" warning on Installer for PostgresInstallations to PostgreSQL databases will no longer get an inappropriate warning.9.0
[DT-041273] Installer failed with an error Could not load file or assembly 'OpenTelemetry'The installer could fail because of a bug related to Open Telemetry. This has been resolved.9.0
[DT-041436] Deprecated module-Decisions.AzureServiceBus installed in v8 should get upgraded to v9Users can now upgrade to version 9 even if they have the AzureServiceBus module installed.9.0


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[DT-037556] Change Active Form Flow Dialog to "Warning" vs. "Fatal" When AFF is invalidErrors that occur while creating an Active Form Flow will no longer make the AFF unsavable.9.0, 8.x
[DT-040032] Silver Label: Label For property does not work for multiple form controls.The Label For property is now working correctly for the following Form controls: Date Picker, Auto-Complete Box, Currency Box, and Number Spinner.9.0
[DT-040110] Silver Image Picker: Form does not load and 'Flow Completed' message displayed.Forms with Image Picker controls would not load properly.9.0
[DT-041253] X can be accessible without authenticating to Decisions.Fixed an exploit.9.0
[DT-041352] Rich Text Box/Rich Text Area: When pasting text the cursor moves to the beginning of the pasted textFixed an issue that would cause the mouse cursor to move after pasting test into a Rich Text Box or Rich Text Area.9.0, 8.20
[DT-041514] Form Control: Number Box/Spinner: An error occurs when the input mapping type is selected as NaN.Fixed a bug that caused the Number Box and Spinner Form Controls from working if the input mapping was set to NAN.9.0


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[DT-040312] Flow Designer - Lease Entity step: Validation is not displayed on the 'TypeName' field when the 'leased data structure' is moved to another project.Validations will now appear on the Lease Entity Step. Before, if the leased data structure used by that step was moved to another Project it would prevent the validation from triggering for the TypeName field.9.0
[DT-041056] Legacy Project- 'Create or Pick Form>Pick Existing' picker: User is able to use project entitiesForms from other Projects were appearing unexpectedly in Legacy Projects.9.0
[DT-041088] Merge Text Editor stops working after applying bold formatting to a variableFixed Merge Text Editor bugs that would occur when applying Bold to a variable.9.0
[DT-041230] Formula can be created without name being specifiedFormulas and Rule Variables can now only be created if they have names.9.0
[DT-041284] Respect Step Positioning on BPMN Diagram ImportFixed how BPMN diagram imports handle X and Y coordinates for shapes being created as Flow steps.9.0
[DT-041513] Flow: The Executions/Exceptions popup in the debugger will not close properlyFixed an issue that made the Executions/Exceptions menu not close while using the debugger.9.0


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[DT-041249] Debugging or running a rule set with interceptor rules enabled will fail with errorRule Sets with Interceptor Rules enabled would error out if they were debugged or run in a Flow, if the Rule Sets had been converted from a v8 project.9.0


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[DT-041311] Performance Issue when using Designer Folder Data SourceIncreased performance for reports for users who are non-admin users.9.1


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[DT-024755] Change chart name Pie to Pie Chart in Page DesignerPie Charts can now be found in the Page Designer by searching "Pie Chart". In prior versions only "Pie" would work.9.1
[DT-034435] Page Designer: Chart Mode - Use Report Subtotals/Use Matrix: Action to 'Edit' the report is missing on the chart source.Fixed a regression that prevented the Edit action from appearing on Chart Data that used a Report as the data source.7.x, 8.x, 9.0
[DT-035977] Page Control:- Charts Part:- 'Show Data Button Css Class' property is not working on any Chart Part Control.The Show Data Button CSS Class property has been removed.9.1

Data Structures

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[DT-040633] Remove Diagram View from Design PatternsThe diagram view has been removed from the Rule Designer.9.1


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[DT-039372] Relationship Integration RefreshThe Relationship Integration screen has been updated with a new dialog for creating or editing Database Integration Relationships.9.1
[DT-040572] DB- Postgres: Database Integrations: 'There was an error loading report' message is displayed after navigating to 'Database Objects' page for the available database connections.PostgreSQL databases were receiving error messages when navigating to the Database Object page for database connections. This has been fixed.9.0
[DT-040576] Projects: Integrations- Databases: Details displayed on the 'Dashboard' is incorrect.The Integrations Database Details dashboard found within a Project will now return accurate data.9.0
[DT-041527] Designer user does not have ability to create database connections in the projects.Designer Users were unable to create database connections in Projects. The Create Connections action is now properly visible.9.0

