Date Range Filter on Pages
  • 06 Aug 2024
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Date Range Filter on Pages

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Article summary


The Date Range Filter is a feature that allows custom Date ranges to be applied in real-time by the viewer of a Report in Decisions. A user applies this filter from a Report Viewer Page Component at runtime, allowing them to change the data displayed via Date. The following document demonstrates applying and utilizing a Date Range Filter on Pages in Decisions. 


  1. CREATE a Page that contains a Report Viewer Control.
  2. From the Properties of the Report Viewer, select PICK OR CREATE DEFAULT REPORT, then CREATE a new Report.
  3. From the Report Designer, design a Report that utilizes the Account Data Source.
  4. Under Data Fields, Add Email Address and Created On Date. Then, under Filters, Add a Date Range Filter
  5. In the Properties of the Date Range Filter, change THIS YEAR to CUSTOM under SETTINGS > Date Range. Then, click APPLY. 
  6. Under SETTINGS > Date Field, select Create on Date from the drop-down; Save and close the Report Designer and the Page Designer.
  7. From the Decisions Studio, Add the Page to a Designer Project.
  8. Navigate to the added Page via the tabs at the top of the Page. Then, via the CUSTOM DATE RANGE drop-down, set a Date Range by establishing a From and To Date, and click APPLY.
  9. Verify that the Report is displaying entries within the defined Date Range

For further information on Pages, visit the Decisions Forum.

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