- 03 Aug 2021
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About Multi-Tenancy
- Updated on 03 Aug 2021
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Multi-Tenancy is an architecture that allows for multiple independent installs of Decisions to be run as instances on a single Server. When a Multi-Tenancy is established, a copy of the Decisions Windows Service is created for each individual Tenant.
Due to this, by default, MT environments typically have a 300-500 mb sized storage footprint. This amount of space coupled with the consequences of hosting a large number of environments can lead to a high increase in storage volume.
Due to the amount of storage leveraged, MT environments are best suited for separating data between a small set of customers/users.
Contact Support before creating a Multi-Tenancy for larger sets.
In Decisions, the Server responsible for hosting the Application and its Database is called the Control Instance Server. The Control Instance is where tenant maintenance is handled and where relational data about the tenant is stored. The system administrator can control permissions, account assignments, and other parameters from the Control Instance. It is not recommended to develop on a Control Instance due to the potential for errors in the tenant environments.
A Tenant is one of the independent running instances on a multi-tenant server. Tenants in a Multi-Tenant Decisions environment have the ability to customize some parts of the application, such as the look and feel of the Decisions Portal, however, the tenant cannot customize the underlying application code. Tenants will all run the same version of the application with a multi-tenancy architecture, the provider only has to make updates once. Each tenant runs on its own Database with its own secure install, so data is isolated and remains invisible to other tenants.