Repository Overview
  • 08 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Repository Overview

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Article Summary


Decisions Repository Server provides a centralized location to promote and store changes to Designer Projects, acting as a version control. The diagram below emphasizes the ability to deploy projects from the repository, enabling seamless sharing across various environments. Unlike a traditional Decisions Server, a Repository Server is not used for pulling and pushing the changes to be made to the projects. 

Decisions does not support any external repositories for version control.

Features and Highlights

  • Deploy Decisions Projects/Resources to different environments from a centralized location.
  • Store and track changes to Projects through Revisions
  • Rollback changes made to Projects to specific Revisions.
  • Compare differences between a Project in a linked environment to the copy stored in the Repository.
  • Maintain different versions of a Project through Branches 

Repository Actions

Once a repository environment is connected, Repository Actions become available to Designers. These actions can be found by right-clicking a Project Folder or Designer Element > Designer Repository, and provide the tools needed to move a Project between environments.

Any Designer Element, such as Flows or Rules, checked into a Repository will be labeled as a Resource.

Repository ActionsDescription
Checkin Changes for ProjectChecks in recent changes made to the Project to the copy stored on the repository. 
Checkout Updates for ProjectCheck out a copy of the Project from the Repository. 
Show ProjectDisplays any recent changes for a specific Project on the environment. 
Show All Recent ChangesHighlights any recent changes to all Projects made on the environment
Revert Changes in ProjectReverts any recent changes to a Project to the copy stored on the Repository. 
Add Dependencies to Searches for any dependencies that need to be added to the associated Project. 
Remove From Project Removes the selected element from the Project. 
Checkout ProjectLists all current Projects that can be checked out from the Repository
Open Repository ServerOpens the Repository server on a new tab.

Deleting Resources

One of the advantages of using a Repository to manage deployments is that it can delete resources from Projects as part of a code migration. 

  • When checking a Project with deleted Designer Elements, the related resource will be marked as deleted in the Repository.
    • This method is recommended for deleting items from a Project in the Repository.
  • When checking out a Project, resources marked as deleted will be removed from the server where the check-out occurs.
    • The resource will remain in the Repository in a deleted state. The item will not be checked in.


Repository Branches are used to create a copy of a Project at a snapshot in time. Each Branch maintains a version of all the resources of the Project independently, allowing multiple versions of a Designer Element to exist within each branch.

Connected servers can only point to one Branch for a Project at a time. Using Branches does not allow connected servers to run two versions of the same Designer Element simultaneously.

Decisions Repository Trunk / Branch structure is set up to do all new development work in Trunk and make new Branches as needed. This is opposite to most traditional Repositories, where work is done in a Branch and Merged back to the Trunk. 


A Revision is created each time a change to a Project is checked in/committed to a Repository. Revisions are records of changes made to the Project at the time, similar to Checkpoints, but for all Designer Elements in a Project. 

Revisions can be used to create branches for and revert/roll back to earlier versions of the project within the repository.

For further information on Repository, visit the Decisions Forum.

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