Emergency Password Reset Tool
  • 04 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Emergency Password Reset Tool

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Article summary


When executed on the host machine, the Emergency Password Reset Tool is a command-line utility used to reset a password; this is particularly useful when an administrator's password needs to be reset or after a malicious intrusion.


Emergency Password Reset Tool is Version Specific
Confirm the version of Decisions requiring the password reset; older Password Resets may not work on newer versions of Decisions.
  1. Visit the Decisions Public Releases website to download the Reset Tool.
  2. Select the corresponding release (ex: 7).
  3. Click INSTALL beneath the desired version number (ex: 7.0.0) - REMEMBER, the Tool is version-specific!
  4. Click Browse Files.
  5. Download the Decisions.PasswordReset.x64.msi file.
    • If the installation is "Self Hosted" the platform will restart the Decisions Server.
    • If the installation is "IIS Hosted" the user will need to run the iisreset command in order for the change to take effect.

  6. Click the download to Install (or navigate to Windows > Downloads location).
  7. If prompted with "Windows protected your PC," click More Info, followed by Run anyway.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Upon review, check I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.
  10. Confirm the appropriate path (default is C:\Program Files\Decisions\), then click Install.

  11. If an older version of the Reset Tool exists, the installer should prompt to Repair or Remove; select Remove, then re-run the installer.  


This example assumes:

  • the platform was installed using the default path, C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server.
  • the Administrator has not been changed from the default, admin@decisions.com.
  • the Reset Tool did not exist previously
Run Command Prompt as an Administrator
This avoids hitting an error when the Windows user does NOT have permissions to the Decisions folder
  1. Open a Command Prompt, or Power Shell, as an Administrator.
  2. Change directories by typing cd C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server.
  3. To launch the Tool, type decisions.passwordreset.exe and press Enter.
    When executed without arguments, the Emergency Password Reset Tool returns example instructions for usage.
  4. Type decisions.passwordreset.exe admin@decisions.com newpassword and press Enter.
    This resets the administrator's password to "newpassword".
  5. Upon a successful password reset, the platform will restart SHM.
    As a sound security practice, notice the prompt to set a new password for the account within the portal on next login.

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