Layouts Overview
  • 18 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Layouts Overview

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Article summary


Layouts arrange a Form's controls in a variety of organizational structures.

Layouts are found in the Toolbox in the Layout folder. Multiple Layouts can be inserted to, for example, denote sections on a Form or placed within another Layout for more interesting and precise formatting. 

The Form's Layout settings are housed in the Form's settings accessible by clicking on the empty, checkered space and then selecting the Properties tab.

Selecting a Layout 

In the Properties panel of the Form, locate the Layout section and expand the dropdown to view the available Layout options. Further options are available in the Layout section of the Toolbox.

Each container positions Form controls differently and are further defined in the following subsections. 

The following table details all Layouts available in the Layout Toolbox Folder:

Layout NameDescriptionExample Image
Grid Layout
Default Layout; organizes controls with cells created by columns and rows
Canvas Layout
*Removed in 8.13+
Provides blank container as a background to place controls on top
Header Container Layout
Provides a container similar to the Canvas Layout with a Header label above
Horizontal/Vertical Stack Layout
Organizes controls by dynamically resizing them, can fit the Layout or feature a scrollbar


Responsive Grid Layout
*Removed in 8.13+
Organizes Layout sections of the Form that dynamically resize
Side Menu Layout
*Removed in 8.13+
Organizes controls in two column: the first, more narrow column contains a list of tabs while the second, larger column are contents dependent on tab selection
Scroll Panel LayoutProvides container with horizontal and vertical scrollbars for when content extends past container's size. Useful for small Forms and/or Forms with extensive text such as a comment thread
Split Panel Layout
Organizes controls with two panels, either horizontally or vertically, that can resized by dragging the Divider
Tab Layout
Organizes controls with clickable tabs that can each host their own Layouts, controls, etc

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