Form Settings in the Flow Designer
  • 11 Oct 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Form Settings in the Flow Designer

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Article summary


A Designer may configure a Form within the Flow Designer by selecting it's Show Form step and viewing its Properties tab

Settings such as Assignment, Form Setup, Inputs, etc may profoundly change the Form, its function in a process, and thus its relation to data throughout the Flow. 

These options are found exclusively through this menu. 

The following article details the highlighted settings sections found when viewing a Form step's Properties in the Flow Designer.

For the setting sections not covered in this article, please refer to their respective articles listed below:

Top Menu

At the top of the settings above the drop-down lists, there are the following settings:

Setting NameSetting Description
Edit Input Mapping (# of Inputs Recognized)Opens the interactive Input Mapper window which provides a visual guide for mapping data to the Form through use of lines connecting the Flow's data into a valid component within the Form. In complex Flows with dynamic Form values, use of this Input Mapper is strongly recommended.
Edit Output Mapping (# of Outputs Recognized)Opens the interactive Output Mapper window which provides a visual guide for mapping data out of the Form through use of lines connecting the Form's output to a recipient within the Flow.
View Flow DataSimilar to the Data Explorer tab on the left of the Flow Designer, this displays available and existing data in the Flow that can be mapped, manipulated, and potentially stored.

In addition, a search bar underneath these settings may help a Designer search for a specific setting.


Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Description
Assignment TypeIn SessionAllows selection of Form assignment if present at all

In Session--Assigned to the initiating user of the Flow i.e. it is not assigned to a specific account thus each submission is session-specific

Assigned--Assigned to the specified account(s)/group(s)

Assign ToBlankPrompts for which accounts/groups to be assigned the Form

Assignment Name
(also appears under Assigned to Guest selection)
BlankPrompts for naming the Assignment

Assignment Action NameBlankPrompts for naming the Action to open the Assignment shown when right-clicking on the Assignment in the Folder View

Assignment Reference IDNullPrompts of a reference ID for the Assignment; null by default

Assigned To Guest--Assigns the Form to a guest instance

Assigned To Named Session--Assigns the Form to a named session

Named SessionBlankPicks the named session for the Assignment

Inputs and Outputs

These sections are automatically populated with Form controls expecting data such as Textboxes, Toggle Buttons, Number Spinners, etc. 

For Inputs, each control accepts its specific data types. Designers may dynamically map these values via Select From Flow mapping type. Setting Inputs to Ignore allow the initiating user to enter data for dynamic reference of that data for the rest of the Flow.

Outputs populate with the specified Data Name for each control. From here, the Designer may rename these Data Values for better organizational practices. Output names should always be renamed to reflect more process-specific information especially when the Form's data will be manipulated in the Flow.

Note When Utilizing Form Title Source Settings Outside of Decisions
When specifying a Form Title using any of the Form Title Source Settings, the title will display in the portal (for example, during Debugging) but may not appear when deployed outside of the Decisions environment (for example, when clicking a link).

Form Setup

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Description
Show Form In (When Assigned)Side PanelAllows selection of presentation of Form once it pops up

Dialog--Opens the Form in a smaller dialog box shown at the center of the screen.

Side Panel--Opens the Form in a side panel similar to when clicking on Element in the Folder View

In New Window--Opens the Form in a new window on the initiating user's browser
Runtime Selected EnabledFalseToggles running the Form at runtime instead of design time
Edit Form--Opens the Form in the Form Designer
Pick or Create Mobile Form--Picks or creates a Form that displays on mobile devices
Pick or Create Tablet Form--Picks or creates a Form that displays on tablet devices
Do Not Allow ResizeFalseToggles prevention of Form resizing
Form Title SourceUse Form TileAllows source selection of the Form's title's formatting

Use Form Title--Uses the default Form Title, specified under Step Information

Specify Title--Populates field to specify desired Form title

Form TitleBlankAllows text entry of the specified title

Title From Flow--Creates Form Title setting in Properties available for input mapping.

Use Flow Step Name--Names the title after the specified Step Name
Background Color--Allows selection of background color for the Form's canvas

Only If Background Color is not set in Form HostTrueToggles if selection of background color only if not already specified in the Form Designer

Own Background ColorBlankAllows color selection of the background color
Sizing > Own Window--Configures size when Form appears in its own window

Use Preceding Form SizeFalseToggles resizing a Form to the match the previous Form's size

Size TypeDesigned SizeAllows selection of Form resizing type configurations

Designed Size--Sets the Form's dimensions to conform to the dimensions specified in the Form Designer

Maximized--Sets the Form's dimensions to fill its containing browser window

Specify Size--Sets the Form's dimensions to conform to the specified pixel dimensions.
Fields for pixel Width and pixel Height appear beneath the Size Type drop down list once selected.
Sizing > Sub Dialog--Configures size when Form appears as a sub dialog box

Use Preceding Form SizeFalseWhen enabled, resizes Form to the match the previous Form

Size TypeDesigned SizeSelection resizing type configuration

Designed Size--Make the Form's dimensions conform to the width and height specified in the Form Designer

Maximized--Make the Form fill the window that contains it

Specify Size--Make the Form conform to specific pixel dimensions. Fields for pixel Width and pixel Height will appear beneath the Size Type drop down list.

Sub Dialog PositionCenterDesignates location of the Form sub dialog box

Center--Orients Form to center of the screen

Last Form's Position--Orients Form's location to match the previous Form

Sub Dialog Use Hide Title Bar From HostTrueEnabled by default; hides the Hide Title Bar option from the host account

Hide Title BarFalseWhen enabled, hides the title bar on the Form. This checkbox will not hide the title bar when using the debugger.


Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Description
Email Notifications > Notification PolicyDefaultAllows selection of the notification policy of the Assignment 

Default--Sets notification to the Designer specified default

None--No notification policy is set

Custom--Sets a custom notification policy with options for subject and body entry

Clean up HTMLFalseToggles removal unnecessary HTML in the notification email

SubjectDecisions: Respond To TaskPrompts for creation of a custom subject in the email

BodyBlankPrompts for creation of a custom body in the email
Email Response Handling > Email TemplateBlankAllows selection of a template for the email notification

Default Template--Sets email to the default template

Empty Template--Sets email to an empty template for quicker editing

Auto Resume

Setting NameDefault ValueSetting Description
Make Auto ResumeFalseToggles if the Assignment automatically saves and resumes data

Save DataImmediatelyAllows selection of when data is automatically saved on the Assignment

Immediately--Saves data automatically after a certain timespan

OnAssignment--Saves data on Assignment's completion

Make Auto Resume DelayBlankPrompts for how long the Assignment delays its auto resume

Auto Resume ExpiresFalseToggles if the Assignment will automatically expire after a certain timespan

Expire TypeFollowOutcomePathAllow selection which event triggers after expiration of the Assignment

EndFlow--Ends the Flow upon Assignment expiration.

FollowOutcomePath--Runs the Auto Resume Timeout outcome path upon Assignment expiration.

Expire Auto Resume DelayBlankPrompts timespan when assignment will automatically expire if not completed earlier

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