Step Outcomes
  • 17 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Step Outcomes

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Article summary


When a Step is selected in a Flow Designer, detailed information is available in the Properties panel. Some settings found here such as Step Information and Outcomes are shared universally for each step. The following document will focus on the Outcomes category. 

The Outcomes section in the Properties panel for a step focuses on the output for a step. The settings found here allow a step to create/rename outcome paths along with listing and caching result data, providing visual clarity on potential outcomes of a step. When these settings are enabled, additional options will appear under the Outputs section in the Properties tab.

Below is a breakdown of each setting found in this section

Add Outcome for Exception
When enabled, creates a new outcome path for the step. The step travels down this output path when an exception occurs.
Show No Data as PathWhen enabled, creates a new outcome path for when no data is outputted from the step
Output Data ChangesWhen enabled, provides information on the state for the data passed through the step
Output Outcome NameWhen enabled, includes the outcome path name as an output
Cache Outcomes
This setting allows information to be stored on the outcome of the step, rather than creating a copy when the step finishes.
Output Step Data as ListWhen enabled, allows all outputs from the step to be condensed into a list of DataPairs

For further information on Flows, visit the Decisions Forum.

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