Portal Settings
  • 31 Jul 2024
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Portal Settings

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Article summary


The Portal Settings contain configuration options for behaviors for the Portal and Studio. The Portal Settings can be found in the Decisions Studio by navigating to System > Settings > Portal Settings. Settings can be found by scrolling through the list within the Edit Portal Settings screen or via the search bar in the Global Action Bar.

Some settings and sections are only revealed when the triggering parent setting is enabled. Some settings may require a restart of the instance. For more information on how to restart Decisions, see: How to Restart the Decisions Application. 

Auto Lock 

Sets the time and behavior of when a user will be locked out (logged out) due to specified inactivity time.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Auto Lock ScreenDisabledThe lockout will occur after a specified amount of User inactivity on the User Portal and the Designer Studio. This property exclusively considers user interactions within the portal interface and doesn't encompass API calls, unlike the Session Timeout feature, which takes API calls into consideration.
Username Box Appearance Show User Name As LabelDrop-down list with options for how the username should behave on lockout. It can either appear as a label, be hidden, or be retyped.
Auto Lock Timeout (dd:hh:mm:ss)0:0:24:0Toggles the time used to set the timeout threshold for Auto-Lock.

Client Side Logging

Determines action to take and level when an error is logged.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Log to Console LevelUnknownDetermines to what level of error is logged to the console
Log to Server LevelErrorDetermines to what level of error is logged to the server

Contact Editor Settings

Defines the action to take for updating contacts.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Secure Contacts In Read-only ModeDisabledAllows the ability to secure contact information in read-only mode
Secure Contacts in Edit ModeDisabledAllows the ability to secure contact information in edit mode
Allow Auto-AddEnabledToggles whether an option for a new contact will automatically appear after adding one
Show Contact OrderDisabledToggles visibility of contact order
Include Addresses In the Contact ViewDisabledToggles the visibility of address when viewing a contact

Default Page/Folder

Sets the default page when logging into the Portal/Studio.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Default FolderNoneAllows selection of a default folder that opens when navigating to the Portal
Default View PageFolder View PageAllows editing and selection of the default Folder's View Page
Default Studio PageDefault PageAllows editing and selection of the default Studio Page
Default Page NameFolder ViewAllows editing and selection of the default Page Name
Show Default Page If User Page SpecifiedEnabledToggles visibility of the Default Page if the user specifies a Page


Used to configure the Help Documentation Page

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Help Documentation PageHelp Documentation PageAllows editing and selection of the Help Documentation Page


Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Interval In Milliseconds 500Sets a given time between 

Folder Timeline 

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Max States Before Forced Expand10Set the number of states that a folder can preview before it is forced to expand in size.

Globalization Settings

Sets general formats for language, time, dates, numbers, and file extensions.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Default Cultureen-US English (United States)Set the default culture for the Decisions environment.
Time FormatUse Culture FormatSet the Time appearance format. By default, it references the designated culture format.
Date FormatUse Culture FormatSet the Date appearance format. By default, it references the designated culture format.
Number FormatUse Culture FormatSet the Number format. By default, it references the designated culture format.
Number Of Decimal Digits2Sets the number of decimal places 
File Extensions > Use Extensions Allowed
  • zip, decobj
  • bat, exe, ps1, com
  • When enabled, this will only allow the extensions that are mentioned under Extensions Allowed.
  • When disabled, this will block all the extensions that are mentioned under Extensions Not Allowed.
Allow Multiple File Extensions in File NameTrueAllows files with double extensions to be uploaded

These settings apply to both Portal and Studio views.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Show FavoritesEnabledEnables the Favorites folder to appear on the left sidebar in the Decisions Studio. 
Show FoldersEnabledEnables all of the root/nested Folders to appear on the left sidebar in the Decisions Studio.
Show RecentEnabledEnables the Recent folder to appear on the left sidebar in the Decisions Studio.
Hide SearchDisabledEnables the option to hide the search bar on the left sidebar in the Decisions Studio.
Panel Opened on Start-UpFoldersSet which section should automatically be expanded on the left-sidebar when the Decisions Studio is launched.
Workflow Catalog (3)
  • Hide Workflow Catalog (Disabled): Enables the option to hide the Workflow Catalog folder.
  • Root Workflow Catalog Items (Default): Defines the root Workflow Catalog items that 
  • Start Workflow Title: Set the title for starting a workflow in the Workflow Catalog.


