View Integration Details
  • 21 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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View Integration Details

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Article summary


View Integration Details enables users to seamlessly integrate designer elements of their workflow, such as Flows, Rules, Reports, and other Designer Elements, with external systems or services. This integration allows for the exchange of data between Decisions and other software applications, making it possible to send and retrieve information seamlessly.

The following table represents the three available options under the View Integration Details:

Integration TypeSettings
API ServiceThis Integration type allows users to allow to configure GET or POST calls for Flows, Rules, and Reports.
User InterfaceThis Integration type allows users to configure how UI elements will be configured via URL. Note that this Integration Type is not available for Rules.
WebhookThis Integration type configures the Designer to use this Integration's capabilities. Note that this Integration Type is only available for Flows.

There is no direct API integration for Page/Dashboards, but it can still be integrated through Folder Integration (mentioned below in this article) or by embedding it in an iFrame.

Version 8 Endpoints for SAML, OpenID, and OAuth
  • LoginURL - [base]:[port]/Login 
  • LogoutURL - [base]:[port]/Logout 
  • SAML - [base]:[port]/SAML/AssertionConsumer 
  • TokenHandler - [base]:[port]/HandleTokenResponse
An example of an endpoint would appear in the address bar as -> localhost:81/Logout. 
The port number is ONLY needed if Decisions is installed to a non-standard port, which would be anything other than port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS.

Feature Modification
Introduced in Version--
Modified in Version8.15
Modification DetailsAdded a new setting, "Ignore Null Values in JSON," in the Service Settings.

Configure Integration Type

Designer Elements have Integration disabled by default, and this can be enabled via SERVICE SETTINGS located at:
  • Configure Integration located at the top right corner within the Designer Entities
  • Service Settings located in the Properties Panel of the Designer Entities.

Both the settings are identical and include the following settings to configure.

Integration TypeConfigures what type of Integration will be allowed on this Designer Element
Data FormatAllows to set the type of Data Format to be outputted.
  • All
  • JSON
  • RAW
  • Rawjson
  • RawXml
  • XML

Ignore Null Values in JSON OutputWill eliminate the fields with "null" values in its JSON responses. This is to create a more generic data structure as a response.
Reference TypeAllows users to configure the reference method for the Integration call by either ID, URL, or Path
Override Service URLAllows users to create a custom service URL Endpoint. Services generated using this setting can be found either at http://localhost/decisions/Primary/apidoc for IIS-hosted environments or http://localhost/Primary/apidoc for Self-Hosted environments.
Configure HTTP MethodsAllows users to permit which HTTP Methods can be used for Integration: GET, POST, PUT.

After configuring the Integration Settings, click VIEW to open the Integration Details Page.

For more information on running Flows via Integration, review the Running Flows as a URL to learn more.

Integration Details for Folder Entity

Integration of Page/Dashboards
Users can configure the Integration for the Page/Dashboards by enabling the Select Page option from the View Integration Details for a Folder Entity. Refer to the following section for detailed information.

To view the Integration Details of a Folder Entity:

  1. Right-click on a Folder.
  2. From the Folder Actions, click Manage > Integrations > View Integration Details.
  3. The View Integration Details For Folder Page will open in a new window. The following tables represent the options available to configure a Folder's Integration.

    Setup Description
    Setup    Option to choose the user authentication type.                                                    
    Additional OptionsDescription
    Call Folder ByAllows to call the URL by either the Folder ID or Path.
    Select PageProvides the option to Enable Page Selection; toggling this enables the Pages option.
    PagesAllows the ability to select how the Folder will display its contents. Options include Folder View, List, Tiles, Columns, and Unit Test Results
    Display SettingsDescription
    Display TypeOption to pick Portal Type to display Folder; options include HTML, Mobile, or Tablet.
    ChromeBreadcrumbs setting. Options include:
    • None
    • Off
    • Small
    • TopBarOnly
    • TopBarFolderTreeCollapsed
    • NoTopBarHasFolderTree
    • NoTopBarFolderTreeCollapsed
  4. Select and define the desired settings. After configuring the Integration, copy the URL on the right. Adjusting the settings will alter the URL on the right automatically. This URL can now be used to integrate with the Folder outside of Decisions.

API Call Authentication Types 

The following table represents the API Call Authentication options available to users when creating an Integration in Decisions.

Decisions Recommendation
Use the Named Sessions for the API calls authentication type when applicable. These are more secure than other options.
Authentication Type OptionsDescription
LoginUses the Login credentials of the user for calling this Decisions Element. Upon execution, the user will be brought to a Login Page before proceeding with the Integration.
GuestUses the Guest Account, when enabled before Integration, for the REST call.
Named SessionsUses user-configured Named Sessions that are associated with a Decisions account. This is configured in the System > Security > Named Session Folder.
SessionIDUses the current Login's SessionID for API call authentication.
Specify Session IDAllows a user to specify a SessionId for call authentication. This is set in the SessionId box and stored via the STORE SESSION ID button.
Specify User CredentialsAllows the user to specify Constant user credentials to be used for Integration.

Using Swagger

Swagger docs can be created to help manage a customer's API design in Decisions. Any Decisions environment can generate a Swagger doc. Add /apidoc to the end of the Decisions [baseportalurl] for example: https://baseportalurl/apidoc.

Testing Integration

To test Integration behavior at any time:
  1. Click the TEST tab on the right-hand side of the INTEGRATION DETAILS screen.
  2. Select the desired method (ex: POST, GET), then click RUN
  3. Once the Integration runs, confirm the POST or GET Results to match the specified outputtype (ex: JSON). 

Type Serialization Helper

Navigating to the TEST page and selecting TYPE SERIALIZATION HELPER will display a serialized String for a Decisions Data Type in either XML or JSON format.
To view this serialized String: 
  1. Search for the desired Data Type in the Select Type box.
  2. Under Output Type, select either XML or JSON.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionDateDeveloper Task
Added a new setting, "Ignore Null Values in JSON Output," for the API service.
8.15October 12, 2023

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