Using Guest Account for Anonymous Tasking
  • 02 Nov 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Using Guest Account for Anonymous Tasking

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Article summary


The Guest account is an optional user account that can get non-portal users, such as an outside vendor, to engage in a Flow.

If a Form is assigned to the Guest account, no login page will come up when the assignee goes to process it. Typically, an email containing a link is sent to the user to invite him/her to process a task. The process will know that the task is associated with the Guest account and automatically relies on that account's credential information.


In this example, a guest user is emailed a link to a Flow to fill in a Form. Two Flows will be built: one that contains the Form and one that serves as a "start" Flow for the Form that sends the email containing a link to the Form.

On Step Run Flow

  1. In a Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW.
  2. In the Flow Designer, navigate to the Properties panel.
  3. Under SETTINGS, change the Behavior Type to Form Assignment Handler Flow.

  4. Select the outcome path of the Start step to open the Add After dialog.
  5. Choose the Send Email step and select ADD.
  6. Connect the outcome path of the Send Email step to the End step.

  7. Select the Send Email step, navigate to the Properties panel. 
  8. Configure the From and To address information as constants.
  9. Configure the Subject as a constant.
  10. Change the mapping type of Body to Merge Plain Text. Select SHOW EDITOR.

  11. In the Merge Text Editor, type a message for the body of the email. 
  12. Add the Form_AssignmentURL to the body of the email.
  13. Save and close the Flow Designer.

Assigned Form Flow

  1. In a Designer Folder, select CREATE FLOW.
  2. Select the outcome path of the Start step to open the Add After dialog.
  3. Choose the Show Form step and select ADD. With the Show Form step selected, create a new Form.
  4. In the Form Designer, add Labels and Textboxes for First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Feedback. Add a Button for the Guest to Submit the Form. 
  5. Save and close the Form Designer. 

  6. Back in the Flow Designer, select the Show Form step.
  7. In the Properties panel, change Assignment > Assignment Type to "AssignedToGuest".
  8. Give the Form an Assignment Name.

  9. Expand On Step Run. 
  10. Under Step Start Flow Type, select SharedFlow in the drop-down menu.
  11. Select PICK FLOW TO RUN. Select the Flow that was created in the On Step Run Flow section of this article.


  1. Select Debug in the top action panel of the Flow Designer.
  2. The Flow sends the email to the designated receiver in the Send Email step. Check for the Email in the inbox. 
  3. Select the link provided in the email. This link was created when adding the Form_AssignmentURL to the body of the email. The portal loads, and the Form is presented without requiring the Guest account to log in.
  4. The guest will fill the Form out and select Submit. The Flow completes with no errors.

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