Send Email to Contact Steps
  • 24 Oct 2022
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Send Email to Contact Steps

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Article Summary

Step Details

Introduced in Version---
Modified in Version7.12.0
LocationCommunication > Email

The Send Email To Contact steps send an email to a defined contact via mapped in Contact Info. This step provides similar utility to the Send Email step but provides the added flexibility of being able to provide additional context to the recipient of the email, and add additional contact methods such as Instant Messaging.

For instance, in a process that involves reminding a healthcare patient about their upcoming an appointment, the patient can be reminded via Email as well as an Instant Messaging service. 

The Send Email To Contact step works similar to the Send Email step in that it is used to send an email via Decisions, but differs in that the To Input is replaced with the Contact Info Input.

This Input allows the recipient to be defined based upon the recipient's Address, Email Address, Phone Number, etc.


The Send Email To Contact step provides the same Inputs as the Send Email step with the exception of the additional Contact Info property. This property takes place of the To Input that is utilized on the standard Send Email step and allows the ability to map in detailed contact information about the email's recipient.

Performing a Build Data mapping on this Input exposes a number of properties that can be Constant mapped to dynamically map the contact information received by the step. 


PropertiesDescriptionData Type

Contact InfoDesignates the recipient of the email using specific contact information.ContantInfoOwner

AddressesUsed to provide a residential address.List of Address

EmailAddressesThe email address(es) of the email's recipient.List of EmailAddress

InstantMessengerAddressesUsed to send the email via instant message.List of InstantMessengerAddress

OtherContactsAllows the mapping of alternate communication forms. This is achieved by mapping the associated Account. List of OtherContact

OwnerIDProvides identification of the email's recipient. String

PhonesAllows the mapping of desired Phone Numbers.List of Phone

Address Information

Properties DescriptionData Type

Street Line 1-3Used to provide a valid street address for the recipient.String

City, County, State, Country, Postal CodeProvides additional details pertaining to the recipient's address.String

Time ZoneAllows the selection of a timezone for the recipient via dropdown.---

Preferred AddressDesignates the address as the preferred one if multiple are added to the contact. Boolean 

Type of AddressGives the address an identity as either the recipient's Home, Office, or Other. By default, the value is set to NotSpecified.---

Latitude and LongitudeApplies respective global latitude and longitude coordinates to the addressInt32

Email Address Information

PropertiesDescriptionData Type
Email Address Provides an email address for the recipient of the email sent by the step.String
Preferred Email AddressDenotes the email address as "preferred" in the event of the use of multiple email addresses.Boolean

Instant Messaging Information

PropertiesDescriptionData Type
Instant Messenger UserNameUser to map in a username pertaining to an instant messaging Account that belongs to the recipient.String
Instant Messenger NetworkDesignates which instant messaging service is associated with the mapped in UserName.

Choices include: MSN, AOL, GoogleTalk, Yahoo, and Other.

Other Contact Information 

PropertiesDescriptionData Type

Other Contact Type
Identifies the service associated with the mapped in Account via Entity Picker. Options include Blod, Decisions Repository, Facebook, Fax, and more. ---

Provides an alternate Account/point of contact for the recipient.String

Phone Information 

Properties DescriptionData Type

Phone NumberUsed to provide a valid phone number for the recipient String

Type of PhoneProvides identification for what type of phone is associated with the provided phone number.

Options include Mobile, Office, Home, Fax, Other, Pager, and IpPhone. 

Preferred Voice ContactDesignates the phone number as the preferred point of contact if multiple are associated with the recipient. Boolean

Accept SMSDesignates whether the phone can receive Short Message Service text messages. Boolean

SMS CarrierProvides information about the phone's carrier, including but not limited to, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, and many more.---

Has ExtensionDesignates if there is an associated extension number with the recipient's phone number.Boolean

ExtensionProvides any associated extension with the recipient's phone number. String


PropertiesDescriptionData Type

Send Email to Multiple Contacts

Send Email To Multiple Contacts provides the same functionality as the Send Email To Contact step, but differs in that it allows allows the option to map in multiple pieces of ContactInfo, and provides the option to assign the email to BCC and/or CC Contacts. 


The following charts represent Properties that are unique to the Send Email To Multiple Contacts step, when compared to the standard Send Email To Contact step. 

By default the Subject and Body properties, under the EMAIL category, are set to Merge HTML Text.


PropertiesDescriptionData Type
Bcc Contacts Denotes multiple recipients of the email's Carbon Copy but hides the address of the recipient.List of ContactInfoOwner
CC ContactsDenotes multiple recipients of a Carbon Copy of the email.List of ContactInfoOwner
Send Email To Primary Email Address OnlyDictates whether to send the email to Email Addresses marked as Primary only.Boolean
To ContactsDesignates the recipients of the email. Allows the mapping of multiple pieces of ContactInfo.List of ContactInfoOwner


Properties DescriptionData Type

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