- 02 Nov 2022
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Version 7.9.x Release Notes
- Updated on 02 Nov 2022
- 7 Minutes to read
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Learn more about V7 Features and Features NOT Available in V7 ahead of Installing Decisions.
- Keep current back-ups of the database(s), Settings.xml file, Keys.dat file, and File Storage
- .NET Core library architecture changes requires an "uninstall" of V6 ahead of installing V7
- Support for Multi-Tenancy (MT) will be introduced in V8
- Running V6 and V7 with the same database is not supported
- Upon upgrading to V7, downgrading to V6 is not supported
- Projects using XML/XSD data structures may require remapping on upgrade due to .NET Core architecture changes
- V5 and V6 LESS files are not compatible with V7
- V7 Web Service Integrations require installation of .NET Core 2.1 SDK
- Clicking Debug in the V7 Flow Designer does not save the Flow
- SignalR (.NET library) is included in V7.3+, requiring customers running V7.x via IIS to enable Websockets before upgrading
7.9.0 Enhancements (November 22, 2022)
Workflow Catalog Redesign [DT-032696]
The Workflow Catalog has a new design that will display default icons to folders in the tree if a look and feel option had not been applied previously.
Conditional Formatting for Reports [DT-032669]
Conditional Formatting available for string and boolean columns. To learn more, see Using Conditional Formatting.
Configure Client Doman in SMTP Mail Server Settings [DT-032794]
In version 7.9+, users can specify a client domain in their SMTP mail server settings. To learn more, see Email and SMTP in Decisions.
[DT-032214] Obtain the IP Address of Users Filling Out Forms
New Form contral added called 'Current IP Address'. This control will only produce the the IP Address of the client in the output. It is hidden on runtime but will show the control name at design time. To learn more, see Form Control Glossary.
New Bulk Insert Step for External Databases [DT-032204]
When creating a Table Integration, users can use a Bulk insert step IF the database engine supports it (SQL Server). To learn more, Bulk Insert To Step.
New Calculated Column for Simple Types [DT-032785]
New calculated column added called 'ConstantValueInlineField'. To learn more, Calculated Column Overview.
Custom HTTP Response Header for Flows [DT-032636]
A new step has been created called Throw API Exception with Headers which allows the user to specify headers that are presented to the user on an API exception, along with a custom error message and specified status code. To learn more, see Adding Custom HTTP Headers to a Decisions Installation or Adding Custom HTTP Headers to an IIS Installation.
Show Total Pages for Report [DT-032586]
New Setting added to Report Designer called Paging Mode that shows total pages count. To learn more, see Report Properties.
New Features for Simple Form Data Repeater [DT-031949]
New features for Data Repeater include new Auto Add New Row option and Shortcut keys to move up/down, and a View with properties.
Auto Refresh for Assignment Role Page[DT-032042]
A new functionality feature was added that auto-refreshes the assignment role page when a user creates a new role.
New Event View Page [DT-032549]
New Page available in event viewer folder called Heaviest DB Queries. To learn more, visit System Tools: Event Viewer.
New Simple Form Features [DT-032926]
Simple Forms now include features to change a Check Box to a Switch control, adding a list of CheckBoxes, and Data Repeater features. To learn more, see About Simple Forms and Simple Form Data Repeaters.
Performance Fixes
[DT-032580] Improve Performance of isHttpMethodAllowed method
[DT-032661] Optimizing/Refactoring SaveFolderData call
[DT-032760] LoadImageControlImage calls getting errors for concurrent users
[DT-032116] Case Entity Creation Performance Improvements
Module Fixes
[DT-031299] GIthub - Move USPS Module to Github
Modules USPS Module visible from GitHub in 7.9 instead of packaged with the product
[DT-032754] Incorrect Value for Current User Sessions in System folder
For Azure DB instances, If any users session left idle for more than 2 mins, 'Current User Session' count will be shown as 0
Form Fixes
[DT-029556] Form with "Time Exit" component is stuck in loading state if there is a network disconnect.
Flow resumes after the wifi is connected and the Select Path element from the console refreshes.
[DT-031173] Form Controls > Number/Currency Box - Validation warning are not shown when using incorrect input type
[DT-031847] Form Designer: Container Type - Grid Layout: Multiple Edit Delete Actions are displayed inside Grid Setup for Columns & Rows.
[DT-032131] Outcome Rule - Active Form Flows does not support the generation of new outcomes like the Legacy.
Users in v7 can create new outcomes for active form flows
[DT-032321] Simple Form Control:- Label:- Validation is not shown when selected control as 'Apply to Controls' for any validation rule.
Label color to show validation instead of showing borders. Also will not show label in applying to controls and instead will have the feature of a label being able to select source validation control.
[DT-032408] Exit Form Step (Form Rules, Active Form Flows) Errors When Outcome Path Does Not Exist
Added a property Active Form Flows Outcome Paths
[DT-032502] Simple Form Control: List as ListBox: No Results are shown inside the property grid.