Sets the behavior for when a user logs in.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Lock Session To IP AddressDisabledEnable the option to lock the Decisions session to a particular IP address.
Login User Flow (Executed after User Login - No Forms)NoneA Flow that is executed after a successful login
Login User Flow (Show Before Portal Loads)NoneA Flow that is executed after a successful login before the Portal loads
Restrict Simultaneous LoginsDisabledEnable the option to restrict multiple logins to the Decisions environment at once.
Use Mobile Portal on TabletDisabledEnable the option to display the mobile version of the user Portal on a tablet device, as opposed to the full desktop version.

Login Page Settings

Sets the behavior for users on the Login page.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Handle Password Reset Communication Via FlowDisabledEnable to handle communications regarding password reset via a Flow. Use the box that appears to designate the Flow that will handle password reset communications for the Decisions environment. 
Get Help URLhttp://documentation.decisions.comSet the URL that a user would redirect to if they selected the "Get Help" button on the login page.
Contact Us URLBlankSet the URL that a user would redirect to if they selected the "Contact Us" button on the login page.
Hide Forgot Password LinkDisabledEnable the option to hide the "Forgot Password" link on the login page.

New Window Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
New Window StyleOffSets the style of how newly opened windows will look from the Portal/Studio

Notification Settings

Sets the actions and times for notifications displayed.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Use Default Email Address In NotificationEnabledEnable the option to include the default email address that serves as the "From" address used for communication and sending emails. The default email address is set admin@decisions.com.
Allow Users To Opt Out Of NotificationDisabledEnable the option to let users opt out of notifications while in the Decisions environment. 
Turn off Notify To MeEnabledToggles visibility of the 'Notification To Me' Actions
Notify Report Structure ChangeEnabledNotifies user of changes to a Report
Display Notification Timeout (dd:hh:mm:ss)0:0:0:5Set the duration before a notification appears.
Display Notification Item Timeout (dd:hh:mm:ss)0:0:02:0Set the duration for which a notification will appear.

Page Part Base Content Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Hide Title BarDisabledToggles visibility of Title Bar in Page components with this setting
Use Small TitleDisabledToggles use a smaller Title in Page components with this setting
Has BorderDisabledToggles use a border around in Page components with this setting

Page Part Child Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Hide Title BarDisabledToggles visibility of Title Bar in Page components with this setting
Use Small TitleEnabledToggles use a smaller Title in Page components with this setting
Has BorderDisabledToggles use a border around Page components with this setting

Page Part Chromeless Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Hide Title BarEnabledToggles visibility of Title Bar in Page components with this setting
Use Small TitleDisabledToggles use a smaller Title in Page components with this setting
Has BorderDisabledToggles use a border around Page components with this setting

Page Part Container Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Hide Title BarDisabledToggles visibility of Title Bar in Page components with this setting
Use Small TitleDisabledToggles use a smaller Title in Page components with this setting
Has BorderDisabledToggles use a border around Page components with this setting

Password Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Min Password Chars0Set the value for the lowest amount of characters allowed in a Decisions account password.
Reset Password Email TemplateBlankChange the template for the "reset password" email from Decisions.
Require Upper And Lower CaseDisabledEnable the option to require uppercase and lowercase letters in an account password. 
Require SymbolsDisabledEnable the option to require symbols in an account password.
Require NumberDisabledEnable the option to require numbers in an account password.
Enable Account ExpirationDisabled

Enable an expiration timeframe on an account password. This option reveals Password Expires In Days, which can be adjusted to any number of days. 30 is the default.

