Implement Forms
  • 03 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Implement Forms

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Article summary

Forms can be implemented to add functionality to end users dynamically with Active Form Flows. They can also be used as Assignments, Simple Forms, or through HTML and/or service call integrations through External Forms.


Assignment Tasks are a type of Form that puts a Flow in a paused state until action is taken by a user or external system. 

Simple Forms

Simple Forms offer a method to quickly create the basic functions of a Form with the most commonly used Form controls in a sleek, modern design. 

External Forms

Forms can also be called using  HTML methods or service calls to provide interaction with end users.

Active Form Flows

Active Form Flows provide advanced functionality to Forms dynamically based on user interaction such as visibility of controls or validation

For further information on Forms, visit the Decisions Forum.

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