- About Older Versions
- v7
- Introduction
- Installation
- Start Here
- Container Management
- Advanced Installation
- Securing an Installation
- Silent Installation
- Setting a Fail-over Connection String
- Installing a Failover (HA) Server
- Installing on AWS
- Installing on Azure
- Installing on PostgreSQL
- Installing on an Alternate Port
- Running as a Non Admin User
- Configuring SSL (HTTPS)
- System Settings Overview (settings.xml)
- Configuring Server for HTTPS Redirection
- Storing Encryption Keys
- Changing the Encryption Key
- Load Balancer & Clustering
- Upgrading
- Designer Studio
- Data Structures
- Starting with Data Structures
- Creating Data Structures
- Creating a Case Entity Data Structure
- Creating Entities
- Creating Leased Entities
- Creating External Entities
- Creating an Entity Extension
- Creating Folder Extension Data Structures
- Creating Flow Execution Extension Data Structure
- Creating Flow Structures
- Creating Defined Data Structures
- Creating a Database Structure
- Creating a Value List
- Creating a CSV Data Structure
- Creating Types From JSON Schema
- Creating Configuration Extensions
- Creating Types From XSD
- Data Fields
- Maintaining Data Structures via CRUD Actions
- Managing Data Structures
- Flows
- Starting with Flows
- Steps
- Mapping
- Layout & Design
- Managing Flows
- Sub Flows
- Data & Logic
- Building and Using Converter Flows
- Establishing Constant Data (Global Variables)
- Generating a Unique ID
- Lookup List Flows
- Using Rule Steps in a Flow
- Using a Composite Type as Flow Input Data
- Create Data Pairs
- Schedule Data Entity Overview
- Merging Data Pairs Using the NVelocity Merge Raw Step
- Custom Date & Time Format Strings
- Handling Lists
- Handling Files
- File Type Overview
- Getting File Data From a Document
- Excel/CSV
- Edit And Update Excel Document
- Creating and Styling Excel Document
- Create Excel Data from Object Data
- Adding Header/Footer to Excel Documents
- Splitting Excel Columns by a Custom Delimiter
- Converting CSV to an Excel File
- CSV To List Mapping Step
- CSV To Object Mapping Step
- List to CSV Mapping Step
- Converting an Excel File to CSV
- Appending CSV File Using String Builder
- Using Run Flow For CSV Step
- Import Excel or CSV (Runtime Mappings) Step
- Using the Import Excel or CSV Step
- Using Split Excel Column Step
- Using For Each Excel Or CSV Row Step
- Editing CSV Records in a Form
- Converting CSV/Excel Files to a List of Dynamic Data Rows
- Word/PDF
- File System
- Handling XML and JSON
- Interacting with Mail Servers
- Debugging
- Best Practices
- Communication
- Flow Behaviors
- About Flow Behaviors
- Flow Step Trigger (After, Before, Error) Flow Behavior
- Folder Count Flow Behavior
- Login User Flow Behavior
- Post to Flow Handler Behavior
- Login User UI Flow Behavior
- Process Folder Data Aware Behavior
- Tile Source Flow Behavior
- Turn Flow Statistics On
- Reporting on Statistics
- Get Page Variable
- Report Field Action Handler Flow
- Step Simulation Path Provided Flow
- Password Reset Handler Flow
- Simple Workflows
- Process Folders
- Caching
- Parallel Processing and Big Data
- Forms
- Starting with Forms
- Form Controls
- Data Grids
- Data Repeaters
- Drop Down Lists
- Javascript Controls
- Form Control Glossary
- Form Control Behavior Overview
- Key Triggers On Form Controls
- Adding a Timeline to a Series of Forms
- Color Picker
- Copy-able Label
- Create Form with Property Grid
- Creating Help Text Messages for Form Fields
- Currency Box and Number Box/Spinner
- Document Viewer On Form
- Editing Data Objects in a Wizard Property Grid
- File References
- File Reference Entity
- Latitude and Longitude Control
- Masked Textbox Control
- Multiple File Upload and Download Controls
- Progress Bar Overview
- Tree View Form Control
- User Controls
- Video Control
- HTML Display Control
- Layout & Design
- Creating Form Backgrounds
- Layouts Overview
- Form Organization
- Grid Layout
- Canvas Layout
- Header Container Layout
- Horizontal and Vertical Stacks
- Split Panel Layout
- Responsive Containers and Grids
- Displaying Form Sections in Tabs Containers
- Using the Tab Editor to Set Tab Order
- Displaying Form Sections with Side Menus
- Creating End Forms
- ADA Compliance with Forms
- Data & Logic
- Active Form Flows Overview
