Archive Settings
  • 13 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Archive Settings

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Article summary

Archive Settings

As a way of storing and removing different versions of a Designer Element, Decisions archives older versions of an element before marking them for permanent deletion. To control the time taken and the type of objects that will be archived, users may adjust both the Archive Settings and the Archive Settings within the Designer Studio Settings, within the System Folder.

To access the Archive Settings:

  1. From the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > Settings, then right-click Archive Settings and select Edit
  2. Under Default Archive Days > Days, define the desired amount number of days. 
    Note on Default Archive Days 
    This setting is used to establish how many days any archived item remains before it is permanently removed from the Database

  3. To define settings for a specific Type of Designer Element, under Archive Settings For Types, click ADD, 
  4. From the Add Archive Settings For Types window, select or search for the desired Type Name then define the desired number of Days. Click OK and then SAVE to apply changes. 

Designer Studio Settings: Archive

To adjust additional Archive Settings:

  1. Navigate to System > Settings > Designer Studio Settings.
  2. Under ARCHIVE check Archive Old Versions on Save. Then set the desired timespan under Ignore Versions Less Than Age.
    About Designer Studio Archive Settings 
    The Ignore Versions Less Than Age setting will archive any versions older than the established Age. 

  3. Click SAVE to apply any changes. 

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