Installation Requirements
  • 30 Jul 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Installation Requirements

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Article summary

Please select from the following articles to review important considerations:

The Application Server specifications outlined in this article are based on these server types:

  • Production Server: a live environment where created processes are leveraged by end-users (customers) 
  • Non-Production Server: non-customer facing environment used for testing and development to assess production readiness
  • Repository Server: non-customer-facing environment used to help maintain version control and migrate projects between servers

Browser Compatibility

Given the dynamic nature of the designs able to be built into the Decisions platform, it is the customer's responsibility to test cross-browser compatibility of applications they make. Issues identified may be submitted to the Decisions support team ( to be addressed in future releases.

Version 9 no longer has the Portal/Studio Designer divide found in prior versions. Chrome and Edge will always be compatible no matter what task needs to be accomplished. Firefox and Safari will be able to view applications that have been created, but will not be able to use the different designers to edit or create new content. For instance, a user that has been sent an assignment with a Form will be able to open it in Safari, but could not create a new Form or edit the Form.

FeatureChromeChromium Edge icon Edgefirefox icon Firefoxsafari icon SafariIE 11 icon Internet Explorer
Designers (Flow, Rule, Reports, etc)
Run Time View (Pages, Reports, etc)

Hardware Specifications

Consult expertise ahead of server deployment. The deploying organizations' Senior Database Administrator (DBA) should be involved in recommending resources.

Advanced specifications consider the following circumstances:

  • Data-heavy environments
  • Organizations with long procurement/change request cycles
Server TypeProcessingMemoryStorage
Production 3.0 GHz 4-Core CPU16 GB RAM100 GB
Non-Production 4-Core CPU8 GB RAM100 GB
Repository4-Core CPU8 GB RAM100 GB
Enterprise 8-Core CPU32 GB AMUse case dependent

Azure Specifications

Server TypeProcessingMemoryStorage
Production D-Series D4s v3 | 3.0 GHz 4-Core vCPU16 GB RAM150 GB
Non-Production D-Series D4s v3 | 4-Core vCPU16 GB RAM150 GB
RepositoryD-Series D4s v3 | 4-Core vCPU16 GB RAM100 GB

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Specifications

Server TypeProcessingMemoryStorage
Production t3.xlarge | 4-Core CPU16 GB RAM100 GB
Non-Production t3.xlarge | 4-Core CPU16 GB RAM50 GB
Repositoryt3.xlarge | 4-Core CPU16 GB RAM50 GB

Minimum Cores and Memory:
For optimal performance of a Decisions server, it is advisable to configure the server with at least 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM

Software Requirements

SSL Certificates
While not required for a successful install, SSL certificates are recommended for enhanced HTTP2 support and product performance. Self-signed certificates are accepted.

.NET Versions for Decisions: Since Decisions is built using .NET, it is mandatory to install the required .NET applications before proceeding with the Decisions installation.

.NET Core SDK: The application also utilizes the .NET Core 6.0 SDK to create Internal and External Web Service References, but it's important to note that this SDK is not necessary for running Decisions.

Database Server and Configuration

Repositories must match the back end of their connected Server
For example, an Application Server wishing to use a Repository must connect to one that also uses SQL. See Installing and Configuring Designer Repository for more information.
Database Server TypeServer Version RequiredAdditional Information
SQLSQL Server 2017 SPI Standard or newerRequired for v9.0 and above.


  • All versions and patches of SQL Server 2019 are compatible with Decisions. This includes both Standard, Enterprise, and Express editions.
  • Standard installation with default collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS).
  • Instances may be named; the Instance Name does not need to remain its default value.
  • SQL Express should ONLY be used for Development Environments, as it has a 10 GB limit.
AzureAll supported

DB level of at least S3 or P1 is recommended to prevent timeouts for Decisions SQL queries, especially during installation.


DB level T3 is recommended for installation.

PostgreSQLPostgreSQL 12/13Compatible with v9.0 and v9.1.
PostgreSQL 14Minimum requirement for v9.2 and above.
PostgreSQL 15Supported in v9.0 and above.
PostgreSQL 16Supported in v9.0 and above.

It is recommended that Microsoft's standard SQL maintenance plan is utilized for database maintenance.

DB Servers installation for Prod vs. Non-Prod environment
  • It is acceptable to install the DB servers and Decisions on the same machine only for development and testing purposes.
  • For the Production environment, it is strongly recommended to install the Decisions and DB servers on separate machines. It is advised to allocate at least 4 cores and 16 GB of RAM for the DB server.

Network Ports and Protocols

Depending on the chosen database server, Decisions uses the following default SQL port numbers to connect to the database server.

Database Server TypeSQL Port

To modify the SQL port number, update the connection string syntax (myPortNumber) as follows:
Server=myServerName,myPortNumber;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

When installing locally, Decisions attempts to occupy the following default ports for users to host its service.
These port numbers may be configured during and after installation.

80Assigned for HTTP connections
443Assigned for HTTPS connections

It is recommended to run Decisions via HTTPS for added security. Refer to the Securing a Decisions Installation for additional security methods.

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