- Validation and Visibility Active Form Flows
- Setting Required Value For Outcome Path
- Mapping Form Data Inputs and Outputs
- Displaying Flow Data on Forms
- Displaying an Uneditable Output
- Sub Dialog Data Flow
- Searching a Database with Auto-Complete Search Control
- Form Expiration and Auto Resume
- Legacy
- Assignments
- Simple Forms
- External Form Communication
- Rules
- Starting with Rules
- Managing Rules
- Truth Table
- About Truth Tables
- Creating a Truth Table
- Rule Table Overview
- Returning Multiple Values in Truth Tables
- External Truth Table
- Creating Composite Type in Truth Table
- Calculation on Forms Using Truth Tables
- Using Truth Tables to Dynamically Pass an Image to a Form
- Using Truth Table to Validate Data
- Using Truth Table To Kick Off Actions
- Truth Table Actions
- Changing Truth Table Execution Results
- Debugging
- Expression
- Interceptors & Sets
- Matrix
- Rule Extension
- Rule Chains
- Reports
- Pages / Dashboards
- Starting with Pages
- Page Design
- Page Controls
- Page Control Glossary
- Changing the Style and Behavior of Content and Components
- Report Viewer Control
- Folder Actions and Action Bar Components
- Adding Folder Navigation Buttons to a Page
- Adding Run Flow Links or Buttons to a Page
- Adding User Actions with a Page/Dashboard the Action Bars Component
- Horizontal Folder Timeline
- Filtering Reports via Page Control
- Managing Pages
- Charts
- Tiles
- Business Metrics
- Dynamic Content
- Integrations
- About Integration
- View Integration Details
- API and Authentication
- Integration Settings
- User Interface Integration
- Making Integrations Server Specific
- Testing with JMeter
- Creating WebHooks
- Running a Flow using an Alias
- Calling a Flow as a REST Service
- Agents
- Database Integrations
- Integrating an External Database with a Flow
- Creating Database Table Relationships
- Creating a Database in MSSQL for Decisions
- External Database Integration
- Advanced Postgres Connection
- Integrate with Database Table
- Fetching Data to display in a CSV Editor
- Connecting with an ODBC
- Return Dynamic Data Rows When Fetching Data From Database
- Creating Access Pattern For Table Integrations
- Calling Stored Procedure From Flow to Write Data
- Raw SQL Step
- Integrating Decisions with External Oracle Database
- Locating Tables With the View SQL Action
- Troubleshooting Database Connection Response Times
- External Service for OData
- Adding a Query to External Database
- Parameterized Queries
- Using Transaction Steps
- Connecting to Amazon Redshift
- Managing Database Connection Timeouts
- Connect to MySQL
- Integrating with Snowflake
- External Webservices
- Network Integrations
- OAuth
- REST Service Integration
- Using Decisions in External Applications
- Services
- Modules
- Monitering.DataDog Module
- About Modules
- Available Modules
- Installing Modules
- Installing Modules from Github
- Generating Certificates with OpenSSL
- Active Directory
- Azure
- Docker
- Docusign
- Dropbox
- Enterprise Module
- Equifax
- Exchange Web Services
- Experian
- Foreign Exchange
- Google Drive
- HL7
- HubSpot
- iCal
- Messaging
- Jira
- MongoDB
- MS OneDrive
- Okta
- OpenID
- PowerShell
- Python
- QR Codes
- R Module
- Salesforce
- Sharepoint
- Slack
- Telephony
- Getting Started
- Adding to the Product
- Controlling the Product
- SDK: Creating Custom Flow and Rule Behavior
- SDK: Rule Behavior
- SDK: Text Merge Behavior
- SDK: Text Merge Extensions
- SDK: Creating Custom Folder Behavior
- SDK: Adding Create Actions (Advanced)
- SDK: Custom Step Icons
- SDK: Property Editor Basics Changing Property Classification
- SDK: Property Editor Basics Specifying Editors
- Initialize and Customize
- References
- Portal Administration
- Global Debugger
- Deployment
- Jobs and Events
- Portal Look and Feel
- Portal Settings
- Changing Portal Settings and Appearance
- Changing Branding
- Changing Portal Name
- Showing and Hiding Default Page/Folders in Folders Tree
- Hide the Folder Tree Upon Startup
- Setting Default Folder for User and Group in Decisions
- Get Help/Contact Us URL Setup For Decisions Login
- Restricting Data By Rules
- Login Page Customization
- Customizing Default Page Style and Behavior
- Setting up Portal Lock Based on Time
- Custom URL Parameters
- Localization
- System Folders
