Creating a Project
  • 30 Dec 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Creating a Project

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Article summary


Projects serve as organized spaces where developers and teams can build and manage applications. They offer a structured framework that promotes efficiency, collaboration, and scalability in creating and managing applications.

Within a Project, various components such as Designer Folders, Folders, Flows, Forms, Rules, Reports, and Dashboards are utilized to define the application's logic and present data effectively. Moreover, developers can fine-tune the application's behavior and extend functionalities by configuring project-specific settings, including project Dependencies, enabling Modules, establishing project constants, and integrating SDK Extensions.

Create a Project

  1. Navigate to the Projects from the Sidebar. Click on the Create Project or '+' icon.

  2. A dialog box named "New Project" will appear, and input essential details for the Project:

    1. Project Name: Enter a name representing the Project's purpose or functionality.

    2. Detailed Description: Provide a comprehensive description outlining the Project's objectives, functionalities, or other relevant details.

    3. Project Icon: Choose or upload an icon that symbolizes or represents the Project visually.

    4. Initial Folder Name: This field auto-populates with the Project's name, serving as the default name for the initial Designer Folder within the Project. Modify this name to reflect the Designer Folder's content or purpose.

  3. Select CREATE. An indicator screen will appear.

    As soon as the Project is created, the Project Info Dashboard opens.

Project Info Dashboard and Folder Structure

The Project Info Dashboard serves as a central hub for developers, facilitating swift access to critical project information and management of the development lifecycle. This dashboard enhances project visibility, allowing easy navigation to essential elements while monitoring various aspects of project progression.

After creating a project, the Info Dashboard will display an overview of project details and functionalities. Along with Info, users see the following list of folders within the project folder tree.


Folder Name



The Info dashboard shows a complete overview of the Project on a higher level. It includes several other dashboards, such as project Health, project Dependencies, Project History, and project Integrations.


Previously known as the Portal, the Public folder will hold all items for End Users to view and interact with. Developers with administration permissions on the project will control access to projects and the 'public' folder.


Previously known as Workflow catalog. A location for end users to run project-specific processes.

Public Folders

This will include all the folders accessible to the end users.


Project settings allow developers to manage project activities, including monitoring project health, integrations, jobs, and events.


Allows monitoring and tracking of entity and user activity within the Project, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of interactions to enhance project management.


Allows monitoring user interactions, optimizing data structures, and maintaining a detailed project history.


Manage settings and monitor database integrations, external services, OAuth, and scripting within the platform.


Features different configuration methods within the platform, including Variables, Data, Templates, and User Favorites.

Jobs & Events

Manage Scheduled Jobs and Message Queues.


Manage user data in the Project, including Assignment Roles, Groups, Named Sessions, and Permissions.

Default Designer Folder

This is the default designer folder where users start building the Project.

Folder Actions on Projects

Once a Project is created, users have various actions to perform on the Project.

IconAction NameDescription


Takes the user back to the ProjectHub folder to view all Projects in the system.

Add Folder

This action allows the creation of Designer Folders within the Project.

Add to Favorites

Pins the selected Project to the Sidebar.

More Actions

This icon will open the Action Menu with the following actions for the Project.


Create FolderCreates a Designer Folder.

Create Project Folder DocumentationCreates an HTML document showing the Health score and the number and types of Designer Elements that make up the Project.


Navigate to ProjectMoves the User to the very top of the Project.

Open in New Tab

Opens the folder view of the Project in another tab.


Manage Permissions

This allows users to control and manage the access permissions of users who can use, view, edit, administrate, etc., the Project.


DeleteOpens the menu for deleting the Project.

PersonalizeOpens the Personalize menu for customization of the Project's look and feel.

Manage Tags

Allows you to add a Tag to the Project.

Add as Favorite

Pins the Project to the Sidebar.




This allows users to import entities within the Project. It will only accept .decobj (decisions object) and .zip files.


Exports the entire Project as a .zip file.


Get Project ID

Retrieves the ID of the Project.

See Next:

Info Dashboard: Learn shows the high-level view of the Project.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task

An indicator screen appears after the Create Project button has been pressed to let users know the Project is being created.

9.1July 2024[DT-041481]
Removed the folders that appear when first creating a Project.9.6January 2025[DT-042295]

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