Version 8.12.x Release Notes
  • 18 Mar 2024
  • 15 Minutes to read
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Version 8.12.x Release Notes

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Article summary

Breaking Changes

SQL Server Version Upgrade
Decisions v8.12 and above require SQL Server 2016 or newer. For more information, refer to Installation Requirement.

Known Issues with Installation
Known Issue with installation when using Azure SQL Servers Authenticated using Azure Service Principles

[DT-038003] Sequence IDs are Resetting on Upgrade to 8x
If the Flow Prefix contains special characters such as #QAtest or @NewTest, customers upgrading from version 6.14 and above to the latest 8x version will be required to regenerate their sequence number, as the Flow will display a warning. The affected characters include:
[ ] { } @ . / \ " ' + ; : < > ? # ! $ % ^ & * ( ) ~ `

[DT-037231] Encryption Warning in Logs
Changed encryption to use only AES. This will affect RepoSSO; the Repository Server and Decisions Server should both be on the same version.

8.12 New Features (6/7/2023)

[DT-036622] Mobile-Refresh: Mobile Portal Root Component
The UI of the Decisions Mobile Experience has been completely reworked. This component is the skeleton of the refreshed UI for all the other parts of the Mobile Portal frame. Added Mobile category to Portal Settings and added a checkbox for each tab. Inbox and Workflows paths redirect if they are disabled, but folders do not, so folders can still be reachable by URL. Inbox Tab is now the default landing tab and has been moved to the center of the UI. Assignments update as they are changed, without the user having to manually fetch / refresh the assignments list.
[DT-034878] Custom Weighted Levenshtein StepA new step was added that will evaluate the equivalency of two values and provide a percentage that represents a confidence level of how much the two values are alike. The step calculates the distance it would take to change only the first string into the second string, not vice versa.
[DT-036883] Add Permission Steps Are Overwriting Previous PermissionsUsers can now run multiple add permissions steps in a Flow and see all those permissions added to the folder without overriding the existing steps.
[DT-037116] Simple forms don't have Close ButtonsAdded the option to add Close Buttons to Simple Forms. This button functionality works the same way as the X on the top right corner of the Form. This is needed for Form design to make form exit more apparent without making a new outcome path.
[DT-037141] Have Simple Forms in a Flow Run Part Auto-Resize (Vertically)Simple Forms Auto-Resize Vertically when on a Flow Run Part to fit the space allocated to it on a page.
[DT-037443] AssumeRoleAPI for S3 BucketsUsers can now specify temporary credentials to access an S3 bucket. Also, all S3 steps now have a new property: Override Role Credentials, where the user can have different temporary credentials than what is specified in Amazon AWS Settings.
[DT-037650] Add HTTP Methods to Flow Data.Request HeadersAdding 'HttpMethod' to FlowConstantData as a way to identify what method was used to call a Flow via API.
[DT-037653] Add Redis Check And Ability to Specify Connection String Into InstallerA new Page was added on the installer, Redis Configuration. Added ability to set Redis Base URL from the installer for IIS installation. This Page will ONLY appear when upgrading from version 6 or version 7, and clustering was turned on in clustering settings.
[DT-037729] Missing Steps in Salesforce ObjectAn Id was added to the Lead object and created the Event object referencing Salesforce documentation. The following steps have been added: CreateLead, GetLeadById, UpdateLead, SelectiveUpdateLead, DeleteLead, CreateEvent, GetEventById, UpdateEvent, SelectiveUpdateEvent, DeleteEvent
[DT-037794] Right Click Action On Grid To Resize Rows And ColumnsAdded the ability to change the size of columns or rows by using a right-click action.
[DT-037811] Add "Not" To the whole Rule and not a phrase in statement rulesAllow inverting groupings of Rule logic within Statement Rules. Users should be able now to invert the result of phrases and any brackets. This removes the need to update each phrase of the Rule.
[DT-037901] Environment Variable for "Can Be Job Server"Added the ability to run a separate single node deployment as a job server to ensure scheduled jobs are never run on API endpoint nodes.



DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-037491] MT8 SAML logout loop issueDuring SAML logout, the wrong provider was sometimes being used to generate a logout request. We now return a null SAML session data result for null accountID/sessionID.8.x
[DT-037868] RabbitMQ Queues created on one node of a cluster is not recognized when creating handler flow on other nodes until user starts queue on those other nodesAdded a peer even so that a Rabbit MQ is recognized when added/removed from a node in a cluster.8.x


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-037601] AD Module - Error in Create User Advanced StepThe "Create User Advanced" and "Set New Password" Steps no longer throw an error in V8.8.x
[DT-037662] Powershell Module - Error In Logs after Installing and Restarting ServicesDecisions no longer log an error incorrectly when the service is restarted if the Powershell module is installed.8.9.2 and above
[DT-037804] Unable to use IdP query parameter in login URL for SAML or OpenID if dual authentication is turned onSSO handlers were only checking for known responses while dual auth was enabled but ignored requests that were identifiable as specific to that handler. The system now checks those parameters earlier to allow SSO handlers to grab new logins that they are meant to handle.8.x
[DT-037807] iCal Module - Email Appointment Invite sending wrong times when sending to Outlook usersFixed issue when using the iCal's module "Email Appointment Invite" step where it sent the invites four hours behind the intended time.7.x, 8.x


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-036130] Active Form Flows Disconnecting From FormsAdded Stale variable to ensure that the system utilizes the most recent cache when dealing with multiple caches for a specific Form.8.x, 7.x
[DT-037145] Simple Forms don't upload to a File Upload component if it is in all caps and Specify Allowed Extensions is enabledNow users can upload a file with a file extension name that is in all caps, on simple forms, without error.All Previous
[DT-037508] Invalid Form Tile Input Flow causes Page to Disappear CompletelyCalling a new method so the system can identify whether there is any error while running input Flow or not. If an error occurred, then will show the message 'Error loading Form Tile, please check Logs.'8.x
[DT-037546] Merge HTML sometimes causes <> to be displayed in resulting HTMLNon Breaking Spaces are no longer displayed on the rich text output.All Previous
[DT-037675] Sub Dialog Button Throws Error If Used From A Nested Data RepeaterUsers no longer have the ability to use a Data Repeater inside of a Data Repeater.All Previous
[DT-037686] Advanced Data Grid - Unable to add/remove row via data grid add/remove button when control is present within the repeater form.Resolved an issue where users were unable to add/remove rows using the "Add/Remove" data grid buttons when an Advanced Data Grid is inside the Data repeater.All Previous
[DT-037688] Simple Form - Loading indicator is not displayed when submitting the Form.Added loading indicator while Form is in submitting state.All Previous
[DT-037765] Simple Form: Combo Box: Multi Select Behavior: 'Typed In Text' feature does not workFixed the 'Typed In Text' feature for combo box multi-select behavior in a Simple Form.7.x, 8.x
[DT-037805] Expansion Of Diagram Tile In a Resizable Row or ColumnFixed an issue where the charts were not resizing correctly.8.x
[DT-037822] Timer Form Exit's Confirmation Dialog Not ClosingThe Confirmation Dialog now closes and executes the "Close Form" Exit Outcome if the agent does not click a button on the Dialog and the Timer Exit expires.8.x
[DT-037832] Sometimes, an optional text field on the simple Form is still being enforced as RequiredFixed this issue by making sure that an empty string is returned from GetValue() when a null value is present on the "Text Area" Form control.7.x, 8.x
[DT-037839] Unable to download the zip from MultipleFileDownload when sourcing it from MultipleFileUploadArea present inside a sub dialog FlowA file with spaces in the name would not decode correctly and cause errors when downloaded. This has been resolved.8.x
[DT-037842] Assignments - Completed Form: Form Components that are initially hidden and displayed through the use of Visibility Rules do not show up when viewing Completed Forms.Form Components which are initially hidden and displayed through the use of Visibility Rules, are now displayed when viewing Completed Forms.8.x
[DT-037864] JavaScript Control - Dialog takes a long time to render on running the 'Update Javascript Control' action on a Clustered environment Improved performance when Updating Javascript Control in a Clustered Environment.8.x
[DT-037922] Data Repeater displaying zero value in a View Completed Form.A Number box inside a Data Repeater displays the correct values in a "View Completed Form". Download shows correct values as well8.x
[DT-038107] End Form Session - Flow run part does not get reset to its initial phase after the execution of the end form session step, which navigates on the same folder and page.Fixed an issue where the "End Form Session" step would navigate to its parent folder correctly.8.5


