- 27 Jul 2022
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Exposing Flow as a Web Service
- Updated on 27 Jul 2022
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This service is discontinued in v6.1+ instances. If wishing to use SOAP calls, please consider this before upgrading.
Decisions flows can be exposed as an external web service. This allows external applications to utilize this flow via a standard SOAP web service call.
Create a new flow.
Click on any blank area of the canvas to edit the properties of the flow.
Check the Create Service check box. A Service Name and Main Method Name will be suggested. However, you can change these values to be whatever you want.
Click the Done path of the Start step and navigate to All Steps [Catalog] > Data > Numbers. Select the Add step and click ADD. Enter values for both fields. Connect the Done step to the End step.
When you save the flow, a web service will be created for your flow. A notification pop up will show you the service URL. The URL for your service will be
http://[PortalURL]/decisions/Primary/API/[Service name specified in the flow]