Message Queue Architecture Overview
  • 25 Aug 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Message Queue Architecture Overview

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Article summary


Environments that have large amounts of data or have many applications integrating into a single resource should use Message Queue (MQ) Architecture. Message Queue Architecture helps distributed systems to communicate using an asynchronous service-to-service configuration where messages are stored in a queue until they are either processed or deleted. This architectural configuration can also help with minimizing the number of API calls that need to be managed by an organization.

MQ Applications: Producers and Consumers

Most applications can be categorized as either producers or consumers. Producers are applications that send data to the MQ server. Consumers are applications that take the messages from the MQ server. Other times, applications can be both where they send a message to the messaging server and retrieve a different message.

Message Queue Servers

Decisions can be set up as a message queue server or be integrated with the following MQ servers: 

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