Folder Portal Visibility
  • 17 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Folder Portal Visibility

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Article summary

In addition to setting a Folder's permissions, Administrator accounts can toggle the Folder's Portal Visibility via the User Portal Visibility actions.

Designer Projects cannot be visible from the Portal; these actions are only available to Folders.

By default, Folders are only viewable in the Studio.

A common use case involves granting root Folders with Dashboards the ability for end users to view them via the Portal.

User Portal Visibility Hide/Show

  1. Log in to an account with administrative access. 
  2. In the Studio, navigate to a Folder and right-click to open the Action Menu. 
  3. Navigate to Manage, then select either the [User Portal Visibility]Hide or [User Portal Visibility] Show actions.

User Portal Visibility Reset

In the event that a Folder exhibits undesired behavior, users may utilize the [User Portal Visibility] Reset action. Utilizing this method resets the permissions applied to a Folder back to their default behaviors.

This allows accounts in any associated groups with the applied permissions as well as Administrators to view the Folder from the Portal.

  1. Right-click a Folder that has either had [User Portal Visibility] Hide or [User Portal Visibility] Show applied to it.
  2. Select Manage >[User Portal Visibility] Reset
  3. Right-click the Folder and expand the Manage menu; ensure that both the Hide and Show actions appear as expected.
  4. Navigate to the Folder in the Portal to ensure that expected Portal Visibility is exhibited.

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