Enable Account LockoutDisabled

Enable account lockout after a specified number of login attempts. This option reveals Lockout After the Number Of Attempts, which can be adjusted to any number of login attempts. 3 is the default.

Forcibly Close Sessions When Password ChangedDisabledEnable a feature that automatically closes all sessions of Decisions when a password is changed.
Compare Last Four PasswordsDisabledEnable the option to compare the last four passwords for similarities for enhanced authorization and security.

Portal Header

Configures the look of the Portal header.

Setting NameDefault Value Setting Definition
Logo BlankAllows users to change the Logo in the Portal Header. 
Show Logo DisabledDisplays the set Logo. 
Show Current Folder NameDisabled Displays the name of the current displayed Folder. 
Slogan TextMy PortalThe text is displayed in the Portal header.
Show Settings EnabledDisplays settings on Header. 
Show AccountEnabledDisplays the logged-in Account's name. 
Show About Enabled Enabled the About link in the Header Settings. 
Show Logout Enabled Enables the Logout link in the Header Settings. 
Hide Portal Action BarDisabledHides the top action bar within Folders.

Portal Settings

Sets options for the behavior of the Portal 

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Group Account Limit (0 = unlimited)100The total allowed number of Group Accounts. 
Folder Search Result Limit10Set the number of search results that the folder search feature can return (searches all Decisions folders. The best practice is 10 at minimum).
Inline Search Result Limit15Set the number of inline search results that appear from within a folder. 
Disable Text Entity Search DisabledDisables search for an entity
Hide SearchDisabledHides the Search bar. 
Show Development Actions DisabledEnable the option to show the developer actions available for Decisions if developing for the product or for use with the Decisions SDK.
Different Login LogoDisabledEnable the option to show a different login than the one uploaded for the login screen.
Max Recent Items20Set the maximum amount of recent items that can be registered in the recent items folder.
Show Instance NameMulti-TenantSelect the circumstance with which the instance name would be shown in Decisions. Typically, this would occur in a multi-tenant environment. 
Show Exception DetailsEnabledEnable the option for extended exception details to be shown to the user when an exception occurs within Decisions. 
Show Developer Level ErrorsDisabledEnable the option to reveal exception details and errors in stack trace code for developers. 
Form Session Not Found Error Message"Your Form cannot be processed due to a System error. Please refresh the browser and retry."Create a custom message to display when the Form Session can not be found.
Show User's Home FolderEnabledEnable the option to show the home folder for the user account in Decisions (the house icon in the top-left corner of each folder). This setting will only appear and apply to instances that have been upgraded from v8 or lower.
Default EmailAddressadmin@decisions.comThis is the default email address that serves as the "From" address used for communication and sending emails.
New User Default GroupsBlankSets default group for new users
Show New User Welcome WizardEnabledEnable the Decisions Welcome Wizard for new users.
Default WebPage TitleDecisionsSet the webpage title for Decisions.
Store Password In Recoverable WayEnabledAllows a user to store a password that can be retrieved
Hide Remember Me On Login PageDisabledEnable the option to hide the "Remember Me" checkbox on the login page.
Terms Of ServicesPlease provide terms of service in System/Settings/PortalSettingsDesignate the Terms of Service that are associated with the Decisions environment as it pertains to the organization using it.
Default Time ZoneEastern Standard TimeSet the default time zone for the Decisions environment.
Default Export Sub Entities Option (Exclude)ExcludeSet if and how sub-entities can be included with a project export by default. 
Assign Task When Importing Missing Folder StructureDisabledEnable the option to assign a user account a specified task whenever a project is imported that is missing a folder structure. 
Session Timeout (dd:hh:mm:ss)7:0:0:0Sessions are tokens that are created based on user authentication details; when a user logs in via the Portal or over the API, a session is created. Session Timeout has a sliding expiration, meaning that if the Portal is open, even while idle, API calls are still occurring. This setting will cause a session timeout when there is no activity at all.
Enable Guest AccountDisabledEnable the "Login As Guest" option on the Decisions login page. The default GUEST account in Decisions needs to be activated and configured with the appropriate permissions.
TranslationYesEnables the option for custom translations to be used that were configured in Decisions.
Default LanguageBlankSet the default language to a language that was configured in Decisions.
Action LocationBothDetermines where the action menu will be displayed
Search Subfolders Threshold100Set the number of subfolders that the search will recognize. Whenever a folder contains 100 or more subfolders, those subfolders are hidden from the folder tree and replaced by a folder called [Search Folders]. This is intended to reduce potential clutter from the left panel.
Collapsed on Start-StudioDisabledSets the default action the Folder Tree will perform in the Studio
Collapsed on Start - User PortalDisabledSets the default action the Folder Tree will perform in the Portal
Show Account Impersonation ActionEnabledEnables the option to select account impersonation if it has been configured in Decisions. This would allow one account to impersonate another account with the appropriate permissions.
Show Lock Portal ActionEnabledEnable the option to show the Lock Portal icon in the action menu that appears when the person icon is selected. This would lock the Portal, rendering an "object is locked by [user]" notification to appear in other Decisions sessions under the same account.
Show Submit FeedbackEnabledEnable the option to show the Submit Feedback button so that a user can submit written feedback about their experience with Decisions in relation to operation for the organization. 
Submit Feedback Addresssupport@decisions.comSet the default email address where submitted feedback would be sent.


Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Default Page TemplateDefault Print TemplateSets how a page will print and what template to be used

Process Pages

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Default Process PageDefault Process View PageSet the default Process View Page in Decisions. The Process View is used to track process data being worked in Decisions, and this Page view is provided by default.
Default Process Page NameProcess ViewSet the name of the default view for showing process data in Decisions.
Default Sub Process PageDefault Sub Process View PageSet the default Sub Process View Page in Decisions. The Sub Process View is used to track child process data being worked in Decisions, and this Page view is provided by default.
Default Process Page w/ Parent LinkDefault Process View Page With Parent Process LinkSet the default Process View Page that includes a link to the parent process in Decisions. This Page view is provided by default.
Default Sub Process Page w/ Parent LinkDefault Sub Process View Page With Parent Process LinkSet the default Sub Process View Page that includes a link to the parent process in Decisions. This Page view is provided by default.

Registration Settings

Sets options for when a new user registers in Decisions.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Allow Self Registered UsersDisabledEnables the option to allow self-registered user accounts access to the Decisions environment.
Custom Self Registration UrlBlankSet a custom URL for the user to access self-registration to the Decisions environment if enabled.
Registered Users Must ConfirmDisabledEnables the requirement that registered users must confirm their email address when their account is set up in Decisions.
Email Confirmation FlowAccount Confirmation Email FlowSet the Flow used when a confirmation email needs to be sent to a new account.
Confirmation Page Location/Account/ConfirmAccountSet the default location for the account confirmation page in Decisions.
Show Invite ActionDisabledEnables the action Show Invite

Report Viewer

Settings related to viewing a Report.

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Show Header As ToolbarEnabledDisplays the header of the Report as a toolbar
Automatic Paging Threshold Value1000Sets the automatic paging threshold

Reset Password

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Reset Password Link Life Span in Mins20Set the duration in minutes before a "reset password" link for a Decisions account will expire.

Root Folder Settings

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Definition
Show Add Root Folder ButtonEnabledEnables a checkbox option when creating a folder that allows the user to create that folder at the root level in the Decisions environment.
Allow Any User To Create Root FolderDisabledEnables the option to let any user create a folder at the root level in Decisions.
Groups Allowed To Create Root FolderAdministratorsSet which groups can create root folders in Decisions.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionDate Developer Task
Changed "Show User's Home Folder" and removed "User's Home Folder Name" setting under Portal Settings.9.1July 7, 2024DT-041610

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