Check-In Wizard
  • 13 Dec 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Check-In Wizard

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Article summary


Introduced in v9.5, the Check-In Wizard is designed to give Users the flexibility to decide what goes into one commit.

Check-In Wizard

The Check-In Wizard is available when a development server is connected to a repository server. Once that connection is made, each Project will have two icons that appear just under the Project's name. 

The icon with the up arrow will push the Project to the Repository. The down arrow will pull the Project to the development server. Pressing the up arrow icon will bring up the Check-In Wizard.

Left-Hand Side

On the left of the wizard is a text box where Users can enter information about the commit. 

Below that is the name of the Project being committed, the branch of that project, and the Project's current Health Score.

In the bottom left corner is a ring chart detailing the selected changes being made with this commit. Checking, or unchecking, designer elements will alter the number that appears.

These are new additions to the Project.
These are designer elements that have been changed since the last commit.
These are designer elements that are being removed.


The top portion of the wizard contains filters that affect what appears on the list of designer elements that are displayed.

The "Show My Changes Only" will change what is displayed to match what the User has personally created, modified, or removed. Despite being a checkbox icon, it is only a filter, and does not change what has been selected for the commit. There is not a way for a User to select all of their changes in one click. What a User can do is uncheck "Select All," then use "Show My Changes Only" to display their changes, then press "Select All" to only select their changes.

"Select All" is checked by default and selects everything that is new, has been modified, or has been removed. "Select All" is impacted by filters and can be used to select only things that have been filtered.


The middle portion of the screen has all the designer elements that are eligible for check-in with the commit. Elements with a grayed-out check box cannot be unselected. Typically these are Folders that contain elements that are being included in the commit.

Elements with a bright check box can be selected or deselected for inclusion in the commit. The type of change - added, modified, or removed is indicated on the icon next to the name of the designer element. The kind of element is also indicated by the icon next to its name. 

If the element has an associated Unit Test, that will appear in the second column.

The last date and time the element was modified appears in the third column.

The element's last check-in date and time appears in the fourth column.

The fifth column has the status of the element - added, modified, or removed.

The last column is the Health score of the specific element.


At the very bottom of the wizard are two more buttons.

"Force Check-In" will cause elements to be included in the commit even if there are errors.

The COMMIT button will push all of the selected designer elements to the Repository and close the wizard.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionReleaseDeveloper Task
Added the Check-In Wizard9.5November 2024[DT-041550]

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