System / Portal Administration

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[DT-040303] Non-administrator users with Use, Open, and View access to the System folder will be unable to view the System folder; page renders blankNon admin users with the proper permissions can now access the System folder.9.0
[DT-040547] Query Editor Table Explorer/Search Errors on Snowflake DBODBC connections (for example, Snowflake) are no longer selectable in the Query Editor. Query Integration (Add Query) is supported.8.x, 9.0
[DT-040684] Folder Action - Set Name and Description: An error is displayed after modifying and saving the folder name as blank.Added a validation when trying to save a Folder name as blank.9.1
[DT-040707] Modules Page: Custom Module: Given description is not displayedDescriptions for Custom Modules will now appear correctly.9.0
[DT-040879] Theme Editor Dialog: 'Apply And Reload' and 'Save' buttons are overlapping on the Save Theme dialog.Fixed a visual glitch with the Apply and Reload and Save buttons in the Save Theme dialog.9.0
[DT-041047] The Loki logging settings "Password" textbox is unmaskedThe logging settings password textbox for Loki is now properly masked.9.0
[DT-041100] Named Session: Users can remove the name of a Named Session without a validationNamed Sessions can no longer have their names removed by editing them after creation.8.x, 9.0
[DT-041125] Public Folder Breadcrumbs Show Full Path AgainFixed an issue that caused the full path name to appear in the Public Folder of a Project. Using the back and forward buttons on the browser could also cause this to occur.9.0
[DT-041280] 'DebugEntity with id =' Warning filling log filesRemoved a logging entry that would cause logs to be flooded with 'DebugEntity with id=' entries.9.0, 8.x
[DT-041286] Flow and Rule Validation Report has duplicate entriesFixed an issue that would cause validation entries to duplicate.9.0
[DT-041312] System - Languages: An error is displayed when moving any 'Language String' or 'Help Message' to the Project.Languages can no longer be moved to a Project. They remain System level only.9.1
[DT-041419] LongTextPropertyEditor cannot be resized.The XSD Structure box under Create Types from XSD will now expand properly.9.x
[DT-041475] Installed Apps Store Projects Do Not Import as Projects in 9x instancesMost Accelerators are now available in v9 on the App Store.9.0
[DT-041519] Postgres DB: System Tools - Flow Management: Report does not load and error is displayed when navigating to 'Workflow Queues' page.Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL databases that prevented the Flow Management report from running.9.0
[DT-041577] System - Event Viewer: The 'Code Buckets Install History' report missing the Project related info.The Code Buckets Install History Report, located under System > Administration > System Tools > Event Viewer now has a field to identify the Project the line item is referring to.9.1
[DT-041610] Unhide the "hide my document folder' Portal settingUnder Portal Settings the Show User's Home Folder setting has been modified and "User's Home Folder Name" has been removed.9.1
[DT-041643] System: Notification Folder: 'Notification' and 'Notification To Me' Actions are not displayed as Primary actions    Actions Notification and Notification to Me have been removed from the ADD dropdown and renamed to Add Notifications and Add Notifications to Me. This is located under System > Notification Folder.9.1

