Importing and Exporting Projects
  • 14 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Importing and Exporting Projects

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Article summary

Designer Elements can be exported from one environment and imported into another. These elements are exported as Decisions object (.decObj) files within a .zip file. When a project or application moves from one environment to another, management shifts from one Administrator to the other. Due to this shift, account privileges should be monitored so that the appropriate accounts are given Administrator access. There are no timeout/file size limit import errors. 

When importing between different versions, certain features may require further attention to import correctly. Large project sizes, various entity locations, complex Data Structures, or other configurations can also cause errors or affect the entire import/export process.

Importing a Project

The below example includes a downloadable .zip file that contains an exported Designer Folder with various .decObj files.

   Sample Import Export  

  1. From the Designer Studio, right-click any Designer Project and select Import/Export > Import.
  2. Select CHOOSE FILE to designate a file for import or click and drag a file from the file explorer into the Drag file here field. Then, click IMPORT. 
  3. Designate each desired item for import by toggling the checkbox beside each NAME in the Import Summary Report.  Then, click COMPLETE IMPORT.

     If there is an issue with one of the items during import, this report will help resolve these issues before importing.
  4. Click OK. 

Exporting a Project

Exporting History Content
When exporting the History folder, users can select what content will be exported by navigating to System > Settings > Designer Studio Settings and selecting the desired options under the EXPORT HISTORY FOLDER CONTENTS category.
  1. Right-click a Designer Project and navigate to Import/Export > Export
  2. From the Select Project window, enter a Project Name, then click CONTINUE.

    The Select Project window assigns the item to a preexisting Project or allows users to create a new Project to assign the item before export.
  3. From the Export window, select one of the download options and click CONTINUE.

    Download OptionDescription
    Project with DependenciesDownloads the entire Project with all of its Dependencies
    ProjectOnly downloads the Project
    This FolderDownloads just the folder without the rest of its attached Project
    If desired, users can configure their Export further via Advanced Options. These options allow the user to include Hidden Folders, Sub Folders, or History Folders if desired.

  4. In the next window, toggle which object will be exported via the Select Items checkboxes, then click EXPORT.

    Single items can be exported as opposed to the entire project by selecting the Import/Export option from its action menu and then selecting EXPORT.
  5. Click DOWNLOAD to download the Project as a .zip file. Unzipping the file reveals each separate item as a .decObj file. 

For further information on Administration, visit the Decisions Forum.

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