Integrating with Snowflake
  • 27 Jan 2025
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Integrating with Snowflake

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Article summary


Snowflake is a data warehousing service that can support a high amount of workloads simultaneously. By integrating with Snowflake, users can access Snowflake's ability to store and share large amounts of data, and Decisions' library of automated Workflows, Steps, Reports, and more. 



  1. Navigate to Integrations > Databases and click CREATE CONNECTION. 
  2. In the Database Integration dialog, define a Connection Name. From the Database Type dropdown, select ODBC.

  3. Enter the connection string to connect to the Snowflake database. Click PICK OR CREATE ODBC DB TYPE and select Pick Existing
    Case Sensitive
    All values in the connection string are case sensitive. This includes the Snowflake database name, schema, role, etc.


    Reference the ODBC driver by name;


    The account id and datacenter location provided by Snowflake.


    The database name



    Snowflake username and password




    Data usage details
  4. Navigate to ALL > DatabaseDefinitionWizard, select Snowflake, and click PICK.
  5. Click TEST to test the database connection. If the Test Status is Success, click OK to save.
Selecting ODBC Query Connections in the Query Editor
As of the v9.1 release, ODBC Connections, such as Snowflake, are no longer selectable in the Query Editor. Query Integration (Add Query) will continue to be supported. For more information, please visit our Query Editor Documentation.

Communicate with Integrated Table

A Flow can be created to demonstrate how to communicate with the Integrated Database Table using the System generated steps in a Workflow process. The steps for the integrated table can be found under Integration > Database > [Integrated Database Name] > [Integrated Table Name] in the Flow Designer.

Special Query Characters

Snowflake query commands can be viewed here.

?Specify a parameter. ? takes the order of the parameters so a user can re-order parameters accordingly. Each ? is a different parameter. The field must be specified in the INPUT PARAMETERS field. Example screenshots are below.
*The output should include all columns of the specified object, or all columns of all objects if * is not qualified with an object name or alias.
$$$$Unlimited non-negative integer constan.t
' 'Empty string treated as 0.


<^>Start of partition
<$>End of partition
+Quantifier - 1 or more
*Quantifier - 0 or more
?Quantifier - 0 or 1
{n}Quantifier - Exactly n
{n, }Quantifier - n or more
{,m}Quantifier - 0 to m
{n,m}Quantifier - n to m
... ...Operators - Concatenation
{- ... -}Operators - Exclusion
( ... )Operators - Grouping
PERMUTE(..., ...)Operator - Permution
... | ...Operator - Alternative


+Used to make joins into outer joins

Specify a Parameter

This example returns the first three parameters. CALL sp.example(?,?,?)

For further information on Integrations, visit the Decisions Forum.

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