Upgrading a v6 Multi-Tenancy to v8
  • 01 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Upgrading a v6 Multi-Tenancy to v8

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Article summary

  • Refer to the article Upgrading Decisions (v6 to v8) for all the important considerations before upgrading the v6 to v8 Multi-Tenancy environment.
  • Ensure that the upgrade of the Multi-Tenant environment from v6 to v8 is carried out only on IIS.

This document demonstrates how to upgrade a v6 Multi-Tenant environment to a v8 Multi-Tenant environment.

Pre Installation Backups

  1. Create a new folder in the local System for storing all backup files of all the 6x Instances.
  2. Copy and Paste the following files from the below-mentioned location.
    File Name/TypeControl Instance LocationTenant Instance Location
    Settings.xmlC:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager-N/A-
    Keys.datC:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager\Instances\ControlC:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager\Instances\{TenantName}
    Custom ModuleC:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Services Manager-N/A-
    File StorageC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorageC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{TenantName}
  3. Record the names of the exact values for all Database Names (note: these are case sensitive) associated with the Instances. These database names will be used while installing the Control and Tenant Instance.
  4. Create a full database backup for Control and all the Tenants. Refer to Microsoft's documentation to take a full database backup.

Uninstalling v6 

Refer to the Version 6 Removal article to remove the v6 instance. This will uninstall the Control Instance and all the tenants from the system. 

v8 Installation

The following sections demonstrate how to install v8 for both the Control and Tenant Instances

Control Instance

Ensure that the upgrade of the Multi-Tenant environment from v6 to v8 is carried out only on IIS.
  1. To install the Control Instance, refer to v6 to v8 Upgrade document.
  2. Restore all the backupfiles to the respective location as per the following table.

    File Name/TypeFile Location for v8 Control Instance
    Settings.xmlNo need to replace. It will be newly created at C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server
    Keys.datC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{ControlName}\Settings
    File StorageC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{ControlName}
  3. After restoring all the files, restart the service.
  4. Once the installation is completed, log into the control instance and check for system validations. To remove the system validation from the control instance, refer to the Post Installation Process.
  5. Once the installation completes, compare settings.xml from the v6 instance and v8 instance and ensure the common configuration has the same values. If not, make changes and restart services.

Tenant Instance

Ensure to use the exact same Database Connection Details and Portal Base URL for the tenant instance that was used for the v6 tenants.

  1. To host the tenants on the same machine, refer to Setting Up Same Machine Multi-Tenancy With Provisioning.
  2. Hosting the tenants on a different machine,
    • Ensure to restore the database backup on the new server.
    • Tenant Instance must be able to communicate via IP or DNS to Primary Instance.
    • Refer to Adding and Setting up a Tenant Instance.
    • Hosting tenants on the different machines might require a helping hand. Kindly reach out to support@decisions.com for assistance.
  3. Restore all the backup filesto the respective location as per the following table.
    File Name/TypeFile Location for v8 Tenants
    Settings.xmlWill be newly created at C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\Instances\{TenantName}
    Keys.datC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{TenantName}\Settings
    File StorageC:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{TenantName}
  4. After restoring all the files, restart the services.
  5. Once the installation is completed, log in to the control instance and check for system validations. To remove the system validation from the control instance, refer to the Post Installation Process.
  6. Once the installation completes, compare settings.xml from the v6 instance and v8 instance and ensure the common configuration has the same values. If not, make changes and restart services.

Licensing the Instances

If the Licenses were already applied to the 6x versions, license data will be stored in the database. Upon upgrade, the stored license from the database will be automatically picked by all the instances. 

To apply the new license to the Multi-Tenant environment, refer to Licensing Multi-Tenancy.

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