Import/Export Studio Settings
  • 07 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Import/Export Studio Settings

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Article summary

In the event that the Import or Export wizard appears to be running slower than usual upon exporting larger Projects, or that the wizard is exporting too many elements or unwanted elements, users may utilize the Import/Export Settings to adjust which items are included or excluded from Import/Export. 

The Import/Export Settings can be found by navigating to System > Settings in the Studio and selecting Import/Export Settings.

Setting LocationSetting NameDefaultDescription
Import DirectoriesDefault Export DirectoryBlankEnter the file path on the local file system where exported .decobj files will be stored for the instance e.g. "C:\Users\decisionsuser\Desktop".
Make Subdirectory Module In Default Export DirectoryTrueToggles automatic creation of a Sub Folder for each exported Project within the Default Export Directory. 
Export To DirectoriesBlankAllows selection of which modules to add via the ModuleName to the Default Export Directory with its file path in the Server via the ServerDirectory.
Import SettingsInclude Name In Export NameTrueToggles ability to include a defined Name value in the Export Name.
Type Inclusion PolicyTypeAllows selection of which Name to include in the Export Name between Type, ShortType, or None.
ProjectTypes To Ignore When ExportingBlankAllows selection of which data type(s) to ignore when exporting Projects.

Selecting ignored data types allows Administrators to limit what data can be exported and reduce the number of dependencies in a Project for quicker exporting.

For further information on Settings, visit the Decisions Forum.

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