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-035135] Rule Collection Step not Updating DataType until the flow is RefreshedThe rule collection filter did not update the input type until the Flow was refreshed after saving and closing. Now it refreshes when changing the Type drop-down as expected.8.1
[DT-037119] Get Number From String step doesn't output negative integersAdded a new Allow Negative Number input, which will allow negative numbers to be outputted if selected true. This will also keep the step operational for existing customers using these steps as the input is defaulted to false.All Previous
[DT-037183] Flow - Rule Collection Filter Step: Saving the step as a template and reusing it causes both the original and copied step to use the same RuleWhen using a step that owns a Form or Rule in a template, it would use the same entity for all steps instead of copying the step and the entities owned by the step. We have now addressed this issue, and you won't make changes to the originally owned entity after using the step in a template.7.x, 8.x
[DT-037312] Steps "Is Flow Complete" and "Wait on Flow End" Do Not Work as IntendedThe "Is Flow Complete" step no longer proceeds down the "Done" Path regardless of the result, and the "Wait on Flow End Step" updates properly, and the Flow proceeds after the step is run.All Previous
[DT-037543] Review and fix deserialization of flow/truth table while fetching entity actions.Resolved issue involving deserializing entities while fetching actions that caused delays in actions. 8.x
[DT-037745] Decimal numbers deserialized incorrectly when open flow/rule on a machine with different cultureFixed an issue where the "culture" setting interfered with decimal numbers' deserialization.8.x
[DT-037837] Page Context Id issue in Flow (V8.9.2.7)Corrected an issue with the Report fetching the parameter from the selection bus, resulting in "Page context ID not found" error messages in logs.8.x
[DT-037882] The Outcome Cache doesn't update Global Cache, or PerUser Cache, for the List of StringsResolved an issue where Items in an array are not considered in cache keys for step executions.All Previous
[DT-037904] Data Flow throws an error if the output is "Date"Fixed an issue that was causing an error when outputting a "Date" type from a Data Flow.v8.9
[DT-037940] Flow: Errors in logs on running a Flow with Approval Form as an assignment running on multiple iterations.Resolved errors when creating multiple assignments with Forms containing FileData in FireAndForgetFlows. The assignments were not created, and we faced SQL Timeouts and other errors.8.x
[DT-037968] Convert CSV to Excel step changes Worksheet name to "CSV"New input will allow users to name their worksheet on the converted Excel file. New input will default to CSV for the worksheet name to stay with the previous implementation. The previous step is made obsolete as the new step will have a new input.All Previous
[DT-038003] Sequence IDs are Resetting on Upgrade to 8xHighlighted at the beginning of Release Notes: If the Flow Prefix contains special characters such as #QAtest or @NewTest, customers upgrading from version 6.14 and above to the latest 8x version will be required to regenerate their sequence number, as the Flow will display a warning. The affected characters include:
[ ] { } @ . / \ " ' + ; : < > ? # ! $ % ^ & * ( ) ~ `


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-033830] Rule Sets/Import: "[Set Control] rule gets duplicated on importDecisions does not check for the Rule during import to prevent duplication of the Rule.8.x, 7.x
[DT-036215] Excess content getting added to the JSON Object data pair when using in rulesWhen getting a string from a JSON object, formatting was added. The property "Indented Output" property has been added to the 'Get Data Pairs For JSON Object Properties' step to get a JSON string without formatting.8.x
[DT-037365] Flow Designer: Run Rule Step: Wrong validation is displayed for missing RuleSwitched from a Hardcoded error message to the Validation Message from the Server when an element registration picker could not find the element specified. This will yield more useful error messages.8.9
[DT-037420] Unable to copy statements in a Statement Rule for the second time.The "Copy/Paste" feature inside the Rule Designer is now fixed.8.x
[DT-037713] Unit test rules for truth tables do not evaluateWhen Unit Tests are evaluated via the "Run All" action in the Debugger, the RuleRunResult is provided, but it is not provided when the Evaluation Rule is executed while the Truth Table is being debugged with a Unit Test.8.x
[DT-037815] Automatically name the Rule result as the name of RuleRunRuleStep's result has been changed to "StatementRuleName_Result" instead of "Result".8.12
[DT-037865] Running a Truth Table which uses the 'Text Equals at Position' verb fails after upgrading from 8.8 to 8.10A new optional boolean parameter has been added to the rules, which by default is false, but in verbs, it is mapped to null by default. This has been made optional boolean nullable to prevent any errors.8.10 and above
[DT-037939] Ability to Flip True/False on Statement RulesAdded the ability to switch the positions of the True/False Outcome Statements in the Statement Rule Designer.8.12


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-037140] Flow Run Part Running Before Initial Report Row SelectionA Flow run part should always populate the data based on the Report row selection, even when the page is first accessed. This process has been optimized to first fetch the call from the selection bus.8.x
[DT-037574] Default View Setting Not Respected On Report Through Advanced Data GridThe Hierarchical view will not be removed from the Report automatically, but a warning will be shown on the grid mode if the Report has a hierarchical view and grid mode is inline edit or multi-select mode.7.x, 8.8 and above
[DT-037596] Reports seem to fully reload just when you resize or rename a column. This wastes tons of time designing a new ReportRemoved the logic to reload the grid from the property changed for the width property.8.12
[DT-037900] Setting The Report ID From A Tile Flow Doesn't Display Correctly On v8 If Default View Is MatrixUpdating the selected view, on report change, for the report viewer and reloading the view when the report id is updated.8.9.2 and above