- System Folders Tree
- Customizing System Page
- System Settings
- System Validation Folder
- Flow Management Dashboard
- System Tools: Event Viewer
- Turn Portal Statistics On
- Report of all Running Flows
- Configuring Locations
- Controlling Assignment Notification Types for Server
- Stored Workflows
- Setting Up Notifications for Events Anywhere in the Portal
- Viewing Portal Services
- Using Locations steps for Holiday dates in Flow
- Using Location steps in Flow
- Toolbox Visibility Rules
- Edit Flow Data While A Flow Is Running
- Permissions
- User Management
- IT Ops Resources
- Best Practices For System/Application Level Error Handling
- Configuring CICD Process Using Azure DevOps
- Advanced
- App Server Health Monitor
- Adding Common Data Elements
- Decisions Developer Debug Mode
- Designer Extensions
- Adding, Moving, and Classifying Entities
- Guide of Decisions Entities Locations in SQL Tables
- Thread Pool Settings
- Using Selenium and NUnit for Front-end Testing
- Database Indexing
- Encryption Overview
- Proxy Configuration
- Server Administration
- Modifying an Application Servers SMTP Settings
- How to Restart the Decisions Application
- Changing the Portal Base URL
- Backup of Decisions Database and File System
- Exploring the Decisions File System Directory (v.7)
- File Storage Structure
- Adding Custom HTTP Headers to a Decisions Installation
- Understanding Decisions Cookies
- Adding Custom HTTP Headers to an IIS Installation
- Logging & Auditing
- Multi Tenant
- Repository
- End User Portal
- v6
- Introduction
- Installation
- Start Here
- Hosting & Configuration
- Container Management
- Advanced Installation
- Securing a Decisions Installation
- Silent Installation
- Setting a Fail-over Connection String
- Installing a Failover (HA) Server
- System Settings Overview (settings.xml)
- Installing on AWS
- Installing on Azure
- Installing Decisions on an Alternate Port
- Setting Up Decisions to Run as a Non Admin User
- Configuring the Server for SSL (HTTPS)
- Install on Root
- Configuring Server for HTTPS Redirection
- Storing Encryption Keys
- Changing the Encryption Key
- Load Balancer & Clustering
- Data Structures
- Starting with Data Structures
- Creating Data Structures
- Creating a Case Entity Data Structure
- Creating Entities
- Leased Entities
- External Entities
- Creating Entity Extension with a Form
- Creating Flow Execution Extension Data Structure
- Creating A Simple Flow Structure
- Creating Defined Data Structures
- Creating a CSV Data Structure
- Creating Types From JSON Schema
- Create Types From XSD
- Data Fields
- Using Data Structures
- Managing Data Structures
- Importing and Exporting Data From Data Structures
- Creating User Actions
- Entity Action Visibility
- Creating Custom Descriptions
- Data Extensions
- Adding Validation Rules to Entities
- Moving Folder Entities with the Flow Designer
- Changing Default Text Length Settings
- Configuration Folder
- Configuration Extensions
- Editing User Action Classification Information
- Replace Data In Configurations (Advanced) Action
- Data Structure CRUD Actions
- Flows
- Starting with Flows
- Layout & Design
- Managing Your Flows
- Sub Flows
- Data & Logic
- Building and Using Converter Flows
- Establishing Constant Data (Global Variables)
- Generating a Unique ID
- Lookup List Flows
- Using Rule Steps in a Flow
- Using a Composite Type as Flow Input Data
- Create Data Pairs
- Schedule Data Entity
- Merging Data Pairs Using the NVelocity Merge Raw Step
- Custom Date & Time Format Strings
- Handling Lists
- Handling Files
- Excel/CSV
- Using the Import Excel or CSV step
- Edit And Update Excel Document
- Creating and Styling Excel Document
- Create Excel Data from Object Data
- Using Split Excel Column Step
- Splitting Excel Columns by a Custom Delimiter
- Converting CSV to an Excel File
- Converting an Excel File to CSV
- Appending CSV File Using String Builder
- List to CSV Mapping Step
- Import Excel or CSV (Runtime Mappings) Step
- Using For Each Excel Or CSV Row Step
- Using Run Flow For CSV Step
- CSV To Object Mapping Step
- CSV To List Mapping Step
- Editing CSV Records in a Form
- Converting CSV/Excel Files to a List of Dynamic Data Rows
- Word/PDF
- File System
- Getting File Data From a Document
- Excel/CSV
- Interacting with Mail Servers