Project Deployment

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[DT-040437] Projects - SDK Extensions: The UI of the uploaded DLL file is not displayed correctly.The SDK Extensions Page will no longer have its UI break when a .dll file is uploaded to it.9.0
[DT-040460] Project: SDK Extensions TileRemoved the SDK Extension Count tile from the SDK Extensions page.9.1
[DT-040479] Projects - Info: Remove the primary actions 'Recalculate Project Health' & 'Rerun Validation' from the folder.User actions Recalculate Project Health and Rerun Validation in the Info folder have been changed from primary to secondary actions.9.1
[DT-040485] Projects: Settings - Configuration - Health - Data Structures - Status Page: Add a folder action to recompile datatypes from the project.There is now a Folder Action under Health > Data Structures called Recompile Data Structures that allows all Data Types in a Project to be recompiled at once.9.0
[DT-040594] Project: 'Move To Project' and 'Move Folder To Project' dialog: 'Public' folder is displayed on the 'Select Folder' treeThe Public Folder is no longer an option in the Move to Project dialog.9.0
[DT-040654] Scripting folder page parts do not auto refresh when any change is madeScripting Folder Pages will now auto refresh after making changes to the contents of that Page.9.0
[DT-040746] Projects: Info - History Page: The chart disappears when clicked on the 'Reset' action after changing the Configuration/FiltersThe very shy Project Tracking Chart on the History Page under Info will no longer disappear after making changes to its Configurations and hitting Reset.9.0
[DT-040767] Getting an error when exporting any Language entityExporting a Language Entity would cause an error. This has been fixed.9.0
[DT-040845] Projects: The 'Set Look And Feel' action is not displayed to the designer user even after providing all the necessary permissions.The Set Look and Feel action is now visible to Designer users.9.0
[DT-040880] Projects - Profiler - Profile Sessions Page: Unnecessary actions are displayed when right clicking on the saved profile session.Removed several unnecessary actions for both Admin and Designer users from the Profiler.9.0
[DT-040932] Create More Space For Scrollbar on Project Health PageThe scrollbar on the Project Health Page is easier to view and use now.9.1
[DT-040940] Projects: Manage - Unnecessary actions are displayed on the folders.Removed several unneeded actions from the Context Menu.9.1
[DT-041057] Projects: CSS documents added at the system level are available for use in projects.CSS added at the system level will no longer show up in Projects. CSS has to be added to Projects, or dependencies have to be made for CSS documents to be available.9.0
[DT-041063] Designer users with 'Can Add' permissions can edit the designer via URL.Designers with only Can View permissions were able to edit Flows via a workaround. This has been closed.9.0
[DT-041091] Projects - SDK Extensions: Data Types generated from custom dll are not project specific after converting the Project and deleting the older dll from file storage.SDK Extensions and any other custom .dll files are now properly Project specific.9.0
[DT-041092] Projects - Report Designer: Data source generated by custom dll is not displayed even after uploading the SDK file.Fixed a bug that caused Project-specific Data Sources to not be selectable in the Report editor. Users can now select Data Sources from dependent Projects.Custom DLLs will also display properly.9.0
[DT-041093] XML, XSD, and Web Service structures present in the legacy folders are displayed in the Projects as datatypes.XML, XSD and Web Service structures found in legacy Projects were being turned into datatypes after the Project was converted.9.0
[DT-041107] Properties that are added to data types via data extensions disappear when importing to a new environmentFixed an issue that caused properties added to data types via data extensions disappear when imported to a new environment.9.0
[DT-041117] Optimize the CreateProject methodProject Details will now return properly.9.0
[DT-041203] Custom Module: Project is not getting created from Imported ObjectsCustom modules were not being created properly if they were in a Project that was created from an imported object.9.0
[DT-041225] Project : User can move the 'Default Designer Folder' to another project via the 'Move Folder To Project' actionThe default Folder of a Project can no longer be moved to a different project.9.0
[DT-041231] Database integrations in a project that use System level database connections are orphaned upon project deployment or exportAny legacy project that had a System-level database integration and was converted to v9 would have the integration steps fail. There is now an option to move the database connection to the project level with the Move To Project action on the integration folder.9.0
[DT-041263] Projects: Data - Sample Data: User Defined Types displayed on 'Pick Type' dialog are not project specificThe Pick Type dialog will no longer show Admin users types from Projects they are not currently viewing.9.0
[DT-041282] Projects: 'Move To project' action is displayed on the entities present under 'All Mappings' report.The Move To Project action will no longer appear in the All Mappings report.9.0
[DT-041285] Projects - Empty projects homepageUpdated the message that appears in the side bar when no Projects exist.9.1
[DT-041294] Project- Assignment Role: Groups added to the assignment roles are removed when exporting and importing a project.Groups added to Assignment Roles within a Project would be removed if the Project was exported to another environment.9.0
[DT-041295] Projects: Type Picker: The 'User Defined Types' category contains empty categories.Fixed an issue in the Flow Toolbox that would make Defined Data Structures (Advanced) and Flow Data Structures to appear that they contained items they actually did not.9.0
[DT-041319] v9 Delete Project Dialog should have Project nameProject name now appears on the window for deleting a Project.9.1
[DT-041373] Repository Checkout - Type stays in project-related GeneratedCodeBuckets even after deletion of Data Structure.Fixed a regression that caused a data type to be compiled even after it had been deleted.9.0
[DT-041445] Unwanted Tags displayed in Default Tag List on clean 9xRemoved several tags from the default tag list that did not belong.9.0
[DT-041511] Project Conversion action removing Database Query Definitions from ProjectFixed an issue that caused converting a Legacy Project to ProjectHub to cause Database Definitions be deleted.9.0
[DT-041539] Converting legacy projects into V9 projects, updated/added fields of data structures aren't reflected in the flows.Fixed an issue with with Legacy Projects being converted to v9 that prevented changes to data structures from appearing properly in any of the designers.9.0
[DT-041599] Errors in Logs about ProjectCreationProcessEventFixed an issue that kept different nodes in a cluster from recognizing new Projects being created.9.0

Process Mining

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[DT-040946] Process Mining: Analyzer - Create Case Entity: The designer folder gets created in the 'Folders' tab which is a forbidden behavior in 9x.Fixed a folder compatibility issue with v9.9.1, 3.1
[DT-041054] Add API to fetch Decisions version number inside Process Mining moduleProcess Mining can now fetch the Decisions version number.9.1

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