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[DT-037972] Page Designer: Unable to get back the default size of the designer once changing it from 0,0.Added a check if sizes of width or height are set to 0 by the user, "null" should be applied. In the case of "null" height and width, the system applies the default height and width to the designer.7.x, 8.x
[DT-038062] Diagram Tile doesn't clear up the memoryFixed an issue where running a diagram was putting data into memory incorrectly. This has been resolved, and the memory is cleared correctly.8.x

Data Structures

DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-037817] Cannot move Table RelationshipsAdded new 'Move To' action to TableRelationshipDefinition class as Designers did not have the ability to move Table Relationship entities to a different location in the Studio.All Previous
[DT-038015] Typo in NumberBelowRule error messageTypo addressed in the message when using the "NumberBelowRule" on a data type property.All Previous
[DT-038031] Invalid Data Structures are generated when referencing types generated from Decisions.WebServicesGeneratedCodeBuckets are no longer excluded in loaded assemblies referenced in the compile. Additionally, new compiles, including the "Regenerate all code buckets" action, also succeed.All Previous


DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-037910] API Post Request erroring out If Current User is part of User Groups with chrome=off Default URL ParameterAppending "Default Parameters from the group" only for non-API calls, as it was appending the URL and causing the Post Call to error.8.x
[DT-037915] Redshift ODBC Table Integration Steps - Exists in TableThe "Exists in Table" auto-generated step for Redshift ODBC table integration no longer returns an error when configured correctly.8.x
[DT-037923] The types specified in the WSDL are not being recognizedThe step was unable to produce Inputs after the upgrade. This error has been corrected, but mapping might need to be addressed.8.x

System / Portal Administration

DT TitleDescriptionOccurs In
[DT-031693] Folder action typoCorrected the typo message on Folder Action.All Previous
[DT-035119] Deleting a folder does not delete entities present inside the folderWe are now sorting the entities correctly; we are checking if the "dependent entity" is present in all the entities instead of just checking the entity in the items for the group.7.x, 8.x
[DT-035512] [DT-035495] V8 Getting Started Page Links need to be updatedUpdated Documentation Links in Decisions and added documentation links to the Designers and workflow catalog.8.x
[DT-036586] Typo: Dialog to turn off maintenance mode has typo: "re you sure..."In Maintenance Mode, When clicked on Turn Off Maintenance Mode, a Dialogue shows up. Fixed the Typo on the constant Message in the Flow.8.x
[DT-037010] Theme Editor Not Properly Applying ChangesWe have changed the variable that we were using for the Designer Header Background to the correct variable.8.x, 7.x
[DT-037484] Folder Actions - Add Flow (Form) Page: Irrelevant validation is displayed on Page Name's Textbox.The validation text has been replaced with "Page Name is Required".8.9, 7.16
[DT-037496] Ability to change the date format of the folder activity panelThe date format in the folder activity panel now respects formatting based on user culture.8.x
[DT-037825] System Validation - Licensing: Typo "Licencing" instead of "Licensing" for LR request validation.Corrected the spelling in that spot and other strings as well.8.x
[DT-037858] Set Default Value to schedule job retry not = 0We have changed the value from 0 to 3. When at 0, the scheduled job would keep retrying indefinitely.8.x
[DT-037896] Typo: "Not Sepcified" Instead of "Not Specified" In "Archiving Strategy Settings"Fixed a typo for a method inside the "MoveArchivingStrategy".8.9 and above
[DT-037948] TimeZone Translation Changing DateTime.Hour Value Within FlowsWe have added hours, Minutes & seconds inside DateTimeFormatSubPropertyAll Previous
[DT-037953] Services: ProjectConversionService - GetFlowDefinition/ GetRuleDefinition: Object reference error is displayed on passing invalid flow/rule IDs.The error message displayed when using an invalid Flow or Rule ID has been changed to be more informative of which entity is missing. The error has been changed to: "The [Flow/Rule] with the ID 01GZ40FRGEN2N7QB83JGMBEU7Bdd does not exist so a definition cannot be provided."8.x, 7.x
[DT-037985] Clean MT Artifacts which were used in Hosting Module when upgrading from 6 to 8We are removing all hosting artifacts from the "System/Designer/Catalog/System Defaults/Hosting" folder as it was not used.8.x

Project Deployment

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[DT-037947] While checking out from the repository, the server crashed.Resetting the password of an account while it was "Checking Out" a project from the Repository Server was causing an error, causing the server to crash. This now simply redirects the user to the login screen.8.9

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