- Handling XML and JSON
- Debugging
- Best Practices
- Communication
- Flow Behaviors
- About Flow Behaviors
- Using the Form Assignment Handler Flow Behavior
- Folder Count Flow Behavior
- Login User Flow Behavior
- Login User UI Flow Behavior
- Flow Step Trigger (After, Before, Error) Flow Behavior
- Turn Flow Statistics On
- Reporting on Statistics
- Post to Flow Handler Behavior
- Report Field Action Handler Flow
- Tile Source Flow Behavior
- Get Page Variable
- Simple Workflows
- Process Folders
- Caching
- Parallel Processing and Big Data
- Steps
- About Steps
- Step Glossary Guide
- Communication
- Data
- Data Step Glossary
- Using the Create Data Step
- Convert Document Steps
- Formatting Objects With Format Text Step
- Search And Replace Regex
- Regular Expression Steps
- Parse Date with Format Step and Get Formatted Date Step
- Advanced Text Merge Using the NVelocity Component
- Conditionals (if statements) using NVelocity
- Configuring Object Properties With Flow Steps
- Evaluate Expression Steps
- Using String Builder
- Database
- Drawing
- Exchange Web Services Module
- Flow Management
- Flows
- Forms [End]
- Forms [Interaction]
- Integration
- HL7 Module
- Rules
- Get All Items in Folder
- Forms
- Starting with Forms
- Data & Logic
- Layout & Design
- Layout Overview
- Organizing Your Form Overview
- Grid Layout
- Canvas Layout
- Stack Layouts
- Header Container Layout
- Horizontal and Vertical Stacks
- Split Panel Layout
- Responsive Containers and Grids
- Using the Tab Editor to Set Tab Order
- Displaying Form Sections in Tabs Containers
- Setup Forms for Mobile and Tablet Devices
- ADA Compliance with Forms
- Pre-Defined CSS Classes for Forms
- Using CSS in Forms
- Responsive GridLayout with CSS
- Allow Runtime CSS File Name
- Managing Your Forms
- Validation & Visibility
- About Form Validation and Visibility
- Validating Form Data with a Rule
- Validating Form Data with a Flow
- Controlling Form Fields with Visibility Rules
- Using Form Outcomes
- Auto-Exit Form Outcome Rule
- Form Outcome Rules
- Form Components Visibility Using Flow Data
- Hiding Tabs on a Tab Container
- Setting Required Value For Outcome Path
- Form Controls
- Data Grids
- Data Repeaters
- Drop Down Lists
- Javascript Controls
- Form Control Behaviors
- Adding a Timeline to a Series of Forms
- Copy-able Label
- Document Viewer On Form
- Editing Data Objects in a Wizard Property Grid
- File References
- Using the Multiple File Upload and Download Components
- File Reference Entity
- Using the Masked Textbox Component
- Custom Masked Textbox
- Creating Help Text Messages for Form Fields
- Tree View Form Control
- Color Picker
- User Controls
- Progress Bar Overview
- Currency Box and Number Box/Spinner
- HTML Display Control
- External Form Communication
- Assignments
- Rules
- Reports
- Starting with Reports
- Layout & Design
- Interacting with Reports
- Resetting Report Viewer Settings
- Create a Report From a CSV/XLS File
- Refreshing Report Data Automatically Based on Portal Events
- Refreshing Report Data Using a Flow
- Export Report as PDF
- Exporting a Report to Excel (XLSX)
- Child Report Values Dependent on Parent Report Row Selection
- Reporting Snapshots
- Managing Your Reports
- Filtering Reports
- Charts and Views
- Adding Ad Hoc Charts to a Report at Runtime
- Configuring Report View Modes
- Adding Charts to a Report
- Hierarchy View
- Creating Text List and Rich Text Report Views
- Setting Min and Max on Charts
- Creating and Drilling Down into Report Matrix Data
- Using Calculated Fields in a Report Matrix
- Report in Calendar Mode
- Report in Columns View
- Calculated Columns
- Pages / Dashboards
- Designer Studio
- App Store
- Versioning
- Decisions Best Practices
- Designer Studio Settings
- Creating a Designer Folder
- Adding Forms, Flows, and Reports to a Designer Folder
- Copy Designer Folder
- Changing Comment Policy on Save
- Create a Template
- Create a Text Merge
- Object Lock/Release
- Toolbox Visibility Rules
- Recovering Deleted Designer Elements
- Designer Folder Actions Glossary
- Showing Hidden or Deleted Items in a Folder
- Defining Interfaces
- Query Editor
- Assigning Default Designer Templates
- Create Folder and Project Documentation
- Theme Editor
- Dependencies Overview
- Uploading CSS
- Configuring Studio For Multiple Team Use
