Repository Features and Functions
  • 14 Sep 2022
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Repository Features and Functions

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Article summary


With a Repository Server, Projects can now be worked in an environment that is connected to it. There are many features and functions of utilizing a Repository Server that will be highlighted in this article.

Repository Revisions
For more information on Repository Revisions, visit the Repository Revisions Article.


This example will walk through creating a Project and learning what can be achieved via the Repository. The Designer Repository Folder will show a Dashboard created of existing Projects.

  1. From the Designer Studio, navigate to the Designer Repository Folder and select CREATE PROJECT.SC20.png
  2. Provide a Project Name, Description URL, and a Description, then click CREATE. 
    The Description URL must be in a typical web address format.
  3. Open the Project and view the Project Dashboard
  4. Notice the Options for the selected Project on the right-hand panel: Create Branch, Create Sub Project, Delete, Download, Manage, Open, and Rollback.
Each Project has a Trunk Branch by default. Additional Branches of the Project can be created. The purpose of creating branches is to be able to manage and build two different versions of the Project itself. This feature is especially useful when recreating Development and Production environments.

Create Branch

To create a new Branch:

  1.  From the Project Folder, click the CREATE BRANCH button in the bottom Action Bar.
  2.  Select an option from the Branch drop down menu.
  3.  Define the Branch Name, then click CREATE BRANCH.
A Development build version of the Project has been created, which is independent of the Trunk. The new Branch also shows up under the Main Project.



Change Branches

Branches can be easily changed from the Repository Dashboard on the App Server. To do so:

  1. Navigate to System > Designers > Repository.
    The Repository Dashboard shows all module names available, along with which Branch the user is currently in under Branch Name.
  2.  Right-click the module that contains the Branch being switched to.
  3.  Select Change Branch.
  4.  Select the desired Branch.
  5.  Click CHANGE BRANCH.



Create Sub Project

Creating Sub Projects under the main Project is useful when specific components of one Project may need to be used in another. Create a Global Project which hosts the Entities that can be shared and then have linked corresponding Sub Projects to it which will have access to the shared Entities.

To create a Sub Project:

  1.  Select the CREATE SUB PROJECT option from the right-side panel.
  2.  Give the Project a Name and Description.
Use dot notation when Naming the Sub Project. For example, ParentProject.SubProject. Also, in the Details category, only the Description URL OR the Description are required to fill out. The Description URL should be the URL to a website explaining the Project, use this method if pictures and other resources are desired for the description.



Any Project can be deleted. To do so:

  1.  Select the Project from the Designer Repository.
  2.  Select the Delete Project option from the right-side panel. 
  3.  Click YES to delete the Project.


Users can download a Project to store it for later use or as a backup copy to restore back to. 

  1.  Select the Download option from the right-hand side panel.
  2.  Select the desired Project to download.
  3.  Click OK.
  4.  Click Download.
Once the Branch is selected, a Download Resources dialog will prompt the user, informing them that the resources available in the Project are ready for download. A path to where they have been written is also displayed to the user.



Under the Manage options, configurations are available to manage the Permissions related to the Project. Different User groups can be given access to a Project here or have access revoked. The Permissions Inheritance or See Audit History of the Project options are also available.



Under the Open options, there are a few different ways to open & view the Project:

  1. Open the Folder View.
  2. Open the Project Folder itself.
  3. Or Open Summary For Trunk.



Another action available is the Rollback action. From here there are two choices:

  1. Rollback to a specific Revision (version) of the Project.
  2. Rollback to whatever state the Project was at during a given moment in time.

Every time there is a change to the Project, a new Revision (state of the Project) is created, meaning the user can Rollback at any time to the desirable past state.


Revert Revision

The Revert Revision Action allows a user to mark all changes made by a revision as if it didn't happen. Any .decObj files uploaded as part of that check-in are skipped when determining what the latest copy of a resource is. Also, any resources marked as deleted by that revision have that deletion mark ignored. 

  1. The Revert Revision Action can be found under Local Server > Trunk. 
  2. Select the Revision Id and then Revert Revision.


The Permissions that are set on the Folders in a Project are hidden items, which are not added to Projects by default. In order to add these Permissions to the Project

  1. Navigate to the Folder View of the Folder with the desired Permissions. 
  2. Then, navigate to the Settings icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Select Change by Change Report, and select All Folder Items (with Hidden)

After finding the necessary permissions in the Folder Data list, right-click on the Entity and select Designer Repository > Add to Project

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