Info Dashboard
  • 07 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Info Dashboard

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Article summary


The Project Dashboard is like a control center for projects, making it easy for users to find and manage information quickly. It helps keep track of project progress, important dates, and any issues that come up. By keeping everything in one place and making it easy to spot problems early on, it helps projects run more smoothly.

Dashboard Name

The Info tile shows the high-level view of the Project. Displays the Project name, description, and icon selected when creating the project. Under the project description, the dates of the last project modification and the last import and export will be displayed. The Project Health score will display a link to open the Health details.

Users can also start creating Flow, Rule, Data Type, and Forms by clicking on the tiles on the surface dashboard.

Unit TestsThe Unit Tests Tile provides a comprehensive overview of all the unit tests available in the Designer folders. It follows the same structure as the Folder tree, making it easy to navigate.
By selecting the Run All Tests option, users can run all the tests for a project at once. After running the tests, users can expand the Test results to view which tests are passing and which ones are failing.
For failed tests, users can click on them to directly access and modify the test in the Designer. This allows users to analyze and modify tests as needed.
All EntitiesAll Entities show a report displaying all project entities, such as Flows, Forms, Rules, Reports, Pages, and Project Constants, facilitating a quick overview of the project's structure and components.
To-DoThe To-Do Report presents an overview of assigned tasks, allowing users to add, review, and work on them.
It enables task delegation and assignment, fostering transparent communication and accountability among accounts and/or groups.
IssuesThe Issues Report is a useful tool for identifying and resolving validation issues efficiently. Users can navigate to elements to address these issues and resolve them, ensuring the project is error-free with no validations present.
HealthProject Health is a feature that offers an overall assessment of a project's condition and the health statuses of its individual elements. It ensures project efficiency and adherence to best practices, particularly in complex projects with interconnected components. By identifying potential issues and providing a detailed evaluation, Project Health enables proactive maintenance and optimization, enhancing project efficiency and improving outcomes.
DependenciesThe Dependencies Dashboard in a Project is a location for managing and configuring Project dependencies, ensuring a streamlined approach to project development and integration. This dashboard helps developers create a dependency on projects.
HistoryThe Project History documents every change made within the project. The report displays what type of action is performed on what type of entities and by whom. This visibility helps to manage risks and promote accountability by identifying potential issues.
Users can filter the history report based on their specific timeline located at the top right corner.
IntegrationsThe Integrations Dashboard allows developers to interact with and evaluate various project integrations seamlessly. 

The Integrations dashboard allows users to test APIs directly from the dashboard. This means that users can initiate and evaluate API calls with ease. Additionally, users can download API collections in various file formats, such as Postman, Swagger, and JMeter files. Moreover, the Integrations can be filtered based on the designer type, i.e., Flows and Rules.

See Next:
Project Settings: Learn how to manage project configurations, dependencies, integrations, scheduled jobs, etc., effectively at the project level.

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