- Troubleshooting Designer Elements
- Limiting Designer Access to Specific User Groups
- Custom URL Parameters
- Uploading Custom Fonts with CSS
- Integrations
- About Integration
- View Integration Details
- User Context Types and Options
- Creating WebHooks
- Making Integrations Server Specific
- Running a Flow using an Alias
- Agents
- Database Integrations
- Integrating an External Database with a Flow
- Creating Database Table Relationships
- Creating a Database in MSSQL for Decisions
- External Database Integration
- Integrate with Database Table
- Fetching Data to display in a CSV Editor
- Connecting with an ODBC
- Return Dynamic Data Rows When Fetching Data From Database
- Use Flow Steps to Integrate with an External Database
- Alternate Access Pattern For Table Integrations
- Calling Stored Procedure From Flow to Write Data
- Raw SQL Step
- Integrating Decisions with External Oracle Database
- Locating Tables With the View SQL Action
- Troubleshooting Database Connection Response Times
- External Service for OData
- Adding a Query to External Database
- Parameterized Queries
- Using Transaction Steps
- Connecting to Amazon Redshift
- Managing Database Connection Timeouts
- Connect to MySQL
- External Webservices
- Network Integrations
- OAuth
- Rest Service Integration
- REST Service Integration Overview
- Calling a Flow as a REST Service
- Integrating a REST Web Service That Returns JSON Data
- Using GET Method With REST Service Integration
- Using POST Method With REST Service Integration
- Sending Composite Data through REST
- Accessing HTTP Headers via Flow
- HTTP and Response Code Error Handling
- Using Decisions in External Applications
- Services
- Modules
- About Modules
- Available Modules
- Installing Modules
- Installing Modules from GitHub
- Generating Certificates with OpenSSL
- Active Directory
- Approval Chain
- Azure
- Docker
- Docusign
- Enterprise Module
- Exchange Web Services
- Foreign Exchange
- HL7
- HubSpot
- iCal
- Messaging
- MongoDB
- Okta
- OpenID
- PowerShell
- Python
- QR Codes
- Rabbit MQ
- R Module
- Salesforce
- Sharepoint
- Slack
- Telephony
- Getting Started
- Adding to the Product
- Controlling the Product
- SDK: Creating Custom Flow Behavior
- SDK: Text Merge Behavior
- SDK: Text Merge Extensions
- SDK: Creating Custom Folder Behavior
- SDK: Adding Create Actions (Advanced)
- SDK: Custom Step Icons
- SDK: Property Editor Basics Changing Property Classification
- SDK: Property Editor Basics Specifying Editors
- Writing To Log Files
- Initialize and Customize
- References
- Administrator Topics
- System and Application Error Handling Overview
- Advanced
- Adding Common Data Elements
- Designer Extensions
- Thread Pool Settings
- API and Authentication
- Decisions Developer Debug Mode
- App Server Health Monitor: HealthCheck.aspx
- Using Selenium and NUnit for Front-end Testing
- Guide of Decisions Entities Locations in SQL Tables
- Database Indexing
- Encryption Overview
- Embedding Decisions Forms In Same Origin iFrames
- Understanding Decisions Cookies
- Deployment
- Export & Import
- Projects
- Repository
- Repository Overview
- Installing and Configuring Designer Repository
- Repository Features and Functions
- Repository FAQ
- Repository Revisions
- Using The Repository
- Using the Repository in a Multi Tenant environment
- Repository Action Flows
- Connecting a Decisions Server to a Repository Server
- Configuring Repository SSO
- Deployment Images
- Jobs and Events
- Localization
- Logging & Auditing
- Multi Tenant
- Multi-Tenant Architecture
- About Multi-Tenancy
- Multi-Tenant Setup
- Registering a Customer in Multi-Tenancy
- Adding a Multi-Tenant Database and Hosting Definition
- Adding an Instance in Multi-Tenancy
- Account Handling in Multi-Tenancy
- Creating Default Tenant Configurations Using Prototype Instance
- Removing a Tenant From Multi-Tenancy
- Setting Up OKTA/SAML on a Multi-Tenant Instance
- Migrating a Control Instance and Tenants to New Databases
- Portal Look and Feel
- Changing Portal Settings and Appearance
- Changing Branding
- Change Portal Name
- Setting Portal Height and Width
- Showing and Hiding Default Page/Folders in Folders Tree
- Hide the Folder Tree Upon Startup
- Setting Default Folder for User and Group in Decisions
- Changing Default Folder for User