[DT-032544] Inconsistent Advanced Data Grid Behavior
[DT-032580] Improve Performance of isHttpMethodAllowed method
[DT-032627] Multi-Selecting Active Form Flows selects all or none AND the Form they are on
[DT-032661] Optimizing/Refactoring SaveFolderData call
[DT-032760] LoadImageControlImage calls getting errors for concurrent users
Flow Fixes
[DT-030095] Flow Designer: Mapping Type - Select From Flow: All/First/Last Matching: 'Pick/Create Rule' directly opens a rule designer instead of Pick or Create dialog.
[DT-031170] Percentages are not getting captured from a flow within an async flow
[DT-032211] Merge Plain Text Editor's Action Bar Disappears When Opened
[DT-032212] Merge Editor Does Not Save Hyperlink Link Address Changes
[DT-032272] HTML to PDF step throws an error in newer versions if the PDF file name is not specified.
[DT-032368] Password Should Not Be Exposed in Debugger for PowerShell Steps on Remote Execution
Must add IP of VM to TrustedHosts list when configuring the run remote option. : The PowerShell command would be Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts - Value (IP Address here) To verify that command above works you can use this PowerShell command - Get-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts More info can be found: https://www.dtonias.com/add-computers-trustedhosts-list-powershell/
[DT-032384] Unit Tests: Trying to pick or define a UT as input to a flow will throw an object reference not set to an instance of an object error
[DT-032529] Run Flows For List Does Not Work If Set to Async And Wait
[DT-032665] Remove Page Break doesn't work when section break is present in the document
[DT-032762] Passing Null data into a download file component causes a form to break.
[DT-032773] External Web Service Steps not respecting Custom URLs
Rule Fixes
[DT-030148] Rule Debugger - No separator is displayed for list inputs on step evaluation text
[DT-031005] Rule Table Designer: 'Header not found' error displayed if we click on 'Remove Column' action multiple times.
[DT-031195] Rule Designer: Either/Or Group: Unnecessary 0 validation issues action is displaying in the action menu
[DT-031499] Create From Design Pattern: Rule Table Designer: Save Designer dialog is not displaying when adding Phrase item
[DT-031524] False outcome on Rule nulls out original input List
When inputing data and that info does not get changed due to the Rule not triggering the information, Rule returns the unchanged data on the output instead of Null.
[DT-032485] Matrix Rule is exported without Unit Tests
[DT-032666] Rule Designer: Change to Action doesn't work with Select from Flow mapping
Report Fixes
[DT-030590] Issue With Pagination on Calendar view on a Report
[DT-031471] Reports - Filter doesn't work for date column when "Other" format is used
[DT-031957] RunFlowInlineFields pass incorrect data into the Flow when executed for Drill-Down Reports
[DT-032259] Report Type does not generate properly
[DT-032296] CSV/Excel sourced report throws an error for date-time field filter
[DT-032509] Missing Hierarchical and Text List View in Mail Attachment when sending an email of Report
[DT-032724] Report -> ReportUserStorage optimization
Optimized operation when report tries to fetch and delete records from the report_user_storage table and avoids the operation on database. Only updates if the user makes changes from the report.
Page Fixes
[DT-031404] Page Component Not Respecting Set Dashboard Parameters
The setDashboardParameter step cannot refresh all page components. A property has been added called Update on Selection Bus Change for chart components.
[DT-032444] Diagram Tile Shapes Cannot Be Configured Properly In 7
[DT-032595] Child reports in Tab Containers do not update their values when rows are changed between tabs
Data Structure Fixes
[DT-032426] Cannot map a constant to a field with valid values defined
Other Fixes
[DT-030630] View Integration Details on Folder: Incorrect message is displayed on the page, it mentions 'Form' instead of 'Folder'.
[DT-031765] V7- Though I Change the Login Page Corner Image and Background Color there is no Impact
[DT-032155] Upgrade Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens Library to Latest Version
The Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens library upgraded to
[DT-032178] Uploading BPMN file from ARIS tool throws an exception
[DT-032266] 'License Server revoked license for this machine. Removing licensed status.' log message
Log level changed from Error to Info
[DT-032286] Unhide 'Groups Can See Connection String' property in Designer Studio Settings
[DT-032367] Changing Value Is True Breaks Import Wizard
[DT-032416] Timezone Translation - True : When using Date Range Filter on Report, records are not displayed for the last day of the selected date range
[DT-032679] Folder Tree:- Getting error when clicking on System > Administration > Encryption folder.
[DT-032819] v7.8 Unable to Upload CSS/PNG File with Postgress Database
[DT-032847] External Web Services with HTTP Endpoints don't work when using them over HTTPS
Supported Modules
- ActiveMQ
- AmazonWebServices
- AzureServices
- Equifax
- Exchange (2019+ versions)
- Experian
- Foreign Exchange
- HL7
- HubSpot
- iCal
- Kafka
- Office365
- Okta
- Powershell (via remote connection)
- QRCodes
- R
- Sharepoint ("online" version)
- Salesforce
- Sharepoint
- Slack
- Telephony
Unsupported Modules
- MSCRM2011
- SymantecSMP