Get List of Emails from Excel and Send Email to List
  • 12 Mar 2021
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Get List of Emails from Excel and Send Email to List

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Example Lab Article
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Example Lab Details

Root FolderExample Lab - Sending An Email To A List
Modules None

This Example Lab project provides and example of how to implement a mailing list from data stored in an Excel file.


This Example Lab project has one Flow. This Flow takes in an Excel file in the format of XLSX. It adds the items in the email column to a list. This list has null items removed from it, in the event the Excel file has been edited and rows with no data are still are still included in the list. This list is then used with a Send Email Step on the BCC Input, allowing the email to be sent to multiple people without showing their email addresses to each other. Simulation behavior is used on Unit Tests, allowing the flow to be tested even if a mail server isn't present on the network. The Unit Tests also have files attached to them that can be downloaded and used to create new test files.

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