- Get Help/Contact Us URL Setup For Decisions Login
- Changing Minimum Portal Size
- Restricting Data By Rules
- Login Page Customization
- Setting up Portal Lock Based on Time
- Portal Settings
- Server Administration
- Modifying an Application Servers SMTP Settings
- Server Performance Testing
- How to Restart Service Host Manager
- Changing the Portal Base URL
- Backup of Decisions Database and File System
- Exploring the Decisions File System Directory (v.6)
- Configuring Decisions to use a Systemwide Proxy
- Adding Custom HTTP Headers to a Self-Hosted Installation
- System Folders
- System Folders Tree
- System Settings Overview
- System Validation Folder
- Flow Management Dashboard
- System Tools: Event Viewer
- Controlling Assignment Notification Types for Server
- Turn Portal Statistics On
- Report of all Running Flows
- Configuring Locations
- Stored Workflows
- Setting Up Notifications for Events Anywhere in the Portal
- Viewing Portal Services
- Using Locations steps for Holiday dates in Flow
- Using Location steps in Flow
- Edit Flow Data While A Flow Is Running
- Decisions URL Paths
- User Management
- End User Portal
Decisions Repository Server FAQ
This article is used to cover some frequent troubleshooting topics related to the Decisions Repository Server. A Repository server is a central storage location for maintaining Projects, versions, and revisions for builds within Decisions; which are used from development to deployment.
How can a Decisions environment connect to a Repository?
Repository settings can be configured by navigating to System > Settings > Designer Repository Settings in a Decisions environment.
In the window that appears, the Repository URL (including /Primary) must be provided.
What are the hardware specifications for a Decisions Repository Server?
A Repository Server should meet the same standards as a Decisions Development Server.
What kind of process should be used between managing Projects across Repository, Development, and QA Servers?
Every organization has a different process for maintaining its development, testing, and production environments.
Development should take place on a Development Server, in a Development environment.
When the Project is ready for QA, a Branch of the Project should be created in the Repository. This will create a copy of the Project with a Version Number and Name.
It is helpful to establish a concrete QA process that enforces creating a branch at a certain point, followed by clearly defined tests.
On the QA server, Checkout the Branch and do not allow changes to be Checked back in from the QA server.
Report issues to the Development team so they can continue to develop the next release version.
If QA needs to return to a previous release, they can go back and pull that branch again and know it is the same as before.
If during testing there are some fixes that must be added to the branch that QA is testing, the changes can be moved from the development branch on the Repository into the appropriate branch for testing by using the Merge To Branch action on the Repository.
Another possibility would be, if a user has a UAT environment, they can make a Branch off the QA branch and pull it down onto another testing server. In any case, it is recommended to never Checkin builds from any server other than development.
What versions of a Repository and Decisions are compatible together?
The best practice is to use the same version for both the Repository and Development servers. At the very least, the Repository should be current to or newer than the Development version. Do NOT use an older Repository version with a newer Development version. A newer Development server may have service Dependencies that do not exist on an older Repository version (i.e. using v6.x in a Development environment and v5.x in a Repository).
How can this error be resolved? "The commit failed with errors. Error updating [...] You have to update it"
This error most commonly occurs when multiple developers check out the same Project and the Project is checked back in (committing changes) while other developers still may be updating or modifying resources. This error would occur for a developer attempting to check in a Project after the Project has already been committed. This is elaborated further in the next question.
