Custom Permissions Overview
  • 07 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Custom Permissions Overview

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Article summary


10 default Permissions within Decisions will govern access and action on the Decisions object. A user with Administrator permissions can create Custom Permissions, which can be used when managing account Permissions or to group the default Permissions. The following article will demonstrate how to create a Custom Permission, where to assign it, and how to access Internal Service Steps to maintain it. 


  1. In the Decisions Studio, navigate to System > Settings and select Custom Permissions Setting from the Folder Data section.
  2. In the resulting Edit Custom Permission Setting window, there are several value fields to add a Custom Permission. Then click SAVE when complete.
    In the Custom Permissions [1] value field, CustomPermissionsExample is entered.

  3. Right-click on a Folder in the Folder Tree and navigate to Manage > Manage Permissions.
  4. In the Manage Folder Permissions window, click ADD under ACCOUNTS > Accounts Information.
  5. In the Add Accounts Information window, under PERMISSIONS, the new CustomPermissionsExample is displayed. 
    Please navigate to Setting Folder Permissions for more information on Folder Permissions.

  6. Next, navigate to the Flow Designer to use the Get Account Permissions step to reference the Custom Permissions created based on Folder and Account ID.
  7. In the Flow Designer, navigate to the Toolbox > INTEGRATIONS > INTERNAL SERVICES > FOLDERSERVICE and drag and drop a Get Account Permissions step to the workspace and connect it to the Start step.


  1. In the Configuration Folder of a Data Structure, once a User Action has been created, the Custom Permissions can also be checked to use the User Action within the Flow Designer.

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