Deactivating a User Account
  • 01 Jun 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Deactivating a User Account

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Article summary


In the event that an Admin wishes to disable an Account but reserve its associated Email for further use, User Accounts may be disabled from the Accounts Folder within the Decisions Studio via the Deactivate action. The following document discusses how to Deactivate and Re-Activate an Account in Decisions.  

Example A: Deactivate Account 

To Deactivate an Account:

  1.  Navigate to System > Security > Accounts.

  2. Right-click on the account to deactivate. Navigate to Manage and click Deactivate [AccountEmail].
  3. Click YES on the dialog window to confirm deactivation.
    A deactivated account will still be visible when using Flow steps to retrieve Account datatype or Account as a data source in Reports.

  4. Verify that the Account has been successfully deactivated by attempting to log in with its credentials. 
    Logging in with a Deactivate Account 
    Upon attempting to login with an Account's deactivated credentials, an Invalid Username or Password notification will display on the Login screen. 

Example B: Activate Account

To reactivate a since deactivated Account:

  1. Navigate to System > Security > Accounts in the Decisions Studio
  2. Right-click the deactivated Account and select Manage > Activate [AccountEmail].
  3. Confirm the activation by selecting YES in the confirmation window. 
  4. Verify that the Account was reactivated by attempting to log in with its credentials. 

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