How are changes merged when a more recent version of the Project is available in the Repository?
If two or more developers have Checkedout the same Project and one has Checked the Project back in with changes, the other developer(s) will see an alert when attempting to Check their changes in. In such a case, if the second developer checks in their changes regardless, the Repository Version will be overwritten.
The best practice here is to avoid multiple developers working on the same parts of a Project at the same time. If this occurs, the Administrator can manually review and Merge two versions.
When there is an alert that a newer version exists, save a copy of the Project being worked on and then Checkout the updated Repository Version of the Project. This will overwrite the previous version of the Project on the development machine which is why a copy should be saved. Review the new Repository version that was just Checked out and add the changes from the copied version, then Check it back into the Repository.
If it would be easier to merge the Repository version into the version being checked in, then a Force Checkin can be applied. The Force Checkin overwrites the Repository Version with the copied Project.
What is Force Check-in?
Force Checkin overwrites the current Repository Version of a Project with that is being Checked in, regardless of the presence of a newer Checked in version. Use this option when the user's version represents all the desired changes that will be made.
How can a Designer Element (resource) be Deleted from a Project?
The method by which this is done is dependant on the version of Decisions installed. Typically when logging into the Repository and selecting a Branch, there is a Report that displays all of the Resources in a Project.
Right-click the name of a Resource and select Delete [At Revision] to delete the resource from the Revision but retains it in the Project.
The Delete [Remove from Repository] option removes the Resource from the Repository all together.
Some Decisions users will create a new Branch in the Repository for each development cycle. If this development strategy is used and Resources must be deleted from a Project, it should be deleted from every Branch or the Repository will associate with the overall Project still. In this case, the Delete [Remove from Repository] option should be used.
Why should a resource be Deleted?
There are several scenarios where a Resource may need to be Deleted from a Project. For example, if a developer has added a Resource to the wrong Project or changes to a Resource have been wrongfully Committed, then it may need to be Deleted.
How can backup folders on a Project be Removed?
To Delete a Backup Folder, right-click the Folder Name and select Delete Resource from Branches. As a best practice, always Remove the Resources on the Application side (in a Decisions environment) as well as the Repository, to avoid accidentally Checking it in again. Something like this could occur if there are old Unit Tests associated with a Project, for example. Resources from the Repository server will not always appear by default in the Development environment. To view hidden resources in the Repository.
Sometimes Resources that appear in the Repository do not show up by default on a Development Server. In the case of Hidden Resources, such as History Folders, the View of the Page Report must be Changed using the Gear setting icon to show hidden objects. The default Report contains all folder entities, but there is also a hidden folder for all deleted/hidden objects.
How can unwanted Changes that have been Checked in be Removed?
Decisions will show a list of changes that are being made during the Checkin (over 250 changes show in less detail). This list should be thoroughly reviewed so that unwanted changes are Unchecked. In the event that these changes are committed, remove the Resources from the Project and Check it in again.
What is a timeout error and how can it be fixed?
A large Project could Timeout during the Checkin/out process, depending on the actual size. The best action in this scenario would be to try and perform the same action again. If this is still unsuccessful, a smaller Project with fewer resources may need to be Checked in instead; in which case the greater Project would encompass multiple smaller Checked in Projects.
It is also possible that a single Resource could cause a problem with the entire Commit. The workaround for this would be to Checkin everything except the Resource causing an issue, then manually update that Resource. To manually update the Resource, Export it from the Development environment and Upload it to the Repository.
What are sub-Projects?
Sub Projects are a way to organize the Folder hierarchy of Projects on the Repository. There are two ways to create a Sub Project, the first is by Checking in a new Project to the Repository that has the naming convention {Parent Project}.{Sub Project}(Replacing {} with actual Project names).
The other method is on the Repository itself by using the Create Sub Project action.
If a Project with Sub Projects is exported, will the Sub-Projects be exported as well?
The Sub Project feature does not currently operate in this way. The functionality is solely intended for the Folder hierarchy organization. If a Sub Project is created, it only puts that Project within the Folder structure of the Parent Project for folder organization on the Repository; they are functionality separate Projects with no relationship.
Can the Repository be clustered?
No, the Repository was not designed to operate in a Cluster, as features of clustering are not utilized for the Repository.