Data Field Settings
  • 24 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data Field Settings

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Article summary


This document describes the configurations available for an individual data field in a data structure. In the Data Definitions or Edit Data Structure window, select a data field to show the configurations available on the right side of the window. For an overview of how to create a data structure in Decisions, please visit the Creating Entities article.

Data Field Information 

This section contains two of the most common configuration settings. 

Configuration NamePurpose
Is ListConfigures this data field to store a list of items of this type instead of a single item.
Allow Null (No Value)This setting allows this data field to accept a null value.

Display Information

This category allows users to change how the data fields are displayed.  

Configuration NamePurpose
CategoriesCreates a category location for the data field.
Display LabelChanges the data name variable as it appears in the Flow Designer.
Display OrderRearranges the layout of the data fields.


The next category allows for the data fields to have additional configurations on the back-end database when it is stored. 

Configuration Name
Override Database Field Name
Allows SQL Keywords to be used as data field names
Create Database Index
Allows this data field to be used as a Database Index
Contains PII
Encrypts the data in the Database (Cannot be reverted)
Encrypt Data
Encrypts the data in the Database (Can be reverted)
Changes the data fields Flow 'Constant' editor type
Configure Custom Attributes
Allows for custom attributes on the selected data field
Include Field In Description
Data Field name will be included in its description when previewing this field in a Report
Is Lookup List Key Field
The selected data field is the key field for Look up lists generated from this Data Structure
PII and Encrypt Data
For more information on the differences between these two settings, please visit our Report on PII Fields article.

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