Mapping Form Data Inputs and Outputs
  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Mapping Form Data Inputs and Outputs

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Article summary

Form data can be used to define mappings on other Form fields, properties of a data structure, inputs of Flow steps, and more. Understanding how Form data moves throughout the back-end Flow will help use extended Form capabilities such as Active Form Flows, Data Flows, or customized validations. 

Creating Form Fields

Input and output fields can be created within a Form. With a Form open in the Form Designer. select Setup Input Data to define and create input fields. 

When the Form is used as a step in a Flow, these input fields will be available to be filled within the step.

Mapping Form Inputs to Controls

  • Show Pick From Data
  • Other Mapping Fields
  • Cover additional settings for the control, such as output-only data(is this covered in a different doc?)
  • Show How input fields can be mapped to active form flows?
  • Cover how to map within a flow.

Mapping to Properties of an Object

This example uses a pre-built data structure called 'BasicContactCard' with string properties that match the prior example: name, email, city, and state. The Create Data step creates an object of the 'BasicContactCard' type named "User Info". 

An object comprises properties with basic data types (String, Int32, Decimal, etc.) for that object. In the Input Mapping window for the Create Data step, the Build Data mapping type is used on User Info to expose the properties of the expected data type. 

For further information on Forms, visit the Decisions Forum.

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