Creating a Dropdown List
  • 26 Dec 2024
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Creating a Dropdown List

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Article summary


A Dropdown List control displays a created dropdown list upon clicking its dropdown arrow.


To configure a Drop-down List, navigate to Properties > Input Data to view its settings.

TypeSelects data type of the dropdown list.
Display FieldAppears if an Entity data type is chosen for the Type (ex: FileData, Accounts, Documents, etc).
Selects which variable within the Entity data type to represent item(s) within the dropdown list. For example, a FileData dropdown may display each item in the list by its FileName.
List Input SourceDefines origin of list items.

DataNameGathers list items via DataName allowing for dynamic population.

FlowGathers list items by grabbing outputs from a Flow ran inside the Form.

StaticGathers list items by entering user-specified data.
The Static Default Item(s) setting enables if, or if there is not, a default chosen item in the list.
Translate Items allows for the list items to be translated based on the Portal settings.
Disable Typing (v9.6+)This prevents Users from being able to type values into the Dropdown List.

Creating a Static Dropdown List

  1. Open a Form in the Form Designer. Drag and drop the Drop Down List into the Form.
  2. In the Input Data section under the List Input Source select the desired source. 
  3. Choose Static and add List Items: Item1, Item2, Item3.
  4. Select Preview in the top action bar to view the List.

Feature Changes

DescriptionVersionRelease DateDeveloper Task
Added the Disable Typing feature.9.6January 2024[DT-042659]

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