Multi-Tenant Setup
  • 07 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Multi-Tenant Setup

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Article summary

Editing Settings
Use extra caution when adjusting the Decisions Settings to avoid errors in the Decisions environment.

Make a backup copy of Settings.xml before making any changes, to provide a point of backup in case of error. 

The following article demonstrates how to enable the Multi-Tenancy via the Server Type setting. Enabling MT allows the ability to:

  • Register a Customer and their desired Modules; note that designated Modules must be installed to the Decisions Server, before registration.
  • Add Database and Hosting definitions
  • Add individual Instances, or copies of the Host Server

Change Server Type

The first step in establishing Multi-Tenancy is changing the Server Type from Standard to Hosted. This can be accomplished via either the Settings.xml file, or the DecisionsServerInstaller


  1. From the Local File System, navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager, then open Settings.xml in a Text Editor.
  2. From the Text Editor, press 'Ctrl + F'. then input "ServerType". Once located, change the value between <ServerType></ServerType> from "Standard" to "Hosted". 
  3. Save changes to the file, then close via X. 
  4. Restart Service Host Manager

Installer Settings

  1. From the Local File System, Run DecisionsServerInstaller.exe, as administrator. 
  2. From the Installer, click EDIT SETTINGS. 
  3. In the resulting window, locate ServerType, and change Standard to Hosted.

    Then click Save
  4. Restart Service Host Manager

Verify Server Type 

Log back into the Decisions Studio and confirm that the Hosting Folder now appears and that "[Primary]" appears next to the logged in Account in the top right.

If these changes have taken place, the Decisions environment is now enabled for Multi-Tenancy.

For further information on Multi-Tenancy, visit the Decisions Forum.

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